I like the new unicorn mount but why is it $40 USD and not even 140% speed
why is there bound acount , bound to charicter, and unbound enchants rune stones refinement items all together
i dont get why it takes a month to get burning pvp gear, or to months to get your boons on one charicter i like veriety
and 50$ for 3.5 mill xp booster need i say more look i get it the devs need to make money but these ant micro transactions
ive lost not 1 but 2 guildsbecause of the grinds in this game and i love this game i love it strate up ive spent more time and money
on this game then my last 6 5 triple A titles but ever since mod 6 dropped on us i had to grind agin ad was tuff to make had to spend
more money lost my guild budys twice i feel punished not rewarded for playing they have an amaizing game great mechanics
combat lvling from 1 to 60 is great 60 to 70 takes 5 days 6 to 8 hour play times not happy about that but owell the only thing im asking
is why did u make mod 6 so full of Tedeus unneed things diffrent bounds pvp.grind XP grind boon grind if any of these are
changed i feel the player base will grow i dont want this game to go under i need this game to grow but more and more peaple are leaving
all i have to say leav a comment on your take on it if this discution is still hear
ps i dont hate this game in any way the only thing i hate is seeing peaple leav it
it is by far the best mmo ive ever played even better than guild wars '''my opinion'''
Alts :
Storm (SW70), Edge (TR70), AD Farm (CW70), Grunt (GF70), Rosa (DC70), AD AD AD (GWF70), Your Mum (OP70)
Member of Q-Snipe
I've pretty much maxed out my character, and I miss the grinding for goals. Now it's more group focused, working in Stronghold upgrades and Gear.
So, yeah, like WD40 says, the game isn't for people who don't like the grind
-and thats still ALOT...