Im a 2900 plus IL warlock, i just recently decided that pve is pointless at this moment in time, and have commited to pvp. I have always pvped, was page 30 solo queing last mod. I have full burning set, p negation, rarely loose in 1v1s in dom/iwd, usually only to a HR if he manages to root me before i choke him. Im currently in a guild, but there main focus is pve, while mine has become pvp.
7thS1n---Trickster Rouge LV 70(perma-Stun build)
7ThH3AL3R-- Devoted Cleric LV 70 (Divine Oracle Haste/DPS build)
7ThM4G3-- Control Wizard
7ThW4rL0CK-- Scrooge Warlock
7THW4R--Great Weapon Fighter