So, many changes; but also a few new issues crept in. Maybe some of these are working as designed? I'll post and find out.
1) Parting Blasphemy is now dealing damage to ME instead of the target? That's a depressing waste of feat points:

2) Lostmouth set when paired with Tyrannical Threat procs for 0 damage?
Most useless feat , deals no damage...and now seems to be a selfdestructive feature?
Fits to the current state of the class.
What about giving Warlocks bargain the ability to heal your opponent?
Tabatha@rotters // Scourge Warlock // Co Leader // Civil Anarchy
We are looking for non elitist guilds to join our alliance.
run ACC and my crit is high enough, the damage was poor
Must have? Why
I don't think it'd be correct to say we can ignore the small bugs just because there are bigger issues. This was working before Underdark launched; now it's broken. Highest priority? No. Worth mentioning and tracking? Yes.
We definately need the ability to curse team mates to proc creeping death to them
atm it is non-existent for me ( like lots of other stuff from warlock )
Do we have any response about tt? I mean its out most important factor for our dps.
Tried to raise a ticket or report the bug and I all I got was system notify try again later
I posted on it a while back and got crickets. opened a ticket and it just disappeared. now I hope they never fix it. I am going to see if it works with yeti companion's active next as I just got one.
first time I can find anything good in that feat, that doesn´t deal any damage and is bugged on top
seems to work with dread theft
probably you can combine it with few points in vengefull curse from temptation? so getting hurt the attacker get´s cursed and you consume them building even more stacks
so you have more variety to build stacks even without slotting ACC
several other boons have things that specify the attacker so i stay away from those as I don't want to hurt myself further.
[Combat (Self)] You dodged your Feytouched Weapon.
That was the log, letter for letter.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
I will immidiately spend a retrainig token for that power
On PTR i can get up to 4 stacks from Negation by having 1 point in parting blasphemy by using Dradtheft without ACC can´t say what DT is consuming.... because no LC procs from vengefull curse
using ACC I get more stacks --> LC procs and will get consumed by DT
Since no lesser curse will be triggered by Vengefull curse from getting hit by PB, it only will get into account by doing PVP, getting dotted f.e. etc
effect is
1. you gain stacks from negation even without ACC by using dreadtheft and that´s a big issue since warlocks get bursted when fight is starting in no time heading to node
2. you will get a benefit from eldrichs momentum definitely --> being hit you get 5% stamina, slotting ACC you proc lots of LC with DT, comsuming them procs PB and so your stamina bar is refilled about two times faster
3. vengefull curse can do good on top in PVP since it triggers LC by getting hurt and so PB will proc more often, like a synergyeffect-->more curseconsum, more negation, more movement for templock and more sparks from curse also
it will not do as good as ACC but sometimes its benefitail to slot shadowwalk
4. can´t say if you also get "Helltouched"
This one point , let´s call him Masochistic-point, can do good at least in PVP, and I will go on live server and spend another retraining token...:(