How INCREDIBLY misleading.
Yes, it's 'Always Double Refinement' but ONLY when you are sacrificing OTHER ARTIFACT WEAPONS into it!!! Not jewels, not Resonance Stones...JUST OTHER ARTIFACT WEAPONS!!!
So we sacrifice our old Legendary, and that's good for putting it from Level 1 to most of the way through level 57....great. THEN what? Still 927,747 RP's to go. At the usual 1x rate. Because we don't just have extra old Artifact weapons laying around waiting to be sacrificed!
Whose bright idea was this? Fire them, please. If it says 'Always Double Refinement', then it should be...oh, I dunno, call me crazy...ALWAYS double refinement!!! That goes for anything you put in it, at anytime!!
Oh, but then we wouldn't be forced to sell Zen for the AD (ya know, which we can no longer get from Leadership) in order to buy stacks and stacks of Peridots to finish the job, right?
I have some old spares from Well of Dragons where there was a chance to get 1 of three weapons.
I haven't done the math on this, but should I put RP (during 2x RP weekend) into the spare artifact weapon and then put that artifact weapon into my new one (I know it doesn't double if it's green, so at least up to the point where it would double when consumed). Am I doubling the doubling?
Is that better than just feeding in regular RP during 2x weekend to my new weapon
BTW to the original poster, they clearly stated this when they came up with the new scheme.
So you have to go out of your way for RP.. and its boring.
The games infigrind process, is a boring way to promote a game.
RIP Real Tiamat, RIP Real Demogorgon RIP real Temple of the spider. Why remove non bis content to give to bis players ????
FORCING the majority of your player base to play 4 mod old dungeons and trial will have a bad result on player base
Changes are getting so bad i would rather prefer no new changes (RIP ICE FISHING in winter fest)
Not really... He does have a point... The 'Always Double Refinement' refers to the item itself and not the stuff dropped in it. If u had actually read this this useless thread wouldn't have had to come up.
Read this:
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That's the same reason they have put up an artifact enthusiast in moonstone mask...