Hi All!
I have an Oath of Protection Paladin and I really like it but I want to try the Devotion too (I have character slot for it so I want a new Paladin for it). I just want to know: How does it work? I know it's good with healings for a party but I want to know how can I be effective while I'm alone (in PvE). The main thing what I want to know is the Redemtion capstone. Does it heal me too? And I want to know this thing (the healing) with the other feats too (I mean in the light path).
I'm sorry if there's another topic where I can find the answers for my questions but I didn't find one.
Thanks! It's nice but I still can't find if redemption heals me too or not so I still want to know that
Anyway this guide helped me in some other questions too what I didn't realize before
The capstone is super overkill and just about unnecessary most of the time unless you get bond of virtue cut off in a party for a moment. I have never needed to use it during solo. I end up immortal just with slotting aura of divinity and rounding up 20 guys can't even chip away at me.
But I'm not spec'd well for sweeping solo content, just to survive group content because a dead healer sucks.
Thanks for your answers!
I have a protector paladin with justice path and I really like it! Soloing is boring now with it because there's no monster (or something else) that can kill me so I just do epic dungeons and pvp to have fun. With Templar's Wrath's Temp HP it's immortal because with the justice path's capstone I can use Templar's Wrath always when I need.
I just want a Devotion Paladin too because I really like Paladins and Clerics in other games but here I don't like Cleric so I'll use Paladin for a Healer too. That's why I choose this now. I'm really happy now because I get answers and I can see a bit more of this Character and your answers helped me a lot lot lot to choose a path for my Devotion Paladin
Thank you all!
The healer is new for me with paladin because I always use Cleric for it in other games but your idea seems to be good if I use justice path here too so I can use encounters much more times including the healing ones. And what you said that the difference between 700k and 700m doesn't matter seems to be true because I didn't find any monsters (including tiamat) what can deal that much dmg to me and if I'll learn to use the healer paladin than I can defend other players so they won't die even if I can heal "just" 700k.
Now I'm 30 with this paladin so I still can choose which will be the main path so if anyone else can say something about it that will be cool (for me :P) but now I think I'll try this (I still have around 400 zen so I can change later once).
Justice is definitely the way to go, however. You'll have all the healing you need with just a few feats and skills. After that, I'd start working on your dps stats to help out the party, as you're a bit more of a front-line healer.