Admittedly, most of my time has been spent playing my new Oathbound Paladin, and I've enjoyed that tremendously thus far. However, the end-game content... not so much.
I have a level 60 Soulbinder Fury Drow Warlock, and under most circumstances, I was doing pretty good under the old content (where I was Hellbringer Fury, admittedly). But now, I have to seriously question what the thinking process was behind some of the decisions regarding the new content and the modifications to the already-existing content.
Leveling is a chore now, but there's already at least one other thread discussing that. Mind, like I said above, I'm spending a lot of time on my Oathbound Paladin, but now I find myself unable to deal with Campaign quests that should be soloable, but now isn't. Take, for instance, "Ghost Stories" in Neverdeath Cemetary -- before the update, it was manageable; I'd die once, maybe twice, but that was it, and usually due to errors on my part. Now... even with the supposed "buff" to level 70, I am consistently one-shot by Green Dragonclaws (who can break Hadar's Grasp in under two seconds, which makes Hadar's Grasp not nearly as useful as the Control Wizard's grasp power) and then, inside another two seconds, either one-shot snipe you or root you so that the Ancient Lorekeeper, White Dragonclaw and three Black Dragonclaws can all gang up on you and drop you inside a second. And even if you get lucky enough to kill just one of the group (usually the Black Dragonclaws), once you die, it automatically respawns what you killed, so that no progress is made at all.
Before anyone thinks I'm exaggerating about the above account... I died something like seven times (six of which came at the hands of that one group... and it would have been the first of the five Arcane Lorekeepers I would have had to kill, had I managed to actually get that kill).
I'm not typically one to like to group with other people: I generally am a lone-wolf type, and I enjoy solo'ing. But now, I find myself in a position where solo play is no longer an option: I'm forced to group with other people for regular play that isn't dungeon (which I know all but requires people to be in a group). That, sadly, is a major turn-off to me, especially with the money I've sunk into the Zen store to try and make things easier for my characters. And worse, some of the end-game content I'd actually like to do (I'm looking at you, Icewind Dale), I'll be grinding for probably most of a month to get the XP to get to 70 so that I can do it. I'm not looking forward to that, especially with as much XP as I already earned beforehand (by all rights, I likely should be 64 and closing in on 65 with all the XP I've earned on my Warlock, but I was stuck at 60 because it came before the new content was released).
I do enjoy this game -- I enjoyed playing it on PC just after it went live, and I was thrilled to find it here on XBox One. But some of the changes I've run into thus far make me question just what direction Neverwinter is going, and makes me really wonder if I want to keep grinding or not, particularly when some of the older content has been made so difficult now that you have to find a group to be able to get through it.
I think you will find as you rebuild your equipment and get used to life steal and recovery changes, you will adapt and find the content easy again. You cannot use the same tactics that worked before when life steal is only a chance and you don't heal in combat, except for potions(Well, once they fix the way potions are behaving. Lag or programming error, who knows.)
For the time being, I've resigned myself to not doing some of that TOD content, and trying to grind my way up to 70 so that I can do Icewind Dale and explore it (since there's actually a fair bit of gear there that I want to get). Just gotta get through Elemental Fire first, and it looks like that's going to take a while.
I have noticed that life steal isn't nearly as good now; however, regeneration apparently got amped a fair bit, so I can't really complain too much about that, since I've got the three-piece Hrimnir jewelry set (due to not being able to get some of the gear I wanted because it required the new content to be released). At least now I know not to touch Well of Dragons until I can hit level 70 -- I hadn't looked there, and I don't frequent the forums as much as I ought to.
Life steal works different now, but in some ways it can be better, if you have it stacked well and can hit hard.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Summary, the TOD campaign dragon area now match the level of their Zone, while WOD and CC lairs reflect end-game level.