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Hackers and thieves; and the GM's backing them.

charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
I am tired of our guild bank getting robbed and you summit a ticket and the GM's blame us instead of the thief. They are hacking into the guild and hacking to get items out. Our rank 1 members can withdrawal 0 gold a day and has been set up like this for over a year. Yet, hackers get into the guild (no invite) and rob us. This time with withdrawal set at 0, they took 400+ gold. You summit a ticket and the GM's tell you they will do nothing to retrieve what was taken. And them proceed to tell you how it is our fault that it was taken. ONLY rank 7 guild leader ( ME) has access to taking that much money. I am the only one who can promote to RANK 7, HOW did someone get into the guild with out an invite, Never promoted take 400+ gold from the guild bank when it is set to 0 at their level? They can not. Instead of doing their JOB the GM's blame the guild settings THEN they are set. So far in the last year hackers have taken over 2100 gold and epic items ( another withdrawal setting at 0). And the GM's mail us back we are looking into this but will not tell you the outcome or return your taken items.

All other games, Everquest, EQ2, WOW etc... the GM's will return your items when something like this happens. Why does Arc's GMs blame the ones who were robbed.

This is getting old and needs to be corrected. I no longer support arc by purchasing ZEN. When ARC decides to support the honest players and start to return what is illegally taken from honest players I may continue to support ARC. UNTIL THEN PEOPLE BOYCOT ARC and do not purchase ZEN



  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    I find it hard to believe someone hacked into your guild bank to steal 400 gold lol. I don't blame the GM for not doing anything about it.

    Well let me tell you where the problem is, you have set your withdraw limits to 0, which means it's unlimited. The tooltip says that pretty clearly saying it's unlimited if you don't put a value, or put 0. Untick the box for withdraw.

    Now as to how someone got into your guild without an invite, I can take an educated guess that they did in fact get an invite from someone that had permissions to do so.
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

    Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    jaotut said:

    Well let me tell you where the problem is, you have set your withdraw limits to 0, which means it's unlimited. The tooltip says that pretty clearly saying it's unlimited if you don't put a value, or put 0. Untick the box for withdraw.

    This is correct. You're setting the limit to which they can draw. Zero means no limit. Same goes for items. If you don't want people withdrawing from you guild back, UNCHECK the withdraw permission.

    The reason customer service hasn't been able to help you is because you made the mistake when you set privileges. No one's hacking your guild. You probably have an account in your guild that realizes they can loot your guild bank whenever they want. So all they do is wait until your bank is filled up again, invite an accomplice, then loot your bank.

    You see what's going on, so you kick the looter (or he leaves), and then the cycle repeats.

    Change your guild bank privileges, and also consider who's being allowed to invite people to the guild, and your problem will go away.

    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    It is set to 0 and withdrawal is UNCHECKED!
  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    Are you trying to tell me that an unchecked withdrawal since it is set to 0 they can take all they want? How stupid is that. One no one invited them into the guild.. HOW DID they get in
  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    We had a member rank 1 who was taking alot of items and the 1 gold limit. We uncheck withdrawal on all slots, including gold. They can not or should not be able to take any gold even though it set to 0 since withdrawal is unchecked. I have a mail from him stating he hacked. He replied back to my mail to return the gold. So please do not act like i am dumb and had settings wrong.

    I did not
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    The problem is largely a matter of resources. If they start trying to track down every complaint of "hacking" or the like, they will be looking through logs for days for each occurrence, and even then, it really won't be that obvious what happened. Most of the time, the end result would be that no hacking occurred - the result will be something legal and legit that happened.

    The amount of requests for this would be massive. Anyone who accidentally deleted an item, or sold and item legit and had second thoughts, anyone who is pissed at their guild leader....suddenly they are all now claiming to be hacked and demanding research.

    Right or wrong what happened with you (400 gold...really? Why bother IMO), I can clearly understand why they won't dedicate a huge amount of resources to trying to figure out what happened in your case. Its not about YOU, its about how many of you there would be - and the answer is THOUSANDS per day. Gamers arent known for being the most honest folk.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User

    It is set to 0 and withdrawal is UNCHECKED!

    I checked it this morning with another guildmate. Permissions were working as stated.

    Also go in and check your member rank privileges. Make sure a random rank doesn't have privileges it shouldn't.

    Otherwise, I'm happy to help troubleshoot your privilege problem. Look me up in game @ironzerg and we can try to figure something out.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    TY, ironzerg, But I know what my setting and permissions are. I know 100% because we monitor everything since the first time it happened where it was set to 1 gold a day and the guy took 1700 gold. I am not stupid.. but ty
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  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User

    I fully understand the time it takes, I do not care if it took 6 months. But people should not be allowed to do that.

    I had a member that was once bragging about how he is hacking neverwinter's packet so when he refined enchantments it would not take the enchantments he refined with. he could just reuse them over and over. He also stated that he was editing the packets for PVP and people could not hurt him. He was removed from the guild because I did not want people like that running around with our guild tag. He send me a tell a couple days later saying the account was banned because PVpers complained about him hacking.. He just created a new one and kept playing. I have not heard from him since. The fact is it does happen and the honest are the one paying.. I want the gm's to do a little more than just say SORRY...

    Everquest I ran a guild for years. people trading and not paying were forced to return the items (GM took them) . Here we are told. You should have done this or that. That is just BS... they need to support players better than they do. and to stop backing the ones that are taking the items. Yes, be neutral to both sides, but once it is proven they need to return what is taken if it applies. I am just tired of getting ripped off and the GMs telling us it is our fault.

  • colonelwingcolonelwing Member Posts: 1,448 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    @charonofssi They are letting people that duped billions of AD, play the game, instead of banning them. So i doubt anything will be done, regarding a few thousand gold and some items. Not sure why this is the case, when every other mmo acts immediatly in such situations (if the evidence is apparent), as you've also mentioned.


  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    I figured like always nothing will be done. It never is. This thread was started with the hope that new guy in charge might think about the other problems that are going on and look into it. as @oldbaldyone stated it is only 400 gold, but to a guild that uses it to purchase potions (that in my opinion are over priced since you need an IV feeding tube in the 61-70 zones) to help stay alive, you spend a lot drinking them nonstop. That is truly the only real use for gold.

    The MMO act immediately comment is so true. when in EQ you summit a ticket... 5-10 minutes later a GM was contacting you about the problem. They did not say sorry, we can tell you nothing and we will not fix the problem.
    I am not looking for an instant change; But one is needed for a game and company that is struggling to stay "afloat".

    Thank you for being one that understands

  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    There is a large difference in a pay game like EQ, and a F2P game like NW. There is also a large difference between a player directly scamming or exploiting a bug in a trade window, and someone looting a guild bank. Things that are attached directly to you, or directly to you and 1 other, thats fairly easy to research because its a limited frame of reference. The guild bank is attached to the guild, with potentially hundreds of interactions a day, with tons of people being invited and kicked every day.

    To research this, they would have to spend the time tracking every guild members every action. Who invited who, how did they get their invite, lots of other stuff.

    I had an account compromised and a lot of stuff stolen. I'm not unsympathetic to the loses. But they don't ant to spend the resources. They view the game as a free casual game still, taking only a few moments to recover things that are lost. Thats not the case anymore.

    This only gets worse with SH. There are already cases of people losing their guild to someone and losing all their SH progress.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    Well, if the support can't go after the withdrawn things directly, couldn't a GM at least offer some answers on what exactly happened in there by looking at the guild bank/guild roster logs?

    + What happened?
    + When did it happen?
    + Who was involved?

    That shouldn't take too long to find and figure out through the logs, and it would at least clear things up.
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    @regenerde I agree they could. doesn't have to be an instant answer. I included a screenshot of the time it happened so that would help in researching the issue, I have a screenshot of our settings ( guild leader is the only one who has access to changing permissions.) no one can promote to rank 7 but me the guild leader. along with in game mail when I contacted him to return items. He replied he doesn't need an invite to join after someone invited him once before, be can pop in and out through hacking. I mailed that do the GM's when he got invited took items then left the guild. he didn't take money because that option was off. but he did somehow this time...

    GM's responded the same way. We will look into it but will not tell you anything or return the taken items.

    Look into it. it is our fault. I will thank the GM's if it is the hackers fault, they should make him return the items and then ban his account or flag him a hacker/thief

  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    @oldbaldyone Loosing their guild... and nothing done.... SAD...
  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User
    I love how the OP spends all this time talking about how the settings are set to 0 and *hurrblurrage* and then it's pointed out to him that 0=unlimited (protip: lots of programs do this), that this is unambiguously defined in-game, and so he's to blame. Then he shows up saying "no no no, our settings are this completely other thing, and here's other pertinent information I allege to have known the importance of but failed to provide, and I'm not dumb at all, honest"!

    To more seriously address your problem, OP, I have a wondrous miracle cure for you that was taught to me by a Cherokee shaman. It'll fix your permissions, pvp imbalances, spam bot infestations, and make you more attractive to whatever it is you want to seem attractive to! All this for 12 easy payments of 50,000 AD! So, how many doses can I put you down for?

    There might actually be a problem here, but good lord, man, get it straight.
  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    @zibadawa are you mental? it was set to 0 but withdrawal is NOT CHECKED! so you are stating that I am dumb and need help for having gold taken when it was not checked to ALLOW people too.

    I really do think you are missing a lot of what happened, I doubt you could truly understand what happened because it seems like you just want to put me down. IF I put the withdrawal amount to 100 and had it CHECKED to allow, yes someone could take 100; but here is where you are getting confused. it is SET to 0 and withdrawal is NOT CHECKED. again if it was at 100 and not checked, NO ONE COULD GET 100, so set to 0 and unchecked means???? Here I will tell you. It means NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE ANY AMOUNT. I know it is hard to understand. but please reread this a couple times, I think you might get it..

  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User

    @zibadawa are you mental? it was set to 0 but withdrawal is NOT CHECKED! so you are stating that I am dumb and need help for having gold taken when it was not checked to ALLOW people too.

    I really do think you are missing a lot of what happened, I doubt you could truly understand what happened because it seems like you just want to put me down. IF I put the withdrawal amount to 100 and had it CHECKED to allow, yes someone could take 100; but here is where you are getting confused. it is SET to 0 and withdrawal is NOT CHECKED. again if it was at 100 and not checked, NO ONE COULD GET 100, so set to 0 and unchecked means???? Here I will tell you. It means NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO TAKE ANY AMOUNT. I know it is hard to understand. but please reread this a couple times, I think you might get it..

    You seem to fail at reading comprehension. With your own post.

    Never in your first post do you mention "withdrawal is unchecked". It's not until people point out that 0 doesn't mean what you think it means that you start acting like "duh, of course I said it was unchecked, lern 2 read". Which is exactly what my post was commenting on. Try again.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    While you keep trying to emphasize the check box, now. Zibadawas point was you didn't mention it until after it was pointed out that simply setting permissions to zero was not sufficient by itself.

    Your change in emphasis aside. One has to ask themselves, why is your guild special? If hackers truly have the means to rob guilds at will, why is there no uproar over it? Where are the pages of angry guild leaders complaining over this? If there truly is a hole in the guild permissions, why is your guild targeted? Why not one of the larger, richer, more popular guilds? These are legitimate questions.

    The simplest answer is generally always the right one. So perhaps, once you understand why your guild is having this problem, when most others are not. You will also understand why people seem more curious then sympathetic over this.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    ... but it still doesn't answer the question, why the support couldn't just check the logs and reply with more detailed and helpfull informations?
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • urabaskurabask Member Posts: 2,923 Arc User

    While you keep trying to emphasize the check box, now. Zibadawas point was you didn't mention it until after it was pointed out that simply setting permissions to zero was not sufficient by itself.

    Your change in emphasis aside. One has to ask themselves, why is your guild special? If hackers truly have the means to rob guilds at will, why is there no uproar over it? Where are the pages of angry guild leaders complaining over this? If there truly is a hole in the guild permissions, why is your guild targeted? Why not one of the larger, richer, more popular guilds? These are legitimate questions.

    The simplest answer is generally always the right one. So perhaps, once you understand why your guild is having this problem, when most others are not. You will also understand why people seem more curious then sympathetic over this.

    Well if it's the same guy that was mentioned earlier in the thread you wouldn't see as big an uproar because most hackers don't tamper with packets because it's illegal.

  • charonofssicharonofssi Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 18 Arc User
    my gawd, I forgot to add that withdrawal was unchecked and everyone is jumping me for adding it in a reply.
    The only think I want is to have it known this happens. AND YES it does. Maybe not the big bad ol' guilds that the average player could not get invited into. But there was a player called Semi. talk about time him in PE. And see what people tell you about him.

    back to the point.

    The GM's need to do something more than just give an email saying thank you, we can't tell you anything, and your taken items will not be returned... even when an mail or screenshots shows the thief bragging about stealing the items.

  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    So how are hackers being able to get into your guild but not the bigger ones? Maybe the problem is someone other than you have permission to invite people into the guild. But I'm pretty sure you already knew that and had the settings right and only rank 7 can invite.
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

    Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
  • zibadawazibadawa Member Posts: 1,266 Arc User

    my gawd, I forgot to add that withdrawal was unchecked and everyone is jumping me for adding it in a reply.
    The only think I want is to have it known this happens. AND YES it does. Maybe not the big bad ol' guilds that the average player could not get invited into. But there was a player called Semi. talk about time him in PE. And see what people tell you about him.

    back to the point.

    The GM's need to do something more than just give an email saying thank you, we can't tell you anything, and your taken items will not be returned... even when an mail or screenshots shows the thief bragging about stealing the items.


    Yet part of your jumbled complaint is that people *who were never invited to your guild* got in and looted it. So...there's exactly zero reason they'd go after your guild instead of the big, rich ones.
  • fladnagfladnag Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14 Arc User
    My wife has had this issue wherein the guild bank she was using as storage got hacked into and robbed. Permissions were set so that ONLY the guild leader could take anything out. There are only TWO toons in that guild, both belonging to my wife. Apparently on the 21/01/2016 somebody managed to get into the guild, WITHOUT ANY INVITATION, and steal her stores of rank 4 and 5 enchantments and left. I can name the person, but ofc we cannot do so here. She is currently sending a ticket, but will probably get the same replies as others, and that Cryptic will not replace what was taken, even with evidence of NO wrongdoing on the guild leaders part

    The main focus is really how UNINVITED people are able to gain access to guilds, bypass whatever settings guild leaders make, steal and then leave.

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