I was thinking about the problem of to many astral diamonds and one solution I came up with is offer the vip straight up for Astral diamonds.
a large portion of players are using the zax to get there vip myself included. this doesn't take the ad out of the game its just moving them around and most likely sending it right back to the botters. if vip would be offered for ad straight up.
which at current zax rate would be 500,000 per month offer it for say 480k.
this gets those who are going to buy vip with ad thru the zax there vip but it also removes those astral diamonds from the game rather then just trading them to somebody else.
Namin Soulburner
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
http://youtu.be/0KbqTWeJqxc 0
They just sell AD through the auction house...
Hmmm, there goes the auction house in one of the future updates.
To fight the botters of course.
And again, ZEN from ZAX has to be bought by players. ZEN does not come out of thin air, it's more or less real money from someone else playing the game.
Now why would they start selling ViP for AD?
There's no good reason for doing so.
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
- Auction House cut/fee
- Strongholds
and probably some other things. Again, still no good reason to sell ViP for AD directly.
You want ViP?
Get ZEN.