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Level 70 with 2100 item score, can't even beat the first boss for dread campaign.

majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
Can't even get him below 75% health before I am overwhelmed, this game is longer fun in anyway. You have removed all ability to play alone and attempt to force us into groups. This is stupid.


  • theungodlytheungodly Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    I haven't got severely stuck in the campaign, but i've surely died many times and used tons of health potions. My HR (trapper) are much MUCH squishier now when lifesteal have changed. And i don't know if this is a problem only on XBOX (frame lag issue?), but it's annoyingly impossible to avoid/dodge many attacks. You can fight one or two foes and get hit by nothing. You can stand far away from foes and still get hit. Sometimes the screen goes red, you die and you don't understand what hit you. And this is why i believe that some changes shouldn't apply to the XBOX version. The game is much more punishing when the frame lag is so terrible.
    HR - "The Ungodly"
    DC - "The Unholy"
    Guild: Ruthless
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    They gave us health stones for a reason. It's going to suck until you get geared up @ 70 with artifact weapons that aren't green and 61% armor penetration.

    It took me a while, and I definitely went through a few health stones taking him down solo, but the mechanics are different when you can't just burn stuff down anymore like we could @ 60. You have to work on killing the adds every time they spawn (they're health based, not time based), so get him down to 80% or so, then work on killing the adds when they spawn, then take him down to 60%, kill adds, etc.

    Potions are worthless in combat. I've learned that if I need to heal in combat I use a stone (and I still have 80+ charges left from the 200 they gave us, so you should have plenty), and then use potions to heal up when you're ooc.

    Hope that helps!
  • zephyriahzephyriah Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,980 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    You now need to develop some tactics for many boss fights. Gone are the days when you can stand toe to toe and fight.

    I assume you are talking about the boss in the Death Forge (Jawbone). The secret/tactic to getting him is to destroy the soul caskets before they create any more adds. Anytime he spawns a soul casket, you should remove your focus from the Boss and adds and destroy it. It will still take some time and you need to keep moving (a stationary player is a dead player), but it is doable.

    In case I'm wrong here are the other two bosses.

    In Dread Spire, the boss has a shield similar to the Blue Dragon Cultists and it also slows you in front of the shield in a square/rectangular shaped field. Tactic is the same as for the cultists, hit him from behind.

    Phantasmal Fortress, I don't have any good advice. It's a war of attrition, just keep pounding and moving and save Dailies for the shards. That's where you need Max damage. As long as the shard survives, the boss will respawn.
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    I don't stand toe to toe, I am constantly moving only stopping to flurry when my stuns are active, it doesn't matter, it is not possible for me to take the boss down long before I am overwhelmed, and I should not need a pay to win item to be able to play the game, that is called a cash grab and needs to get the HAMSTER out.
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    Pay to win? They gave everyone 200 health stones......for free. If you don't want to use them then that's your choice, but it's obvious they did it for a reason. Once you get leveled and geared up a bit better it's not nearly as bad. I do have to constantly restock my health potions though in between questing. That's something that I never had to do before.
  • axemthegreataxemthegreat Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    Also, you talk about flurry and stuns. Are you a scoundrel build TR? If so, that may be part of the problem. I've had much better luck with both the Saboteur and Executioner trees for PvE in Mod 6 (just my own opinion, YMMV, but I've respecced a couple of times now). The defensive feats in the scoundrel tree don't help much against the heavy hitters in mod 6 until you actually get enough HP to stay alive against them, and you severely limit your dps by going that route (IMO).
  • majik518majik518 Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    Executioner, always have been. Drop smoke bomb for aoe stun, flurry, use stealthed dazing strike for more aoe stun, flurry, stealth again until dazing strike, smoke bomb, repeat. Can keep most mobs stunned constantly while putting out dps.
  • randomdigits#2166 randomdigits Member Posts: 700 Arc User
    For Dread Ring the best advice I can give is to chose the map instance with the highest number of players and wait near the door for some other player. You can then invite them to the group and finish it together. It's much faster and simpler. On some days there are even people who grind these dungeons, so they will be waiting for you by the door.

    As an 1860 IL CW I had huge difficulties with the Jawbone, but using 3 charges from the stone of health was able to beat it. That was the hardest of all campaign bosses so far. There is another tough one (witch in Dark Fey area), but there you have to learn her attack pattern to dodge just before she does the ranged attack. Though I haven't yet found a good reason to do these daily boss fights in Sharandar - they don't seem to be needed for the campaign progress.
    Ana Taletreader (CW) / Friend of Casual Gamers
  • silktrocitysilktrocity Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    Sounds like you need to swap out an encounter for SS so you can regain stealth during those desperate times while you wait for your skullcracker/smoke bomb to regenerate.

    My saboteur has had zero issues with mod 6 content. Then again, I'm able to literally stay stealth 100% of the time and wittle bosses health down with glooming cut/lashing blade combo over and over.

    they literally don't even move, they just stand there the whole battle. Priceless.
    Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    @majik518 Which boss? The Dread Spire boss? If so, summon a companion that draws aggro away from you. It will keep the 2 Thayans at bay while you can focus on the boss. I personally use my time in stealth to take them out.

    My way: Run in smoke and make sure I smoke 2 thayans AND boss. While boss is stunned I go stealth and take his 2 friends out. Then lay into the boss with Lashing-dazing-wicked whatever you like, and of course Flurry. Then repeat when he summons again.

    Also, it should be noted that when he gets in that defense position, do not stand in front. Go behind-stealth-LASHING BLADE. You get so much more damage at those times.
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I did Jawbone yesterday for the first time, started with Oak Skin-Hindering Strike-Steel Breeze then Binding Arrow-Hindering Shot-Constricting Arrow. Start over. Seismic seems inconsistent, or the animation can't keep up, but I fired it when presented. Have Twin Blade Storm and Crushing Roots enabled... Jawbone can be solo'd just make an effort to move to strike from his side or back.

    First couple of attempts was with Cordon of Arrows/Plant Growth, did not work well for me.

    Went on to do a Tier2 dungeon, Cragmire, what a whooping!! I did get the chest at the end since I did join late to help with the boss. Like the new purple kicks! :)

    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    For Jawbone I use same powers as I do with Dread Spire boss. I just make sure to take out the coffins when it summons. But yea just use stealth as much as possible, let your striker companion draw the ads agro, and focus on the boss.
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    Yeah, that 'soul casket' he summoned, I made sure to lure him in tight on it as I circled. Roots did their thing and melted it fast. Think he summoned it a few times before he collapsed.

    My companion is a Icosahedron Ioun Stone. ;)
    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    I have a Red Dragon Heart Ioun Stone( Legendary), but I use my striker companions for these bosses. They draw aggro away, making it a lot easier.
  • klookickklookick Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Does any one know if you can the Draconic Longbow in mod6, really want to transmute it.
  • patsfirepatsfire Member Posts: 833 Arc User
    Can what?
  • davidagaldodavidagaldo Member Posts: 383 Arc User
    klookick said:

    Does any one know if you can the Draconic Longbow in mod6, really want to transmute it.

    Don't know that one... I like the Ensorcelled transmuted to an Archon bow. Saw one the other day.

    Guild: Spectrum
    .. Teucer (HR) / Maximus Decimus (DC) .. GT: ApexDemon
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