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Black Ice Shaping new PvP rings?

beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
edited September 2015 in PvP Discussion
Just won 12 of 12 played Strongholds matches and got my new PvP rings:

Is it possible to Black Ice Shape those new PvP rings?


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    urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    how did you get them?
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    benskix2benskix2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 674 Arc User
    Yes it is, but I can't tell you how. How did you play 12 stronghold matches and not have a stroke?
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    beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    benskix2 said:

    Yes it is, but I can't tell you how. How did you play 12 stronghold matches and not have a stroke?

    You really ask a MMO player if he got a stroke after 5h playing a new content?
    urlord283 said:

    how did you get them?

    I got it from Strongholds Outfitter (Marketplace rank 3+).
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    looomislooomis Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 253 Arc User
    You call yourself an MMO player and dont know how to look your question up ingame?

    As a stroke prevention, i stopped playing after the 1st guild pvp ;)
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    chambermancerchambermancer Member Posts: 63 Arc User
    Any of the jewelry even worth it since they only have one enchant slot?
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    aristofanusaristofanus Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    Definetely it worth it - because of tenacity
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    beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    I state that Tenacity itself gives me more defense that any R12 defense enchantment would give.
    But it depends on build and gamestyle, so one can get Tenacity better and other will find defense slot more valuable.
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    niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    Hey Beat, are you going all in on PVP gear and Jewelry, or mixing it up?
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    beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    I am going to wear:
    • PvP Armor set (Head + Armor + Gloves + Feet)
    • PvP rings
    • Lostmauth set
    I think that Lostmauth bonus is more valuable than additional Tenacity, but It is futher debatable.
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    icyphishicyphish Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,255 Arc User
    Why would you want the pvp ring? for Tenancity? I wonder if the tenacity outweights the two slot rings we currently use....

    Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
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    kweassakweassa Member Posts: 2,390 Arc User
    edited September 2015
    icyphish said:

    Why would you want the pvp ring? for Tenancity? I wonder if the tenacity outweights the two slot rings we currently use....

    Would probably depend on whether the overall percentage increase of defensive Tenacity parameters from the two rings, actually outweighs the many hundreds of points increase in whatever stat you've chosen through two enchants...

    ...but whatever the case, I don't think there's actually that much of a difference. I think it's probably safe to say that it's a choice between maybe 3~5% more tenacity, or 3~5% more something else.

    ...as for the neck.. no contest. AP artifacts would outweigh the importance of everything else.

    (ps) Incidentally, for that reason, I think it would be a good idea to remove the 4%/3s AP increase from the LostM neck. Having the set effect of LostM as well as the AP gain, is just too much IMO.

    Stop making excuses. Be a man.
    If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
    Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
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    urlord283urlord283 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,084 Arc User
    So... how do you get those... just play 12 rounds?

    Where do you find out about them

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    beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    Since I got my rings and have to wait until Marketplace 4 a few more days, I play Strongholds Siege less right now.
    At 15th won match (from 15 played) I got 1st time 2 banners, instead of 3. Because of won the match with small advantage (6k:4k).

    I won so much matches in so short time, because participated in every single Alpha match (and preview match aswell).
    I gave a big feedback, but not all my complains was included. I am still happy I could test and help (even if at small impact).

    Because my knowledge advantage will end soon, as players begins understanding basic tactics, I will propably loose soon and then loose much more frequently, but Alpha testing still gave me a really good advantage. The information and practice. Really valuable, but so underestimated values.
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    elyandorelyandor Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2 Arc User
    Has anyone been able to upgrade their new SH PvP armor through the black ice shaping?
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