Gonna be a lot toons riding Snails lol
Other then that I feel like this new Lockbox is more like a new Taco Bell menu item.
Pretty much a mish mosh of items we have had before crammed into the box with the only new items being that Snail and Symbol of Water.
opalsuns Paragon Gaming
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
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I miss you Boo
Colour me surprised!
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
This brings up another question: how do some ppl know when and what the next event is going to be? Someone told me 3 days before 2x RP and another time someone told me "Neverwinter Defense" <--(not sure what it's called) was next event and allowed me to plan accordingly.
If the is a schedule of events and boxes or other significant changes I want that. Knowledge is Power (please don't post a link the the hourly schedule. That's not what I'm talking about)
Ty for your time
Order lockboxes were released on PC:
7 lockboxes we've never seen (with the exception of Unearthed for a week) were the first ones released on PC: Nightmare, Feywild, Dark Forest, Rusted Iron, Unearthed, Frozen Crystal, Magnificent Emporium
Then the order was as follows:
Fell Dragon
Nine Hells
Black Earth
Eternal Flame
Crushing Wave
Howling Hatred
Order lockboxes were released on Xbox:
Fell Dragon
Nine Hells
Black Earth
Notice anything? I understand the reasons people believe Crushing Wave will be next, but I'm betting on Eternal Flame. What do you all think?
LGPG Alliance
Reagents of Death - Leader
CW - Phoenix lvl 70 4034 (Main)
GF - Spectre lvl 70 4012 (Main)
GWF - Ice lvl 70 4010 (Main)
SW - Zor lvl 70 3230 (Main)
OP - Box lvl 70 3002 (Retired)
Look Good Play Good
GWF - Ice lvl 70 3875 (Main)
GF - Spectre lvl 70 2669 (Alt)
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife Dungeon runs anyone?
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo