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Stand Tall Shield Bearer!

zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
How are all my fellow guardian fighters fairing this MOD? Perhaps if anyone is struggling with their class or set up we can band together to help ease the pain. What path are you rocking? Rotation of encounters and at-wills? Have you been stacking gear properly? Let us get a dialogue going to help one another out either in PvP or PVE. Lets face it the challenge in this MOD is real and if your under prepared its not in your favor to keep quiet. We survive by our shield but need our fellow brothers at our back! Lets form a Phalanx!
Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

[]Full Metal Witch[]
4149 TiL
Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

"The Best of the Best"
"Nobody does it better"


  • vapezuluvapezulu Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Would be very interested how other GFs are getting on at the moment.
    Keep checking this part of the forum but no one ever posts here hardly.

    Myself, I'm still grinding away at the campaigns and upgrading where I can.

    Recently started tanking kessels with varying success, it's certainly hard work at the moment.

    Once I'm near my console I will share my GF build as I would absolutely love some feedback how to make it better.
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    I am currently working on getting personalized gear, rings and such. I have all my artifacts to epic (lantern, orb, dc sigil and eye of lathander) The Lathander ser bonus is a huge bump to survivability imo. Being revived with a huge health at soulforge and also heals teammates for 50% HP and here is the big kicker NO INJURIES! I respect recently to Swordmaster Conq. I still tank every dungeon for my guild and smash through solo content. Running with a DC sigil and fighters recovery daily is great for surviving as well, quick AP gain along with healing is a great combo to pull large amounts of enemies and clear content quicker.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • dukesirashidukesirashi Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I am a level 70gf with a item level around 2200. SM Tactitian and F2P casual only around 20hrs per week. Most always have tp PUG due to my schedule.

    So far I am liking the new content and I can solo everything but the HE. I have a mixed and matched set of armour with 60% RI. All epic artifacts and main/offhand. All rank 7 enchants, mostly dark for ArP. Seems to be working ok for me until I can get all of the campaign boons and into the T1 dungeons. I tried Kessels once and was destroyed. :(

    I am currently working on trying to make some AD to advance in the campaigns and working to get a few of my enchants to level 8. The grind is real but I haven't gotten bored yet.

    In PVE or groups I run ITF, ET and LS with WMS as my main at will. VM and FR as dailies. I mark everything I can.

    PVP I run the new grim set with BC, LS and Anvil with crescendo/FR. I usually get destroyed in PVP unless I am 1vs1 with a simlarly geared opponent and then I do well. I always PUG and it sucks. I try to run with my guildies but I rather play alone. Trying to get better with that as it will obviously make the game much easier to grind.

    I hate that they nerfed the AD in leadership as I was almost at 20. Now i am working on my jewelcrafting to try to get the double slotted rings. That should help considerably. :)
  • whuchakawhuchaka Member Posts: 78 Arc User
    I cannot die.
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    Honestly to buy gemmed exquisite adamant rings is cheap 100k ish almost not worth the 40k per dragon egg to fail a ring slot plus resources. Just to have until you have jewel at 25
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    Eh i updated my guide once so far, our damage output is top notch this mod. Duno what to say except things are going MUCH better than expected.

    only thing left for me to test is trans terror vs trans feywild and il do some writing on that in the coming weeks.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
    xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
    Nde - XB1 - HR
    GT: its indy time
    PSN: itsindytime
    Twitch: indygoinlive
    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    Well I got my Greater terror last night and is rather nice. The only thing I am missing currently are my elven boots and helm. Trans terror is a dream for this casual guy. Ill take which ever one you end up not wanting ;)
    I agree with the DPS output, I only really notice it doing daily tasks and PVP. Dungeons I basically pop ITF with KV, ET and stab away. Noticing some crazy numbers running with our Pally though. I have been having successful runs in eCC and eToTs without KV and 4 DPS or 3 DPS Pally.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    Played some GG with you the other day indy, sweet build man! We unfortunately lost due to HAMSTER teammates but nice to get PUG'd with ya.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    Anyone who wants to talk tanking just post here I've been handily tanking a beast GF since launch. Ask away fellow shield bearer's.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • boromir#3940 boromir Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    I'm pretty happy with my GF. All artifacts are mythic. Went with the twisted set and loving it. Currently I'm on a mission to create the most well rounded GF on Xbox. A jack of all trades, if you will. Tank, off tank, buff and destroy in pvp.

    Full sets of lions mane and dragon flight. I'm currently getting some black ice upgrades into all. Armor reinforcements are ArP on pvp gear naturally. And one on my pve gear to get me to 61.5% resistance ignored. That way I can do the hardest content in pve and use the guild power boon no worries.

    At only 19 CON with the camp fire, I've found myself throwing in 2 draconics for the extra HP. Azures after that obviously. The reason is that I never take off my favorite passive....guarded assault. It's based on your HP-20% of, and power. I was using the GWF sigil, but dropped it for the Wheel. Lost set, lantern and fire to round out my artifacts.
  • bladedge12bladedge12 Member Posts: 119 Arc User
    Can someone link me to a good build that tells me what I need? So far all i have found with this class is half done, too old, or a lot of "this is good to use but so is this and this but not if you have this in less you have this." I would rather a easy "step 1 step 2 step 3." guide. (I am a mix of not that bright mental disorders and bad at mmos chain of math.) if you need a link to a guide to see what I mean here this is one i am using on my gwf. It is very simple and easy to understand. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/545785/mod-6-guide-lazalias-high-crit-build-for-pve-gwf-destroyer/p1
    ✋☞ ✡⚐
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    Not only are we a shield to those around us we also take DPS output to the next level for the entire team. No, you cannot stand in the red the entire time with me. Reason Being is I absorb 50% of the damage for the entire team 100% of the time when I have Knights Valor Slotted. This is how you know Knights Valor is equip, you will glow bright blue/white. If I am for any reason stunned this encounter is interrupted and you will notice you will again take large hits to your HP. Our Builds now are maximized by Stacking Defense in all slots. By Stacking Defense our Damage Resistance is then increased (400 defense = 1% DR) secondly stack recovery for quick uptime on encounters. The reason we stack defense is simply to bolster our Encounter: (ITF) INTO THE FRAY. At rank 4 of ITF 100% of my DR % is increased into a team DPS Buff. So when I have stacked 100% DR everyone in my group, myself included are putting out 2x the amount of DPS now. That is a staggering buff! That aside lets move onto my Build, I am a SwordMaster Conquer/Protector Spec GF. I put out well above average DPS while maintain my DR at Hard Cap (80%) and above. I typically take only 20% of the damage received. Now I can die, it happens and now more so because of the change in mentality for groups. A Guardian Fighter is the conductor of the Group, we control the flow of battle and are the first thing any enemy should see. By allowing us time to agro enemies and position ourselves to give DPS combat advantage groups just melt. Be patient with us, we are slow at moving. I elected to run a Transcendant Plague fire for added damage reduction to enemies and the reduction is stacked up to (3x) reducing enemy defense 45% and power 15%. Currently I am upgrading my pure to transcendent and slot a lesser soulforge as well. Now being as I am using the Lathander’s Artifact set there is a cool set bonus to be truly maximized with the use of a soulforge. Upon resurrection I heal the entire team 80% + of their HP extremely helpful as well as I never take injuries as well from the bonus.
    My entire reasoning to a re-spec at the beginning of MOD 6 was the enemies ARP was so broken we were all being one shot for millions of HP constantly. STEEL DEFENSE: Passive ability at Rank 4 grants immunity for “6” seconds to myself. When this is used in conjunction with stacked recovery, AP gain from blocking/HP status/ and fighters recovery I am able to Heal fully, apply ITF, mark every enemy and go back to blocking and cycle back through this nearly seconds later. We can become immortal buff bot Tanks when it is understood how we react and handle each enemy encounter. This is one fight you want the Captain to start because it is through him you will carry on, succeed and fight another day. Lastly, MARK YOUR TARGET added DR to your target for everyone involved! Easy Mode still exists here, I challenge everyone to invite a GF.

    At Will: Crushing Surge, Tide of the Iron.
    Encounters: Into the Fray, Knights Valor, Enforced Threat
    Dailies: Villains Menace, Fighters Recovery
    Passive: Shield Talent, Steel Defense
    Main Artifact: Lantern or DC Sigil

    At Will: Weapon Masters Strike, Crushing Surge
    Encounters: Into the Fray, Lunging Strike, Enforced threat
    Dailies: Villain’s Menace, Fighters Recovery
    Passive: Combat Superiority, Guarded Assault
    Main Artifact: Lantern

    At Will: Crushing Surge, Tide of the Iron
    Encounter: Into the Fray, Bull Charge, Anvil of Doom
    Dailies: Crescendo, Terrifying Impact
    Passive: Combat Superiority, Guarded Assault.
    Main Artifact: DC Sigil
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
  • boromir#3940 boromir Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    Pretty much everyone runs the same at-wills, encounters, dailies and passives. Everyone stacks defense and has settled in on either the drowned set or the twisted set.

    So I've decided to tinker around on a new style of solo play that I think you'll all find fun. First, I'm a conqueror/sword master build like most these past few mods. Around 3.1k with an emphasis on doing everything well, but not any one thing great.

    At-wills: WMS/crushing surge
    Dailies: villain's menace/crescendo
    Passives: combat superiority/shield warriors wrath
    Encounters: ITF, enforced threat, line breaker assault
    Twisted set

    I used to run guarded assault, my favorite passive btw. I've literally killed squishy players in pvp just holding up my shield reflecting damage after hitting a bull charge, but they dodge the anvil. The twisted set doesn't allow stacks to build one way or the other with your shield up. Thus, shield warror's wrath. I usually pop a potion for defense or recovery with this set up.

    So, gather up a bunch of enemies at least 10. Get hit on your mount or not, doesn't matter except that you're building defense. Throw up your shield and get hit five more times. Conquerer capstone and shield warrior's wrath should be stacked up along with defense thru twisted set. ITF, enforced threat and then immediately a line breaker assault while everything is still marked. Turn around and WMS once maybe twice and everything is dead. Throw in a villian's menace or artifact power for even more damage. If you didn't have a daily at the start, you do now. All of that damage against all of those targets plus the fray buff.....it's just inevitable.

    Well that's what I've been having fun with during my solo play guys. Happy shielding,
  • indylolindylol Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    I played around with that set up in the first phase of edemo, i like to swap lunging in for enforced threat and then i fly from the well to wherever the purple portal is. The AoE set ups for GFs have gotten really strong in Mod8.
    B) LGPG Leader B)
    Indy - XB1 & PS4 - GF
    xeV Indy - PS4 - TR
    Nde - XB1 - HR
    GT: its indy time
    PSN: itsindytime
    Twitch: indygoinlive
    The Kanye West of Neverwinter
  • zman81420zman81420 Member Posts: 972 Arc User
    ^ I agree I run every SM AoE all the time in solo play.
    Guardian Fighter: SM Conqueror

    []Full Metal Witch[]
    4149 TiL
    Guild: (X1) The Legendary Outlaws

    "The Best of the Best"
    "Nobody does it better"
    #TLO BiS
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