was wondering if the underdark will get a drow city that players can use which would really increase the RP for drow players who choose to rp the matriarchal soiciety aspect of the Drow.
doubt that would work, since it would be a genocide against the drow if i went there, as my paladin is human and drow dont really like other races, unless they are slaves, so the end result would be a lot of dead drow with a mace shaped holes in their faces
Well, Mantol-Derith will be in Underdark. l I guess you can call it a town for lack of a better word. I don't know if it'll include a tavern or other role-play friendly places, but the area itself is not hostile towards surface dwellers.
i doubt it will be a pure drow city, might be some renegades/traders there, almost every non-Drizzt drow(player characters dont really count in this) is an HAMSTER, though profit might make them deal with other races