@Cryptic - You came up with this system of end game progression but then slap us in the face with "nothing" rewards for 1.7M XP of effort with no PP.
What if we had a random chance of going up a level instead of going up in level while starting new characters.... that's what this feels like. It's an INTEGRAL part of our characters powers yet will take years of effort to even catch players who maxed out before Mod7.
PP should just be guaranteed, simple as that. ESPECIALLY with requiring almost 2M XP for a "CHANCE"....
X friend who has never played NW to get to play end-game with friend who has been here from the start is just so at a disadvantage. Really.
Would love to see some real feedback that this will be changed at some point or is at least on the table for a re-work.
In the end what this does as implemented is further alienate a new player from a friend who's been playing since vanilla. I think the overflow XP thing was a great idea and when originally implemented it had a fair amount of XP for the crack at PPs but as it is now it's just a smack when you dont get one.
Player 1 levels to 70 plays for 3 months lucks out each time and gets 6 PP
Player 2 levels to 70 plays for a year and gets 3PP out of terrible RNG results.
That is just lame from a progression perspective. My progression is tied to an RNG really?
Vanilla player to fully specced power tree was like 5% the effort any new toon faces.
I love this game, dont get me wrong... but the forces in charge hate us, the gamers. I dont know why they dont get it... happy gamers will tend to freely spend money, P/O gamers get spiteful and are very resistant opening wallets.
The difference between Toon#1 with 70PP and Toon#2 with all his trays at rank 4 is a LOT. Across all those abilities you are 5-15% better etc, from DUMB RNG LUCK. etc.
Been playing my Pally hardcore since they were introduced and my GWF has all the abilities in the tray at rank4 while my Pally has a "whopping" 75. Pally is already OP (the OP thing really fits for the class) so I digress... it definately impacts other classes more.
To have such an impactful part of your character's performance tied to an Effort:RNG is just.....