weak: TR/HR-if piercing dmg
strong: hard to kill with this one but maybe CW.
weak: ?
strong: especially good against squishy classes - CW/SW
weak: TR; HR w/o elven battle
strong: maybe DC
weak: TR/HR-if piercing dmg - same as OP
strong: CW
weak: ?
strong: against squishy classes - CW/SW
weak: ?
strong: with piercing tank like opponents, otherwise CW or everybody w/o elven battle
weak: HR/CW
strong: hard to kill with this one. Maybe CW/SW?
weak: almost anybody?
strong: CW/HR maybe
Any thought or addition?
TR is weak against OP.
Good DC is strong against GWF.
Good CW is strong against most classes, except the SW.
With stamina drain, GF is the worst class.
Weak: TR (piercing damage, piercing SE) unless BiS, GF (fast and very high burst from start, that deals huge spikes even through sprint, must get behind enemy shield while being an easy target)
Strong: CW, SW, HR (lots of CC resistance, kills fast if can get HR out of dodge)
Stall: OP-DC once at BiS, if using a stationary rotation with lots of LS (example: Daring shout for some DR and faster unstoppable, Hidden daggers and restoring strike or IBS and life steal to heal back).
Note: above applies if the GWF is using specific gear (T.Fey-T.Neg-eLoL set)
Weak: GWF (lots of CC resist, unstoppable CC breaker, and tankyness+burst)
If Stamina drain HR: game over
Strong against TR. Explanation: if you gather a high HP pool, you can tank SE. Can shadow slip away from Smoke Bomb if you can anticipate it (most TRs are predictable) and hardar grasp-WB-KF right after. If the SW catches the TR, the DoT depletes stealth very fast and makes it difficult for the TR to stay invisible. I usually, when i notice a TR is around, bunnyhop around, then stand still, then after a couple of seconds i do a sudden shadow slip burst. Reason: the TR, seeing you standing still, will go for a direct smoke bomb. Your sudden shift movement allows you to dodge most "average" TR smoke bomb. After that they usually appear for a brief moment. That's when you grasp them and apply DoTs. After that look around for them to pop again thanks to DoTs, and keep attacking. When they disappear, you keep bunnyhopping around and never stop moving.
Weak against: any stamina drain user (shadow slip/ mobility is key to survive), Courage Breaker (roots the SW, combined with a smoke bomb after CB allows the TR to just at-will down the squishy SW.
TR->Will kill every other classes (even OP with 100k+ SE), could die vs GF, HR
HR->Should kill CW,SW. 50/50 vs GF, have chance to kill TR, weak vs GWF. Probably can't kill DC
GF-> Will kill CW,SW,/ Should kill GWF/ Hard time vs HRs- a matter of luck in my opinion/ Have chance to kill TR and DC
GWF-> Will kill HR/SW, Should Kill CW/ Probably can't kill DC/ Should die vs TR, GF
DC- Healing DC can't kill anyone but no one can kill him too besides TR ofcourse, not sure about DPS DC.
CW- ????... maybe should kill SW- die vs everything/ if you turn on chaotic growth 3/4x times you have chance to win vs somebody- ofcourse if you are able to survive a rotation for example GF/ GWF
SW- I have no opinion- Heard about strong SWs but with bug i don't want to judge.
geared about 3k and the typical setup lolset etc
since the balance changes with gear
warlock only can perform against CW thats all
GWF kills warlock with ease
TR kills warlock, cos spammig from stealth all time+ SE + smokebomb its a cakewalk
Hunter kills warlock, simply disables the class
GF can be beaten but high arp builds kill you in seconds
DC is better no matter if faithfull or rightous
OP is special, you can kill geared OP (its a bug with the aura) but this can´t be considered to be competeteive, so normall OP > Warlock
at BIS level?
can´t say ask the BIS player, but i saw BIS warlock almost allways in defence and running facing other BIS classes
DC is strong against GWF, Hunter , warlock , TR
weak against CW, Hunter who disables or repel+iceknife+entangle
There is a gap between a 3k players ( Purple arti gear/Legendary arti, R9 ) and a BIS player ( All Legendary/Myth, R12 ).
It's a 1v1 comparison ?
In 1v1, at 3k ilvl each, a TR can rarely kill an OP, or a DC. He can kill frequently GWF, SW. It's possible but not easy to kill a Good CW or a Good permadaze HR. But the greater weakness for a TR is an other TR with permaAP build or exotic build.
Comparing 2k vs 4k is not the waay to go so comapring the class against each other on your level would make sense right?
DC +-, depends of healing and Nagation that use (some times they heal is absurd XD), but no dificult kill most times.
GF 50/50, depends only Nagation that use (shield is irrelevant and class is slow).
SW, most times I will die, but is because my HP are low and they give more dps, sometime I will kill.
HR, most times I will die because "Nagation + that cancel my spells with control power", sometimes I will kill.
GWF, most times I will die (that fast, high dps and control half imunity), rare I will kill.
OP, most times I will die (impenetable defense + Nagation + high damage), I avoid facing because impossible I kill.
TR, 90% of times I will die from TR before all, only kill him if that is distracted "killing another unfortunate" (and they HP very low and Im in a Tymora Luck Day with my constalation on my side XD ).
Video PLS, how you are killing BiS DC and BiS GF
Video PLS, how you are killing BiS DC and BiS GF
I can show you mine- BiS CW (with bugged whell of elements boon- Fire, you shoul know what is that mean ) vs DC