Hi! It's super nice to meet you and/or get reacquainted with old foundry companions.
I have been away for a couple of years but really miss the opportunity to create stories so I'm thinking of returning. I was remembering fondly the 100s of hours spent creating Nightmare on Market Street and My Best Friend's Evil Wedding and wanted to pop back in.
Just curious what cool new tools the authors have now and if the Foundry is more stable than it was a back in 2013.
-Amy aka Lovepeas
The Delusions Quartet
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
I can't remember exactly when you last played, but since launch we've gotten several new encounter sets, including the single unit friendly Advneturer Encounters. We've also gotten several new detail sets, a vastly improved 3d editor, and the "Room Builder" system, which makes creating custom indoor maps much easier.
As far as stability goes, it tends to go down for a bit after new modules, which it's always done until they republish everything. Aside from that though, I don't crash in it any more than I do in the live game, which is pretty rare.
There are quite a few things different with the foundry, depending on how long ago you left. We have the ability to add and manipulate objects in the 3D preview mode, as well as a free camera mode (basically flying around). Thus 3D creation of maps is quite a bit easier. We also have some completely empty rooms for custom interior building in addition to the Dungeon Builder tileable assets. There are several new base maps to work with, including an all water and all sky map.
Unfortunately, they have introduced several really irritating bugs with the last two modules (from which we saw virtual NO new content or positive changes in the foundry). Namely that using teleporters while in 3D Preview mode will bug the preview instance. And the latest bug is that trying to set a sound effect asset will crash the editor...
So many authors have left, it is good to see you have returned to check it out again. I fear that the trend of developer apathy toward the Foundry has not significantly improved in the time you have been away, most likely just the opposite.
I hope you do some new Foundry, but as Essenti said, there some irritating bugs...
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
Is there still a foundry author chat channel in game? Also, (perhaps wishful thinking) is there a foundry author guild?
I can't wait to try out some of the new foundry titles that you all have been crafting. Any suggestions on what to try first?
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
There are quite a few new quests that you should definitely try out. I recommend trying out quests by @Locksheon, @Torontodave, @grimah, @Kithlis, @GruffyDD, and @prettycelt 's "Turtle Soup". There are many others and I wish I had the search feature open right now to go through my subscriptions. There are a lot of great creations by new authors, but they remain buried beneath far too many "Quick Review" type quests.
I think you would enjoy running through my own quest: "A Mere Expedition!" (NW-DIAAPG3S4)
Please try mine: NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
And I think that one is pretty awesome: Drowned shore disembark #ds#
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
If I recall, I was able to look into the mirror from the other room.. ;D I reported that bug in my review. =D
And yea, while we don't have a plethora of new tools to show off, I can at least say the Foundry is more stable than it was. It also auto-saves progress that can usually be recovered after a crash. =D
My quest "To Infinity, and BEYOND!" was featured, and while @strumslinger hasn't played it yet, he promised he would. Maybe TODAY'S THE DAY, ANDY? TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22nd IS THE DAY? ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
and once he realizes its superfun, he'll FEATURE THE SEQUEL, 'The Black Pearl' CAUSE ITS ALSO FUN. AND TUESDAYS ARE FOUNDRY UPDATE DAYS.
In fact, If R.A. Salvatore were to WATCH YOU PLAYING 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' It would give him all kinds of great ideas for the story cause he'll see some of the COOL parts of the engine? (pitfalls, sky changes, bat effects, active sounds tied to quest changes ;D)
@badbotlimit @panderus @dextructoid @goatshark @asterdahl @commanderander should also play it. It's really fun.
"To Infinity, and BEYOND!" - Live 1.2 (My version. Has a teleporter to skip the jumping puzzle)
(The 'Featured' version is 1.0 and is pre-mod6, so encounters are too hard for you devs *chuckle* ;D )
The links are in my signature (and work now)
NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
Thanks for all the fish.
I'm looking forward to trying the others tomorrow.
Last question... (for now
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding
Welcome back! We've not met, but you were pretty much the biggest inspiration for me to become a foundry author. Some of the things you pulled off with only the 2D editor really got me excited about the capabilities in the foundry. I've always recommended your work to newer authors or players. And like them and many others, been waiting for the sequals to your quartet for two years too lol.
As for Foundry Authors Guild, I can only think of Mythweavers but I'm sure there are others.
Again, welcome back. Despite the many many bugs and obstacles and lack of new content, we still plug away.
Looking forward to chatting with you!
House of 1000 Corpses - NW-DIEYVLCML D&D Adventures Part II
Well of Dragons - NW-DTPJEKZCT Third Place Winner CotD Foundry Contest
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 1 - NW-DM8GHAME2 Monty Python!
It's Just a Flesh Wound Pt. 2 - NW-DFADOS4EX Monty Python!
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
Act 1: Nightmare on Market Street
Act 2: My Best Friend's Evil Wedding