This isnt directly about leadership AD change, please post on that thread if you want to.. or not, I doubt it will make a difference.
These steps should be implemented ASAP.
A. REDUCE costing on gated refining items by 50%. So that a gmop can be had every few days by regular play.
B. REMOVE boon gating requirement w/AD, I have always, always been a proponent of this, as it hurts newest players the hardest.
C. Increase value of salvage equipment by 50% (it was lowered previous to this mod, most of it is out of non botted instances.
D. REMOVE strong hold requirement on AD donation, its clearly there to remove AD from the economy, that will no longer be available. Players will be hard hit by this change, we need to have this done ASAP.
E. and most important, reduce SH grind need by at least 50% of current value, if you want us TO play more in game to earn AD , im ok with that.. but Im spending 2 hours a day JUST grinding out items on SH.. its too much time allotted for the most boring content.
F. LEADERSHIP needs added value back. Do you know with removal of AD, leadership only becomes of any use at lvl 24.. thats alot of time and investment to get anything from it, too much investment for so little return. ADD more RP stones into the leadership.. you can make them BoA I dont care, I use mine, I dont sell them.
PLEASE make these common sense changes ASAP, otherwise playing your game will just become less entertaining due to the recent changes.
Your biggest issue, isnt the removal, its your other costing, which is why we needed our little armies to work for us to start with.
Thank you,
I'd also like to see more rewards for actually playing the game, like tier 2 dungeons' bosses dropping GMOPs(instead of peridots) and artifacts( waters, lantern and catalogue). Pretty sure this will encourage people who ACTUALLY wanna play the game to do the tier 2s.
You can't just flat out remove the AD and not replace it with something of value to players, AND you need to lower prices of AD sink items (if not totally remove them) to compensate.
Also, right now, they have us throwing all of our hard-earned epic salvage fodder AND AD into stronghold coffers! This is ridiculous. They think additional XP is something worth adding to Leadership?
The status quo is not as safe and fun as breaking out of the "comfort zone". Too many players have been in the "comfort zone" for too long.
Powerful move will actually produce powerful results...despite what all the nay-sayers believe.
Humanity needs stimuli to grow... if we are not growing we are dying... FACT!
Plus, I think it would thematically fit to have Leadership act as a means towards gaining more resources for the Stronghold.
The stealth AD tax that they extract from players who are working their butt off for their boons.
As an example:
In EE, "Target: Blackfeather" or "Tome of Air", etc., drops 50 AD (short quests).
In DR, "Shatter" or "Dismissal", etc., drops 75 AD (average quests).
In Sharandar, "Moonless Knight" or "Trouble Brewing", etc., drops 100 AD (lair quests).
Find a reasonable cap somewhere (perhaps 7,200), of course, but this should satisfy pretty much everyone, with the additions of "auto-AD" to Skirmishes, Dungeons, PvP, etc., and the addition of AD to dailies/weeklies.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
IM OK with big changes, IF you have the guts to actually do it right. Not just strip away all player-base income and then not reduce your costing.
SH offers no way to make AD.
Doing daily grind for SH offers no way to make AD.
In fact it costs you.. significantly.
Please , consider what you are doing careful from all angles, your suggestions back to the playerbase on how you will allow us to earn AD seem pitiful at best.
WE SPEND way too much time doing things that cannot generate AD, just cost it, BASED on the old system of how to generate it, when you CHANGE the system on how to generate AD, then you also need to change the costing structure, I think its pretty simple overall concept. In addition, you added grind, but if we cant grind xp, daily sh, boons, and AD every day... unless we are playing like 60 hour a week, its too much. You need to change this system (something we have already talk about ad nasuem, players do not like the grind levels you have implemented, havent for mods and mods (since mod 4 actually)
As a veteren MMO player that has seen massive changes in games before, both properly and improperly implemented, the best WAYS ive seen them implemented, is to ACTUAL look at both being a player and a company, right now, this is way to one sided of a change.
These suggestions are not crazy ideals, they are necessary adjustments (THAT need to be made at the same time) as removal of AD. NOT 6 months later, after you have lost another few thousands.
WE (the playerbase) warned you how terrible mod 6 was implemented, when you lost that portion of the population, do not be so stubborn as to do this incorrectly. This isnt a good way to implement this change at the moment.
Or create a vendor in the Stronhold that will exchange profession resources for vouchers.
P.S. I am a casual player with 3 characters on leadership and none at level 25 yet. But it makes me enough with double ad weekends and an occasional dungeon and skirmish run to glacially level up my stuff. Sadly not anymore. I am also vip at rank 7. I support the game when I have a little extra money so I am not a freeloader. This change only means a massive massive massive grind added to an already massive grind to the game. Or as I said before, hundreds or even thousands of dollars I will have to spend just to level up 1 character. I support the game when I have extra, but no game is worth the cost that this game has and will become without rad from leadership.