So you thought getting the the drowned shore weapon/offhand set that most everyone is after (Epic HE crab killing, 100 times) was bad?
A least its doable with an awful boring 6-12 hour grindfest.
The spinward rise / air weapon set is almost impossible.
- The only Epic Heroic Encounter to get 100% mote drop (the only practical way) is "Battle for Mistral Point"
- But the zone is dead. Noone is doing the HE and so it is impossible to complete solo.
- MAJOR problem is that the HE is BUGGED and spontaneously despawns when close to completing it.
The bug with this HE has been there since mod6 launch back in April and was supposedly fixed but wasn't
Please give 100% mote drop for any small or large HE (give 1 mote for any HE and 2 for epic HE - still 50 needed is a lot)
This way players need not rely on a single (bugged, in spinward case) Epic HE.
Right now the only way to get the air weapon set is to complete possibly 1000s of lesser HEs in spinward.
This is utterly unreasonable. Noone with any life or sanity will ever do that.
Sopi (aka Haxbox) SW [Synergy]
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
Maybe the epic Demo HE doesn't push the Twisted set beyond reasonable reach, but like I said, I can't muster up the wherewithal to get to it, after going for the EE weapons. But, if it does make you grind 100s or 1000s of the eDemo to get the required b-side ichor, then just stick to the mod 7 grind. It may not be great, but it is a more assured path to a solid weapon set with stats that make some kind of sense, while at the same time helping everyone in your guild (if nothing else through boons along the way). Plus, you get to spend time with your guild - which for me is becoming more and more the reason I play this game.