I have found out I am on page 15. I have about 328 kills 282 deaths, and 500 something assists. Should I feel good that I'm that high or should it just be something that I should't bother with?
Nope you shouldn't feel anything you'll jump back down after one more match if you win or not. You could go from page 1million to page 3 in one match by losing going 0kills and 20deaths.
Sorry dude. It's true the leaderboard is pretty messed up. lol Im at like 1100+ kills with like 400 deaths and I jump around rank to rank all the time if I win or not it'll decrease or increase randomly. Still proud of my kills for a PvE GWF.
I have found out I am on page 15. I have about 328 kills 282 deaths, and 500 something assists. Should I feel good that I'm that high or should it just be something that I should't bother with?
The system is worthless and it will certainly factor in your opponent's rankings giving you a penalty, despite leading with the highest score and a win. I've gone from page 1 to dominator rank after a win with the leading score. Last night I went from Invincible Overlord to Tyrant in a match where I went 19-0, led the lobby, and won the match. So if you're relying on the standings to evaluate you're progress then you're in for a world of disappointment.
Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP) Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE) <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font> I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
Nope cuz I totes saw a person on page 7 or 8 who only played 1 match ever and lost it and got like 5 assists 1 kill and 1 death and they were like page 7ish.... No I'd say its not impressive by the fact the pvp standing clearly is messed up, and the was for the lvl 70's bracket haaaaaaa lol
If you can't beat 'em, arrange to have them beaten.
The leaderboards ONLY work if you play as a Pre-made and your team is the only people you ever play with. As it stands whenever you win your teams rank collectively improves BUT you also switch pages seemingly at random with anyone whose in the game. This means if you keep winning with the same team you will all eventually get to page one but while getting there you could find yourself jumping from page 11, to page 233, to page 8, to page 350 and so on.
I personally pug 90% of the time so even though I win twice as often as I lose and even though my kills and assists are over 10 times my deaths I am currently on page 300+.
So unless your running with a 5 man and are winning almost every game then your "high rank" was simply "earnt" by swapping with someone who was in your last game at around that rank.
Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
<font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
As it stands whenever you win your teams rank collectively improves BUT you also switch pages seemingly at random with anyone whose in the game. This means if you keep winning with the same team you will all eventually get to page one but while getting there you could find yourself jumping from page 11, to page 233, to page 8, to page 350 and so on.
I personally pug 90% of the time so even though I win twice as often as I lose and even though my kills and assists are over 10 times my deaths I am currently on page 300+.
So unless your running with a 5 man and are winning almost every game then your "high rank" was simply "earnt" by swapping with someone who was in your last game at around that rank.