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Prophesy of Madness Skirmish (Mod8) - Tactics Guide

kurtb88kurtb88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 597 Arc User
Can someone who knows how to do this skirmish properly please post the tactics.

There are three phases. Each one requires certain tactics to reach gold.
I did this a few times now but just random PuG's and we never got perfect on all three phases.
I don't understand exactly why because everyone, except me, was uber geared, and they killed everything fast.


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    halbowitzhalbowitz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    There are two versions of Prophecy of Madness. Closing Portals and killing the demons.

    For closing the portals, the first part is the most difficult. Different strategies depend on the group. In one guild run, we had a paladin who would follow people and as soon as the demons popped out of a portal, they taunted them so the portal closer could move on to the next portal. In PuG's, I find that killing the demons as they pop out to be most effective (Playing as a GWF), as they keep interrupting me closing portals otherwise Take a moment to talk to the party members at the start to see what can work for your group.

    In the second phase, go for the big portals. They spawn bigger demons, but are worth much more towards completing the goal. Nothing else special about it. Phase 3, DPS it down.

    In the Madness version in phase one, I find it best to focus on 2, maybe three rifts per person. Trying to cover all four has left me just constantly running when I could be killing. In phase 2, this kinda works, I find that sometimes the items drop from groups across the map. Remember to use the faezress on the pillars every so often. I usually get about 3-5 a go. Phase 3, DPS the big guy down. Try not to drag him into one of the sanity wells, else people have to run quite a distance to remove madness.

    That's my take at least.
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    lemonchilllemonchill Member Posts: 523 Arc User
    get a tr in your party, they run to the shards to open them and go stealth to run to the other while gwf, paladin or any other class dps the mob that spawns . simple but very effective tactic
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    kurtb88kurtb88 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 597 Arc User
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    tanadas1977tanadas1977 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 11 Arc User
    HRs can use forest ghost to loose the aggro after opening the Portal to open a second one. Also using Longstriders to buff Party runspeed helps.
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