Since lifesteal got tanked and the recent modules. It's been a bit of a unwritten law that Trapper HR is the best HR. But with the huge amounts of lifesteal possible, and all this new snazzy stuff like Armor pen mounts, Rank 12's , Trans enchants, Could Combat HR be worth playing again. I always found it really fun.
I mean with guild boon + Defense slots + feats, I could hit 35-40% lifesteal pretty easily and with the stacks from the t5 feat that'd jump to 50-55%. Thats a lot of lifesteal, Combat hr also always did pretty good damage, and while not as spammy as Trapper is it was pretty damn fun.
What do people think? could combat HR make a comeback?
On that note. If you have high crit from azure / brutals, could it be worth using Skirmishers gambit for the extra severity. Losing 10% crit is a lot. but if you already have high crit couldnt the 50% severity potentially be a dps increase? what would be the breakpoint?
People are way too negative, Why cant we just all get along.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
IMO, doubtful. It's been pretty much proven over time that once the abnormal/overpowered/broken krap are (eventually) balanced, the path/build itself becomes obsolete, and then requires some other form of abnormal/overpowered/broken krap to become viable again.
The base design of the HR, IMO, is a failure. Base damage, power utilities and effects, survival... all lackluster in the 'default' form. Think about it. Think about all the past incarnations of FotM builds and you immediately notices that each of those relied on some broken chit to make up for how lacking and useless the HR is in its default design.
So, unless the HR gets some other form of broken overpowered krap, the Combat and Archery paths have no real chance in the current form, unless they only utilize certain aspects of the path and basically come up with a makeshift Trapper-ish build. When we consider if these paths can be reasonably viable while still maintaining its intended build design -- for instance, the Archery relying on range attack oriented, mid-long distance fighting -- it is highly unlikely.
Of course, if something blatantly overpowered makes it to the game, that only means it will eventually be removed again. Hence, at this point, the only way to fix stuff for HRs to bring some variety and a rise in the general QOL, the only option would be to redesign it top to bottom -- at least the 3 paths feats need another change, because this isn't working.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I also feel a rebalance is needed for all 3 HR trees. But We probably wont get that for quite some time. Archer should be the King of DPS for HR, but have lower survivability, with the focus being "kill it before it gets too you". Combat should be a bruiser. with moderate dps and good survivability through heals and lifesteal and deflecting hits. and trapper should be the lowest DPS of the 3 specs, but have High control and buff potential.
Drunken Goose of MidNight Express. - 3.3k Paladin , 3.6k GWF , 3.1k GF,
PvE: Well, in groups you have a real tank to soak up dmg, its still your dmg that counts as a ...dmg class , so no...
For soloing PvE: The only path it could be mildly fun I guess, and still, a trapper would just be faster grinds...
Perfectly viable for solo, doable for party pve, but very lackluster and underperforms compared to archery/trappers.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I don't have an overpowered or optimized Combat HR. My enchants are all rank 7's, I have Loyal Master's gear for my Ioun Stone. My Resistance Ignored is at 60% my power damage is at 36%, and Crit Chance at 21%. Lifesteal chance is sitting at 22%. I have the Seldarine Artifact Equipment set, Greater Feytouched, and (Regular) Negation. If something doesn't drop me in one hit, I am at full health withing 2 seconds usually, without drinking a potion.
I am happy with my HR, wish I could do more damage, but I am doing what I can to get there.
That 22% Lifesteal might be overkill. The Lifesteal we get from the 2 Combat feats alone give 20% if we get all stacks up. My Lifesteal is 16% on character sheet, which is more than enough to keep me up.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.