Hi Everyone,
I recently opened up level 5 of Black Ice Shaping and mined enough Black Ice to possibly create my first piece of armor. In the list of craftable items is a Elemental Alliance Assault Breastplate. This breastplate needs an Alliance Assault Breastplate to craft. The issue for me is that there is no Alliance Assault Breastplate in the list of craftable items. I went to the vendor that sells the black ice armor just to make sure and it wasn't available from him either. Anyone know where I can find the Alliance Assault Breastplate?
Female Wood Elf Guardian Fighter
Level 70
Item Level 2,700
Neverwinter Email: Nostia@danaswanson
"Winter Is Coming"
...though the Elemental Alliance stuff can also be dropped by T2 Dungeon Bosses. So I'd thoroughly consider whether spending a fat-ish chunk of BI on upgrading this thing, or rather run the Dungeon a few more times, grab Seals and buy some Elven armour, and upgrade that. Stats might be better, read: more useful though slightly lower, on the (Ele) Alliance piece, though...
Female Wood Elf Guardian Fighter
Level 70
Item Level 2,700
Neverwinter Email: Nostia@danaswanson
"Winter Is Coming"
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
Also you get protector seals from T2 dungeons, which can be trade for Elven Armor. This is the real T2 stuff. And you can upgrade this to Elemental Elven with BI profession as well, to get the best T2 armor possible.