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SW skills that doesn't work.

windquakewindquake Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 134 Arc User
made by sw 16.8k power 12600crit 6200armor penetration 107% crit seeverity + perfect vorpal with all boons on single target dragon in stronghold
gwf in my guild 17,3k power 11300crit 6500 armor penet 110% crit severity and only 37% crit sev vorpal.
For moderator: I would like you to stop closing every topic that isn't to your liking. If you can't deal with truth then it isn't my problem. But how can you close a topic with only " try it with more detail" WTF?! How much detail would you need. You got all of my and gwf stats, you got info what were we attacking, how long was the fight and all dmg (mag,min, avg, no. of hits) - that are point of this topic. If all those details aren't into your liking then it isn't my problem. This is free discussion and I am not breaking any rules. And after all the money I sent to this company I would like to see some care about your customers... You didn't even fix 7 bugs I pointed out in other topic and they are all half year old bugs! maybe even longer!


  • lyaiselyaise Member Posts: 491 Arc User
    windquake said:

    made by sw 16.8k power 12600crit 6200armor penetration 107% crit seeverity + perfect vorpal with all boons on single target dragon in stronghold
    gwf in my guild 17,3k power 11300crit 6500 armor penet 110% crit severity and only 37% crit sev vorpal.
    For moderator: I would like you to stop closing every topic that isn't to your liking. If you can't deal with truth then it isn't my problem. But how can you close a topic with only " try it with more detail" WTF?! How much detail would you need. You got all of my and gwf stats, you got info what were we attacking, how long was the fight and all dmg (mag,min, avg, no. of hits) - that are point of this topic. If all those details aren't into your liking then it isn't my problem. This is free discussion and I am not breaking any rules. And after all the money I sent to this company I would like to see some care about your customers... You didn't even fix 7 bugs I pointed out in other topic and they are all half year old bugs! maybe even longer!

    If you haven't figured by now, these 'need more detail' requests are purely a knock back delay tactic. They simply haven't got the resources to fix the ever increasing list of needed actions - so it's go away and come back later.

    You could give them 20 pages of information, inside leg measurements, the whole lot, and it wouldn't speed up any fixes.
    Cryptic, if you are reading this, prove me wrong. Go on, give timescales for fixes. Try starting with the 'we are still looking at the Tempation SW, it's on our list of actions'.....yeah right.
    ...............vote for your favourite expansion..........
    "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
    ..............not this one then.............
  • litaaerslitaaers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 871 Arc User

    What's the issue? What doesn't work? Start with that.
  • windquakewindquake Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 134 Arc User
    litaaers said:


    What's the issue? What doesn't work? Start with that.

    Read every red text in screenshot and you will know, but I will point it here once again even though it is in another topic. I wont talk about unbalance of classes such as my gwf 63 with 5k power and no enchantment does more dmg then my 16k power sw but anyway.
    1)Soul puppet doesn't crit... even with 59% crit chance it simply isn't designed to crit. Kinda weird when other companions/poison debuffs from active can crit...
    2)Aura of courage isn't procing on any of our encounter (maybe on some yes but not on our main dps ones) so it only proc on at-will,YET it does proc on CW encounters or aoe, even on HR ones. Simply put, buff that is 1/4 or 1/5 dmg of other classes is barely 1/20 boost for SW (this was made by nerf for such effects to not proc on fast attacking skills- but looks like it only effected SW to the point of zero dmg from this buff)

    3)Lostmauth set bonus is same as aura of courage, it won't proc on almost anything else expect at-will, but once again it does proc on aoe from CW and thorns on HR which will reserve 1st-3rd spot of their dmg. On screenshot you can see how much dmg it did for GWF thanks to his selfbuffs. I am not crying here for nerfing it on other classes, all I want is it to proc on our encounters as other classes can do.

    4)All consuming curse(class feature) that put lesser curese on target when we crit has two problems. First is that you need to crit for it to proc curse, and then you MUST NOT crit for another one second for it to deal a dmg. If you crit 3 times in row you will simply reapply, reapply, reapply dot and it wont be doing any dmg because there is 1 sec delay before it start doing dmg + it doesn't stack so if you crit twice in row you basically waste your 1st lesser curse. Second problem is srsly low dmg, 120base dmg/sec for 4 sec? CW spell storm is 1/3 of his dmg and it is also class feature yet we got one that barely do 5k dmg with (50% dmg increase from 4th spot, 30% dmg increase from warlock curse, 5% dmg increase from feat, 9% dmg increase from spark feat, 5% dmg increase from offhand art.power, + all other group buffs aka DC,pala,etc..) and that is with over 20k power in fight. OH man all those dmg buffs and it does 1/5 of max dmg that my gwf friend had from aura of courage, even my dmg from that aura was higher then my own class feature with all those buffs.
    5)Feat Creeping Death- after the nerf from 100% to 60% dmg I was like "okay.." but w/e but that is not the problem. Problem is that you will lose dmg not only from your own "unskill" but also from server delay, and server lags. Even the animation takes like one second in which you wont be able to reapply the warlock curse- means you won't be stacking the 60% dmg /8sec. After several testings on tyranical threat "warlock curse that doesn't need to be recasted after using a skill" I recounted every of my at-will and encounters that are necrotic and my avg numbers of this feat are this (40-55%) so not 60% as it says but LESS! All caused because of FPS lags, internet lags, server delay. Not even talking about how it isn't effected by every necrotic dmg in game so if I count even those (like boon or soulpuppet dmg) then it would be 30-40% barely.
    6)Something that is not written on screenshot-our other class feature (dust to dust) that should return us AP based on sparks we have left after combat ends- wont give us any AP if we are under effect of tyranical threat daily. Well that is nice play. If I use it and we kill all MoBs 1 sec before this daily ends then I will get "zero" profit from this class feature..
    7) Encounter Soul Scorch- give zero AP, since skill release... very long bug.
    8) Immortal spirits "Attacking your foe for 15 seconds" is what daily says....well okay expect the fact that they take around 4 sec to summon and then won't start attacking if you won't hit target (and sometimes thanks to server delay they like to "watch" your foe for several more second) avg time of my 10 tests is that they attack only for about 8-11 sec.
    9) There is more but I am just CBA to write it when it won't change anything.
  • pricetagcloudpricetagcloud Member Posts: 130 Arc User
    Preach it to the choir! SW is bugged to hell and has been since mod 6. Still playing this toon bc it's cool looking, but not working on anything because it's useless at anything besides being a glorified companion.
    SW: Callisto Shedevil. Soul Binder Temptation 16.1k GS
    GUILD: ~Myrmidons~

    Would Love to party up with people for pretty much anything!
  • windquakewindquake Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 134 Arc User

    Preach it to the choir! SW is bugged to hell and has been since mod 6. Still playing this toon bc it's cool looking, but not working on anything because it's useless at anything besides being a glorified companion.

    I don't care if it is bugged since release or not. They are game programmers there shouldn't be any problem for them to fix buggs. And if there is... then there should be BIG warning at recharge option, no at every part of the game even loading screen, that would say "Game has several buggs that may cause you want to throw a table, yet we can't fix them so deal with it."
    No now seriously. I don't see any problem of fixing bugs like AP gain from soul scorch, it must be simple value script that has wrong number. Same goes with fixing a low dmg on all consuming curse feat. Fixing immortal spirit would be also easy ( when they take more time to get summoned then just increase duration.. ). Aura of courage and lostmauth was fine before they "so called nerf" (which only worked for SW) and what can they nerf, can be boosted back.. I get that fixing soul puppet so it can crit may be worse to fix, yet if companions can crit they can just redesign it a little bit, a since they got a fully working ( or they had in past) companion system then it also shouldn't be such a big problem.
  • vida44vida44 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 667 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    windquake said:

    3)Lostmauth set bonus is same as aura of courage, it won't proc on almost anything else expect at-will, but once again it does proc on aoe from CW and thorns on HR which will reserve 1st-3rd spot of their dmg. On screenshot you can see how much dmg it did for GWF thanks to his selfbuffs. I am not crying here for nerfing it on other classes, all I want is it to proc on our encounters as other classes can do.

    I would like to point out also that for a GWF Lostmauth set also kicks in on Daring Shout. For some reason that Encounter (which does Zero damage) also Crits and we do damage with Lostmauth set. Tried several times on a target dummy.
  • windquakewindquake Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 134 Arc User
    Any progress of fixing soul puppet crit chance? hm? hmhmhm ?
  • windquakewindquake Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 134 Arc User
    Feels so lonely to being ignored by every moderator/develpoers/admins on forum. All I can expect is auto-smg of "Thanks for your ZEN order" or deleting post as "unwanted".
    SIGH why always when there is a bug that help players to be "stronger" they fix it asap,yet when there is something that barely work of 1/2 as it should, they just ignore it...
  • ftrydaftryda Member Posts: 187 Arc User

    I'm with you on this. I shouldn't of had to resort to extreme pay to win and get my Warlock to 3700il to still struggle to keep up with sub 3k GWF who strikes in an instant while I'm still spinning around, flailing my arms, or shaking my fists in the air trying to cast a curse, which btw if you hold button down too long or too short then our biggest curse TT won't even cast, thus increasing the already ridiculous cast time.
    4000 iL Scourge Warlock
    Well Endowed (Xbox)
  • windquakewindquake Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited December 2015
    New bug:
    If you have AP cleric in group and build your AP faster then your Immortal spirits vanish (thanks to extra 5 sec from feat) and then you won't look around like ***.-*** if your spirits aren't still up- then you will use your daily for next group and BUMP- all your AP gone with no effect and your Immortal spirits are going to say you "good bye" in two second.
    That's make us second daily that may cause us to lose AP (1st is dust to dust not working under effect of tyranical threat- also with all encounters and at-will not gicing any AP gain under effect of tyranical threat).
    Sometimes I feel like I need to do so many things on SW like watching over my soul puppet if he isn't bugged behind the every boss doors-oh wait he is gonna need to run those 100 yards every time we start boss fight.
    OR watching if my Immortal spirits daily isn't still up so I don't use next one just to lose all my AP points
    OR stopping doing DMG on last MOB that is alive just to wait for tyranical threat daily to end so I won't lose all my AP from my class feature
    OR watching my soul puppet if my any miracle she doesn't crit with my 61% crit chance..did I forgot to say "spam TAB button every sec to actually do any dmg?"
    :smile: maybe it would be better to run another class like gwf and just hold right mouse button to top dmg.
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