I say about this class because since the rework on into the fray ( now also gives : ap gain damage buff ) guardian fighters in a random queue 85% of them they are not using it . WHen you see that on 2.5k gf +( i post the item levels based on community suppose to be exp) ask polite to buff and aggro because if dont do that then doesnt have place in the pt is a weight. They dont even answer. SO today i queue with my 2k gwf in pom in 2nd phase spawned many mobs i got the aggro i stayed alive for 15 sec but when i died i said thats it vote to kick why to stay in pt a guardian fighter primary role is to defend and instead i do the job for him ? . Answer after the kick: good fail haha And then ignored me. I tried to help my pt with advice and that guy was thinking hiself only and talk me with irony.
say : i didnt learn that power but ignoring the pt is too much.
Join the Greycloaks
Ana-GWF SM Destroyer | Farseer-CW MoF Renegade | Leon-GF SM Tactician
Adrik Battlefate-DC DO Virtuous | Cassi Woodsheart-HR PF Trapper
the other hand is if someone close the portal he should bring troops to me and not fight them alone, this is what other classess do all the time and its really frustrating
Just put the baby on and see the numbers fly sky high!
Each and every PT member will love you for the buff it gives.
So yeah, ITF FTW !
A proud member of "mythical horde of DPS GFs"
1). Is SW more dps or tank based?
2). Yes. I am panzer!
3). Get ACT if you want to celebrate your epeen.
4). Horniness will not stand between me and what I believe - "MM"
There is a line here where some characters simply are not doing their job. Tanks that aren't taking agro, Healers who don't heal, controllers who don't control. It's the risk of a PUG run and the best advise I can give to you is not to PUG but play with people you know.
Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
for example - iron warrior is too situational to not be replaced with into the frey sometimes. its not elitism
Hell no! Its not diffrent build as primary aspect, its damn lack of knowledge and experience. But even more often, lack of awarness and simple ignorance.
Lets make something stright.
If u r joining on party, there is 5 of u, every1 of (since he joined party willingly) has an obligation to make that party succes. There is 4 other ppl who r depending on ur imput, and u have 4 other ppl u r depending on they imput.
Ur damn job is to make that party success. Ur damn job is to make everything u can to make this party success, thats the moment when ur argument "i have right to my own build, i have right to my own play style" has no meaning at all. Coz if 5 ppl "i have right to my own build" meets, party usualy never finish the dungeon. This argument is so damaging on ppl progress, its unimaginable some1 rly is defending it.
Ofc there is not "only right build, only right playstyle" i know this rly good. But there is a pull of builds and playstyles which r acceptable(=woring, helpfull for party, have imput), small or big, depends of class, and evrything beside that is jepoardizing party succes.
IW is almost usless for some certain reasons, first of all with that long animation u dont get demanded amount of tempHP (either down or healed) second one is threat generation, ET works much better alone. If i see GF using IW instead of ITF, i assume he is not quite the best gf i could encounter.
Second thing is what exactly ITF does. Its not some punky encounter. Its best what GF can trow in party. Heavy depending on ur DR, but most of GF turtle behind they shield and build high DR anyway.
-AP gain
-Stamina gain
-Run speed
-DPS buff for all members of party equal to current DR
U want even compare that with IW (for some reasons ITF is mostly replaced with IW, qe?)?
Next thing, again back to point 1, but from another direction. Elitism. U can call me that, thats fine. But there is also my point of view. I put big effort to maintain my toons best i can, to be most usefull for my future party. I have right to at least expect from my party members that they will do half of my job (or 1/7 is u ask me, wko knows me, knows why) and at least make one good toon. Just to make life of they 4 comrades easyer, and, next poin,. they life easyer.
So the last point. U know what i often see (or saw in this case, i lately even avoid legit and play only with trusted friends, some r good, some r excelent and much better than me on certain classes, but all do they job)? Prot gf turtling 100% of the time behind his shield, striking with agregative strike from time to time, to scared to use KV coz it will kill him, to scared to drop shield, coz it will kill him (his fault, since after 3 mods of playing he still dont know bosses rotations and skills), to scared to even use that beloved IW, coz it will kill him (and often does). And complaining about how game is hard for them, complaing they cant kill anything, or even that they die in solo content (takes them so long to kill a pull, pull eventually kills them). So the last point, and most importat one, is they own pleasure from this game. Many many, MANY of gfs (and gwfs and all other classes) is discuraged in this game, coz they cant progress, cant see result, they think game is too hard. But when i try to give advices to them, they put me on ignore and often call elitist, and then go back to crying about too hard content. U know where is the root of this troubles? "i have right to my own playstyle".
For stadards of many sensitive ppl here im elitist. Ehh thats fine, tho for my defense i never kicked some1 (beside ppl d/c for half of dung or whoel dung) and when party was rly bad and i was not able to pull it through (or it would took too damn long, im perfectionist, thats for sure, i like do stuff fast and with no mistakes, unless u r new, even those who dont like me can say im always willing to help a newbie) i just leave.
One last thing, i solely belive that tank is a core of party, that tank (gf in this case) often decides of party success or failure. And from all classes u can get in party, tank must be most reliable and has the smallest window of right playstyles (belive me or not, build acctualy does not matter, u go conq, tact or prot, all is fine, u take some feat btw, u take it not, all is fine, everything cracks down on, so hated by me term, playstyle. tank cant be coward, cant 100% turtle, tank reacts, tank moves in small cane, good tank simply always reacts, moves and hits, and buffs, and hits).
Ehh, and i wrote letter again, deepest apologies for evry1 who acctualy read that. I tend to do write so long posts, always trying to address too much, and there is always something i can address in my addressing. its in my nature i guess.
TL:DR i agree there is a line, but that damn line is higher u want to admit it is, and ppl usualy hang themself on it.
Besides, you can't blame GFs for slotting IW. Some aren't decked out yet to maintain perma guard, it doesn't magically happen.
After waiting 5 minutes, I noted that I didn't know who as in the kick group, but now we had no tank, thanks alot. And I left.
Kicking is not a fix for all things.
Normally, when I try to explain things I say, "Hey, try using this, this and that, you may see an improvement and there is no harm in trying something new out" and guess what, rather then trying out something new, I get flat out ignored.
My next GWF will be healing/crowd control. I'll opt for Frontline Surge for CC and run around and give potions of healing to everyone.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Every time one of my guild members says "I'm gonna make a DPS [not a DPS class]", that's my standard response.
Of course, they get pissy when they don't get invited to go on dungeon delves... :-/
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
That said.. Im going to give a bit of advice as well.. EVERY combination of skills, powers, feats, classes, in this entire game, can beat mostly everything.. some make it a BUNCH easier on everyone though.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
No need kick, just leave group, new players learn by time... and if like be Savior & Hero, then can stay and try teach, but all beings patience ends and they do what they must to protect their own sanity and peace...
ps. CW who entangling-repelling mobs around is entertaining to look, but leaving very soon...