Friend invites from spammers have gotten out of control. When they pop up in PE, it's annoying (especially if you are trying to quickly click through crafting or quickly invoke on multiple toons). When it happens during a battle, it can be a bit more annoying. Also, it is presumably profitable for the spammers and therefore removing profit from Cryptic, else they would not do it broadly.
Here is a simple feature to combat them.
You have to complete Blacklake District to send friend invites. If you have 5 friend invites declined in a 24 hour period, you cannot send additional friend invites for 7 days. You can still
receive friend invites if you have not completed Blacklake, or if you are temporarily banned from inviting.
This won't stop the less-invasive
/tell @gullible Hey buddy, please friend me so I can sell you ADbut it will quickly end the annoying popup invitations.
Caritas Guild Founder (Greycloak Alliance)
Sci-fi author:
The Gods We Make,
The Gods We Seek, and
following individual game settings.
1. reject friend invites
2. reject whispers
3. reject party invites
i do think the friend invite penalty could be a good idea.
"Great men are almost always bad men."
“If God is all-powerful He cannot be good, if God is good He cannot be all-powerful!”
As a correlaory, would limiting the number of friend requestsan account can send can send be a better alternative?
Invites only works if groups you are with and knew each other if you are in dungeons and if you are in guilds.
Star Trek Online has same problem recently, it been going on, players getting "invites" while they are on missions or in "red alerts" encounters.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
Or without any "F2P leecher", who's going to buy your items from the auction house, or who's running dungeons/skirmishes/PvP with you?
Do you really think, that NWO would survive the year with a subscription?
Reality check:
close to
-14%-15% today, give it a few more days, and they will have lost all the players, that came back for the latest module.Not to mention, with the Devs so slow with coming up with improvements for leadership, even more players are going to jump ship... paying players and "F2P leecher" alike.
Last but not least, GW 2 went F2P, SkyForge is F2P and even WildStar is going to be F2P in a few days... looks like F2P is the MMOs way to keep a game going.
But feel free to go back to WoW or any other subscription based game, and see for yourself, that even there you have botters/goldsellers running around.
On topic,
1. reject friend invites
2. reject whispers
3. reject party invites
option would do it.
Stop cutting features and penalizing the human players while leaving the front door wide open. Right after the Leadership cuts and AD changes do these 'Friend' requests become apparent. I'm sure the irony is killing you.