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Best Executioner PVE Build for upcoming Mod 6? Advise on Items needed as well.

bronitazbronitaz Member Posts: 20 Arc User
Hey there.

So having looked at PC, and knowing that we are.. Different, I am wondering if anyone could predict a huge DPS build for TR?

I'm asking partly because I just removed all my enchantments from my 16k (who cares about gear score anymore though) rogue in order to hit the numbers just right.

I'm still pretty 'young' as far as gear goes. I've only joined 2 months ago, and while my artifacts are ready to go purple (Tiamat and Lantern), and my weapons are close to purple, what I don't know is whether to take them there or not before the 7th. It also depends on when Double Refinement hits, if anyone knows this Oh Please do tell.

So first, Gear advise. Should I upgrade my Golden Dragon weapons to purple so I can later salvage them into the new artifacts we get at 70? Should I upgrade my lantern + orb so I can salvage THEM into horn of Lostmouth when I get it? Should I keep upgrading belt of DEX to purple and salvage it into the new belt we get that gives us +2 STR and +2 DEX?

Now... For Actual build.
My biggest dilemma for the new MOD is whether to focus on Defense or Deflect, or both. I sort of just need to know what stats are the best for my build. As for feats, I run Weapon Mastery, Toughness, Cunning Ambusher, A little Stamina increase (3/5), Endless Assault, Disciple of Strength, Improved Cunning (2/5)

Executioner path: Arterial Cut, Vicious PUrsuit, Last Moments, Shadowborn, Exposed Weakness, Shadow of Demise
Saboteur: Flashing Blades.

I'm a half-orc. Any advise appreciated! I really want to put out 20+ mil damage on my own in Lostmouth instead of just the usual 12. I run lashing, smoke bomb, and either shadow strike or whatever refills your stealth, or blitz for crowd control, and wicked reminder on dragon.


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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    if u want to maximize ur dps in mod 6 top tree is overall more dps by far when used correctly. im 2 lazy to push myself to the limit when it comes to being on top and doing the hardest build so I stayed with executioner /my feats are very similar to urs except a few slight changes /im still pretty much on top of boards with my build. i use itc/daz/smoke for encounters sometimes i switch out daz for lash depends on situation ofcourse.
    my feats: 3/3 weapon mastery 3/3 in toughness 3/3 cunning abusher 3/5 swift 3/3 endless 3/3 disc 2/3 in scron

    my paragon: 5/5 arterial cut 5/5 vicious 5/5 dying breath 5/5 last moments 5/5 shadow 1/1 sod now i go to top tree shady prepartions 5/5 5/5 flashing blades 5/5 knifes edge which is also faster cooldowns
    from what ive relized and tested myself ur damage comes from ur encounters so faster u get them back the more damage u do and u build action points fast to a unreal extent.

    my stats /item level im at 3100 item level im sure u already know this doesn't mean anything which yes its true gs isn't skill u can't buy skill my stats are as followed

    power 13000 crit 3000 arp 6100 recovery 2500 def 3000 defl 1800 ( i don't find this important since u get a lot from dex) 4000 life steal (i find life steal amazeing in this mod i have 18% +more if i changed my builds around ) i love my life drinker but if u want to max ur dps go for vorpal
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    respectpaysrespectpays Member Posts: 344 Arc User
    oh and my hp is 85k sry left it out :/
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    dirtyhealzdirtyhealz Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Whisperknife or master infiltrator?
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    bronitazbronitaz Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    Wow. So... It's Mod 6 time and I tried EZIO's Build. Guess what guys? ROGUE SUCKS NOW!

    Okay, PVP it's still alright, but PVE? You SoD has been SO nerfed it can only affect ONE target. You can't Blitz mobs anymore, and daze has been FD over so hard that it feels like i'm getting HAMSTER by two HAMSTER in one A.

    This is sooo ridiculous and SAD. I can't own PVE solo anymore. I mean, I have been saving all my refinement to go to purple on all my items in October, but now I'm thinking of just giving up this class. Even at PURPLE, the rogues I know say it sucks. Rogue by far now is the WEAKEST class as far as how much its capabilities have been HAMSTER over.

    I can't do this anymore. Not only have they completely removed STEALTH (YOU can only stealth in combat advantage now for mobs/PvE), they made it so that ANY time you stealth mobs still know where you're at! It does not help at ALL in PvE CHeesus HAMSTER Christ.

    I'm real pissed. I put so much time and heart into this rogue. I never even really played PvP so I don't get those 'you deserve it' comments because I never HAMSTER anyone in PvP.

    I made a Paladin but I already have a Clerik i'm taking to 70. I don't know what to do. Whether to just give up or try to keep going in hopes they'll un-nerf it again. I don't think they will. Because all the Pros right now are still Rogues with epic items, but there are way fewer GWF with epics because they had to suffer for months before becoming GODLIKE.

    So... now the question comes to this. Do I do a Paladin, Hunter, or GWF. I need to choose fast and choose now before Double Refinement so I can put all my points into one character. Damnit. SOOO pissed. Which one can maximize DPS and not die like a HAMSTER in dungeons? I heard Hunter is the BEST right now for versatile play (trapper course, roots are buffed/duration), but GWF ownership is also very cool. I Don't know about doing Pally AND clerik heh but Pally can carry everyone in Dungeons.
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    silktrocitysilktrocity Member Posts: 239 Arc User
    Hunter is the new TR in pvp. survivability was their only downfall in mod 5.. now with the HUGE health pools, their rotations can last much longer.
    Lady Vayo TR - Silky OP - Lord Reven DC (retired) - Lady Luck HR (retired)
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    bronitazbronitaz Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I think this game is going to purposefully nerf and un-nerf classes every update to make more money out of people. Speaking of money, I don't think I'll be spending any more, ever. Just got "grounded" for having an inappropriate character name. 'Temporary Ban.' That's funny, because I genuinely don't know which one it is, and who the hell complained, when there's way more funny and great inappropriate names running around (won't list, I'm not a rat). Get over it Arc and let people enjoy the game. I forgot how good Skyrim was.
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    pucknnutzpucknnutz Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    I agree they Nerf the rogue so much it's no longer fun to play. I don't understand why they did this other then people were complaining. I have put SOOOO much money into my rogue and I just hate playing it now. I personally think I'm going to delete Neverwinter and move onto something else. Personally since they ruined my character and want me to create something worth a HAMSTER just to get more cash out of me..NOT HAPPENING! I will NEVER recommend this "free" game to anyone. They will put there money in and lose it when the next update comes out and there character isn't worth a HAMSTER! Thanks NW you did a great job with the rogue in mod 6.....NOT!
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    bronitazbronitaz Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    I'm starting to feel the same way Pucknutz.

    I am not having fun at all on my rogue. And I just bought myself that 34 slot bag for it. I regret it now. They also temporarily banned my account for inaproporiate name the other day, funny because it was only against 2 very Mildly named characters when there are so much worse out there. I duno I also feel like maybe I should either move over to Skyrim or just play less. Sigh.

    Rogue Sucks now. And yea I can start a brand new Hunter, I can't do GWF - I watched my BF play it and it's HELLA boring. It's OP, powerful as hell, but even he says : same buttons same combos NO variation whatsoever. Hunter takes at least a tiny modicum of skill. Rogue used to take that too, but they just destroyed it now. Sigh.

    Screw putting all my refinement points into it. It's a lost cause. My Clerik is HELLA boring too. And those are my only 70s.

    RespectPays, I'm tempted to try the top tree but I gota find a build for it. I still have a free respec, I could either use it in the last hope of TRYING to make my rogue better/more survivability, or I can say screw it and respect my hunter to be awesome OP master. Or I can just go watch netflix.. :P
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    bronitaz said:

    Wow. So... It's Mod 6 time and I tried EZIO's Build. Guess what guys? ROGUE SUCKS NOW!

    Okay, PVP it's still alright, but PVE? You SoD has been SO nerfed it can only affect ONE target. You can't Blitz mobs anymore, and daze has been FD over so hard that it feels like i'm getting HAMSTER by two HAMSTER in one A.

    This is sooo ridiculous and SAD. I can't own PVE solo anymore. I mean, I have been saving all my refinement to go to purple on all my items in October, but now I'm thinking of just giving up this class. Even at PURPLE, the rogues I know say it sucks. Rogue by far now is the WEAKEST class as far as how much its capabilities have been HAMSTER over.

    I can't do this anymore. Not only have they completely removed STEALTH (YOU can only stealth in combat advantage now for mobs/PvE), they made it so that ANY time you stealth mobs still know where you're at! It does not help at ALL in PvE CHeesus HAMSTER Christ.

    I'm real pissed. I put so much time and heart into this rogue. I never even really played PvP so I don't get those 'you deserve it' comments because I never HAMSTER anyone in PvP.

    I made a Paladin but I already have a Clerik i'm taking to 70. I don't know what to do. Whether to just give up or try to keep going in hopes they'll un-nerf it again. I don't think they will. Because all the Pros right now are still Rogues with epic items, but there are way fewer GWF with epics because they had to suffer for months before becoming GODLIKE.

    So... now the question comes to this. Do I do a Paladin, Hunter, or GWF. I need to choose fast and choose now before Double Refinement so I can put all my points into one character. Damnit. SOOO pissed. Which one can maximize DPS and not die like a HAMSTER in dungeons? I heard Hunter is the BEST right now for versatile play (trapper course, roots are buffed/duration), but GWF ownership is also very cool. I Don't know about doing Pally AND clerik heh but Pally can carry everyone in Dungeons.

    You must be garbage then to give up so easily. I have NO problems in dungeons. I still run at the top of the pack, learn to adapt. Seriously. I still haven't been out DPS'd by a HR in dungeon runs either. The changes to the TR have been vastly over exaggerated. Guess what, it's harder for EVERYONE to kill in the dungeons. Or did you seem to forget that little bit of info. It also seems like I have the best survivability with my dazing and stealth because I'm usually the last one alive. As long as you're attacking from behind or the side and dodging AOe you're fine. I'm usually the one reviving people, we're easily the most mobile to dodge all of the BS in runs. Destroyed it lmao. The changes are small. It's bad players like you that are making the TR look bad right now. Make a new toon, and invite me for a run and let's see if the destroyed the TR. Oh man. lol

    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    edited September 2015

    bronitaz said:

    Wow. So... It's Mod 6 time and I tried EZIO's Build. Guess what guys? ROGUE SUCKS NOW!

    Okay, PVP it's still alright, but PVE? You SoD has been SO nerfed it can only affect ONE target. You can't Blitz mobs anymore, and daze has been FD over so hard that it feels like i'm getting HAMSTER by two HAMSTER in one A.

    This is sooo ridiculous and SAD. I can't own PVE solo anymore. I mean, I have been saving all my refinement to go to purple on all my items in October, but now I'm thinking of just giving up this class. Even at PURPLE, the rogues I know say it sucks. Rogue by far now is the WEAKEST class as far as how much its capabilities have been HAMSTER over.

    I can't do this anymore. Not only have they completely removed STEALTH (YOU can only stealth in combat advantage now for mobs/PvE), they made it so that ANY time you stealth mobs still know where you're at! It does not help at ALL in PvE CHeesus HAMSTER Christ.

    I'm real pissed. I put so much time and heart into this rogue. I never even really played PvP so I don't get those 'you deserve it' comments because I never HAMSTER anyone in PvP.

    I made a Paladin but I already have a Clerik i'm taking to 70. I don't know what to do. Whether to just give up or try to keep going in hopes they'll un-nerf it again. I don't think they will. Because all the Pros right now are still Rogues with epic items, but there are way fewer GWF with epics because they had to suffer for months before becoming GODLIKE.

    So... now the question comes to this. Do I do a Paladin, Hunter, or GWF. I need to choose fast and choose now before Double Refinement so I can put all my points into one character. Damnit. SOOO pissed. Which one can maximize DPS and not die like a HAMSTER in dungeons? I heard Hunter is the BEST right now for versatile play (trapper course, roots are buffed/duration), but GWF ownership is also very cool. I Don't know about doing Pally AND clerik heh but Pally can carry everyone in Dungeons.

    You must not be all that good to give up so easily, so quickly. I have NO problems in dungeons. I still run at the top of the pack, learn to adapt. Seriously. I still haven't been out DPS'd by a HR in dungeon runs either "not to say I won't be". The changes to the TR have been vastly over exaggerated. Guess what, it's harder for "EVERYONE" to kill in the dungeons. Or did you seem to forget that little bit of info. It also seems like I have some of the best survivability with my dazing and stealth because I'm usually the last one alive. As long as you're attacking from behind or the side and dodging AOe you're fine. If I'm running with a weak group I'm usually the one reviving everyone, we're easily the most mobile to dodge all of the BS in runs. Destroyed the class, riiight. The changes are small. It's whiners like you that are making the TR look bad right now. Make a new toon, and invite me for a run and let's see if they destroyed the TR.. Oh man.

    Post edited by yourenext2die on
    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    "Omg mod 6 nerfed the TR so bad because I'm comparing my damage output now to mod 5 and think I have no hitting power, when I really should be comparing the amount of damage the bad guys can withstand now in dungeons compared to mod 5. Everyone knew a head of time from the PC community that ALL characters were getting hammered in mod 6 in the beginning until people adapted. You're going to find out quick that you're going to have just as much trouble killing with a different character until you adapt. The weakest class, riight. :)
    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    yourenext2dieyourenext2die Member Posts: 614 Arc User
    Someone delete this topic, he is no longer asking for help on how to "properly" play or build his TR. He quit the same day mod 6 dropped.
    Super Saiyan God- TR Lvl 70 (PVP)
    Unleash The Wolves- HR Lvl 70 (PVE)
    <font color="Aquamarine">"Non-Pay-To-Win"</font>
    I hunt GWF "Magik" on sight.
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    delta522delta522 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    bronitaz said:

    Wow. So... It's Mod 6 time and I tried EZIO's Build. Guess what guys? ROGUE SUCKS NOW!

    Okay, PVP it's still alright, but PVE? You SoD has been SO nerfed it can only affect ONE target. You can't Blitz mobs anymore, and daze has been FD over so hard that it feels like i'm getting HAMSTER by two HAMSTER in one A.

    This is sooo ridiculous and SAD. I can't own PVE solo anymore. I mean, I have been saving all my refinement to go to purple on all my items in October, but now I'm thinking of just giving up this class. Even at PURPLE, the rogues I know say it sucks. Rogue by far now is the WEAKEST class as far as how much its capabilities have been HAMSTER over.

    I can't do this anymore. Not only have they completely removed STEALTH (YOU can only stealth in combat advantage now for mobs/PvE), they made it so that ANY time you stealth mobs still know where you're at! It does not help at ALL in PvE CHeesus HAMSTER Christ.

    I'm real pissed. I put so much time and heart into this rogue. I never even really played PvP so I don't get those 'you deserve it' comments because I never HAMSTER anyone in PvP.

    I made a Paladin but I already have a Clerik i'm taking to 70. I don't know what to do. Whether to just give up or try to keep going in hopes they'll un-nerf it again. I don't think they will. Because all the Pros right now are still Rogues with epic items, but there are way fewer GWF with epics because they had to suffer for months before becoming GODLIKE.

    So... now the question comes to this. Do I do a Paladin, Hunter, or GWF. I need to choose fast and choose now before Double Refinement so I can put all my points into one character. Damnit. SOOO pissed. Which one can maximize DPS and not die like a HAMSTER in dungeons? I heard Hunter is the BEST right now for versatile play (trapper course, roots are buffed/duration), but GWF ownership is also very cool. I Don't know about doing Pally AND clerik heh but Pally can carry everyone in Dungeons.

    I feel the same way as you do man, earlier I was literally flying off the handle about it. I had alot of money in my rogue too, so Im trying to look at it from a positive aspect. I also have a cleric thats pretty good thinking about changing it to my primary. I'll keep the rogue and just hope someday they make it awesome again for pve. That way it wouldn't affect pvp players and start another arguement. But at the same time make all the rogues happy, a win for everybody. Thats a fair suggestion and fix for that problem. I had a gwf but didn't keep it, I have a Hunter Ranger too but I never had much luck with it. I hear now they are sopposed to be good. I think I'll stick with the cleric though cause I like to help people out. Sometimes I just heal random people for the fun of it. I took it to Blacklake district once and was randomly healing extremely low level characters lol. But yeah, the rogue most definitely needs its pve power back. They aren't worthless, but the awesome feeling of stealthing and wiping out a horde of enemies with dazing strike has been washed away and thinking about it again is getting me ****** off again. But hey, have faith because you never know. And when it comes to pve it doesnt hurt anyone. In fact, it helps everyone. Thats my thoughts
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