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Neverwinter 7.2k Astral Diamonds from neither dungeons nor skirmishes!

ash1113ash1113 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
edited October 2015 in Bug Reports (PC)
Hi! all

so this must have been asked before or maybe its just me who is having this issue either way someone please help me here its getting rather annoying and frustrating:

basically when i open Rhix window it says i can get 4.8k total from 1 first run through of a dungeon and a skirmish and i can get ADs there after such that the total ADs that i would make would be 7.2k x2 but apparently currently i am able to make 4.2k for 1st dungeon run and 1.7k from 1st skirmish run and after that no matter hw many dungeons i do or how many skirmishes i do i get a whooping '0' ADs...


i mean either give me the correct amount of Ads or reduce the damned Ads i need to get those stupid boons >.>...its already taken me an eternity to get a 100 of all the items required to get 1 silly lil book...

but seriously though! why do i get only 4.2k+1.7k ADs when i should be getting 7.2k+7.2k ADs as its supposed to be??..



  • darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    The way dungeons and skirmishes work:

    -- The first two times you run a dungeon -- normal, T1 or T2 -- you should get 3000 AD (ignoring possible VIP bonus) plus a variable amount of AD based on the dungeon you run. The dungeon bonus varies from 150 AD (normal Temple of Spiders) to 750 AD (Malabog's Castle, maybe others).

    -- The third through however many dungeons you run you will only get the dungeon bonus of 150 - 750 AD.

    -- The first two times you run a skirmish you should get 1500 AD plus a variable amount based on the skirmish you ran.

    -- The third though however many skirmishes you run will only give you the skirmish bonus.

    My partial list of dungeon/skirmish bonuses:
    Malabog's Castle: 750 AD
    Valindra's Tower: 600 AD
    epic Temple of Spiders: 550 AD
    Lair of Lostmauth: 400 AD
    Kessel's Retreat skirmish: 300 AD
    Shores of Tuern skirmish: 200 AD
    normal Temple of Spiders: 150 AD

    So if you ran normal ToS twice, then Malabog's Castle, then Kessel's Retreat three times, you would get 3150 AD + 3150 AD + 750 AD + 1800 AD + 1800 AD + 300 AD. Multiply these amounts by 1.15 to get the VIP values.

    If you truly get 0 AD for your second dungeon or skirmish, you are bugged. Make sure you refine any rAD before you run the next dungeon/skirmish to get the true value for that run.
  • ash1113ash1113 Member Posts: 94 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    gotcha @darkstarcrash ima make a certain similar check list for me to keep an eye on em ADs the next time im in there..thx :)
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