Its no secret the lag is just out of control. I have very good internet and have played in multiple locations. When I do an internet test, I average <30ping.
Now when I log into Neverwinter however I will average between 120-150 ping (Used to be <80 ping around mod 1-2 BTW). And in places like domination ill average over 200 ping and in SH PVP ill average over 300 ping.
There are too many things trying to interact with eachother and the servers just cant handle it. Well, rather than just say "you guys need to invest in better hardware" there is a much easier solution - ICDs.
I really dont think it would take all that long to re-program reactive abilities to include ICDs. Just ONE example of this would be the "Fey Thistle" boon. Each time you deflect you deal back damage. Why not beef up this # a hair to say 4k and then add an ICD on it to 1 second. Small changes like this would actually not make MUCH difference in real play but would save the servers a TON of stress.
Another example would be Oathbound Paladin auras. Have you ever taken a SW and had them attack an OP with his auras up? talk about MASSIVE lag.... Why? Because the SW has SO many DoTs that hit SO many times per second... Now it looks cool but it creates MASSIVE stress on the hardware and then you combine that with something like Knights Valor or a Paladins auras who react off things (Aura of Vengeance) where each time you are stuck it "strikes back" with weapon damage?
Or another example would be the Renegake Evoker passive: each time you are struck with a crit it hits them back.... Add a friking ICD to it! I have seen TRs who use Duelist Flurry on a target and KILL themselves from a Renegake Evoker plus the Sharandar boon...
Its just too much guys... Its too many interactions that just bog down the servers.
Want to look at another culprit? SW's capstone: Creeping Death. Its crazy...
Now adding ICDs to things NEEDS to be compensated with some additional adjustments to damage (probably buffs). But doing this will create less lag and I would almost GUARANTEE create more balance between classes - or minimally make it easier TO balance in the future... You never know when you create an item that will be WACK overpowered just based on the sheernumber of interactions. Two examples that we can point to are:
1) GFs using glyphs in module 4 was ONLY an issue because of all the stupid interactions going on... You guys provided an ICD and it solved the issue.
2) Emblem - again was CRAZY at healing because of the sheer # of times hit. Imagine how much WORSE it would be today?! What happened? An ICD was implemented and nerfed it TOO hard... But it could have been buffed to compensate and would have been fine...
Again, the issue is just too many interactions between powers/feats/pets/boons etc. Its too much for the servers. We either need better servers or you need to address the problem from the other side of the fence - make everything cause less strain on the servers.
Id be happy to compile a list of the top 10-20 things if you would like that cause these issues. Heck I bet the community would be MORE than happy to list them here!
Like I said, the latency USED to not be that bad. I remember playing back in mod 0 days with no issues at ALL. Its ALL the stuff they keep adding, companions, feats, boons, powers that attack SO many times per second, react to those attacks and cause massive massive lag issues.
Like I said, why was GF + overloads + Knights Valor an issue in mod 4? Because each time a teammate was struck, it bounced to the GF which then bounced back a damage hit from a glyph and just melted people in seconds. (
Its actually a pretty simple solution that may not be "fun" to incorporate an ICD onto several abilities but its what is really best for the game as a whole. Either that or the company needs to invest in much better servers....
I dont think it would be hard at all... Then once the dust settles on the lag issues that would be improved DRASTICALLY from doing this... They can then take a look at rebalancing those "20 things" that they adjusted. I bet some of them dont even need a rebalance.
I mean I could list off 10 things right now that would be a massive decrease in lag and improvement for the game and MAYBE even a step towards some balance too! But Id rather not since I have no idea if the DEVs will even see this or care..
its kind of like this
I ado agree, they will probably break things, but the current game is already broken in several areas AND its laggy. I can manage breaking things as we can always finds ways to compensate, but its the lag that kills me...
OP is right. Buff things that proc, but on the flip-side make all those things have ICDs. The only problem I would see is that the ones who could be affected the most are the ranged classes that have a lot of DoT abilities if they don't take care of the damage aspect of it.
GUILD: ~Myrmidons~
Would Love to party up with people for pretty much anything!
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
I can link you to dozens of youtube videos of other MMO's that have raids and other content where the amount of processor power needed to run everything would dwarf what Neverwinter handles 10fold.
At least(?) 6 months after Tiamat launch
Lag still makes her unbeatable if anyone is using astral/prism/burning guidance/WHATEVER IT IS
Add an ICD to whatever breaks Tiamat.
You shouldn't need us to demand this HAMSTER. =/
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
" La questione lag è stata chiusa da quando la PWE si è accertata che il problema non derivava dal loro server, per questo vi dico di rivolgervi al vostro ISP. "
"The lag problem has been closed since the PWE has made sure that the problem is not generated by their servers, so I tell you to contact your ISP."
Why are you complaning? >:)
PS: I understand better why the players are leaving the game....
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
Its funny because I play at home and at work - using 2 different ISPs about 45 miles apart (yes I commute 1hr+ each way) and yet still seems VERY odd that everytime I see a SW attack a paladin all the sudden my ping shoots from 120 to 400.... Must be my ISP though.... RIIIIIIGHT.....
The issue with the game isnt a hardware on OUR end issue it wont matter what YOUR specs are because its their servers that cant handle it. We have guys in our guild with ridiculous rigs and their machines bog down equally when things like auras mix with Creeping Death. Its not a PC issue its a server issue. Its sending too many packets all at once.
So the "bottle neck" isnt your rig, its the servers. If they upgraded the servers then ya it would be your rig but they also just need to fix a few coding areas and it would fix the game..
I base this on the last game I played who did a server transfer... it took almost an entire day to finish. I am also basing this belief on the fact that they are doing this for bunch of games.
So if it ever does get fixed, who knows... But thats the point is nothing should be hitting 30k times a minute....