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Mod 6, updated Power/Feats

mylyf2mylyf2 Member Posts: 17 Arc User
Anyone have an updated Power/Feats skills since the changes in Mod6 (StorWarden Trapper, currently using Katozee's build)

the gear i have been getting does not seem to be specific to Crit or Arp..., but more in
tune with Life Steal, Deflection and Defense..

Does anyone have the new numbers to hit with respect to Crit, Power, Defense, Arp, Deflection and Life Steal?

Also, i am a StormWarden and wondering what the best
rotation seems to be when i hit level 70?

Thanks for the Insights


  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    for you rotation, you might try adding cordon of arrows to see if you like it. personally i kept the rotation the same(fox shift, hindering, constricting) because of the crushing roots ability that you gain. i replaced aspect of the pack with crushing roots. crushing roots now gives your weak and strong grasping roots the ability to daze your opponent. the problem with cordon is that it does not utilize weak or strong grasping roots, but it is still a nice encounter.

    by the time you hit lvl 70 you will notice that life steal is not nearly as effective as it was in mod 5. this is where our new daze ability comes in handy because most of the time you will not take any damage, or at least very little. rooted adds can still hit you, they just can't move.

    as for stats... you want to try and get your RI% to 40% for ads and 60% for bosses. how you go about that is up to you.. equipment, enchanments, companions, boons, strength...

    after max RI, you can stack power or crit. if you want to use a vorpal enchantment then stack crit. there is a table somewhere that depicts this, but i don't have the link at the moment. as for the rest, i am not sure yet. i am still running with equipment that i got from the leveling quests lol.
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
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    In pvp is 60% RI the number to go for nowadays?
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    i have not done PVP in a long while, so i am not sure. i have read some comments that recommend more, because i guess it's possible for players to increase their own resistance.
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
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