That is all that goes on now with Dom queue every match I see either one team or the other premade and stomping the other random team. Why has the Devs continue to ignore this seeing how it did not happen nearly as much last mod as it does now over 95% of the time. I thought premade fought premade not randoms?
I suppose the population of people queuing for PVP has hit rock bottom, so much so that it's barely enough for whoever's in queue to make a 10 men game, resulting in Premade vs Pug scenario?
For one, I'm seeing the proliferation of Premades in GG PVP (which used to be Pug haven), probably due to the need for glory for SH structures and GG queue pops faster than DOM. Behold... The invasion of premades in GG PVP has began!
i pvping as usuall at GG solo que with my HR (Irwen) and GF (Irwen Shieldening). i play 7 matches. All of them was players which i never see at my side against medium pvp guilds premades. Lost couse from the very beginning all of them. Cant even grab more than few kills. Always the same, i try cap node alone but many times before cap was finished enemy group arrive and roflstomping me or i barely escape. Then i relog to my poor cleric alt and get 2 easy wins - 16000 Ad per day worth it to make him playable. This start to be unbearable. Its completely on matchmaking luck and zero on your performance-skill (unless you are bis unkillable type like icyphish) and of course majority of times you are with pug than with premade
Here's the deal: I see 3-4 guilds in premades in GG at the same time of day. So the above excuse is BS straight up. Black Lotus, Haters, the clone express guilds, etc all running GG premades at the same time. Hmmmm. Multiple guild premades on at same time? Seems they could go PM vs PM in dom then right? Yes, yes they could. But they don't. Because all they're good for is pug stomping. This is not a failure of matchmaking, it's a failure of pvp guild quality in this game.
Meanwhile they'll be forced eventually to play each other because they continue to drive away the pug player base that flee in droves for the multitude of reasons posted on this forum for months to mum from the devs. I wonder what will happen when PMs have to face each other once the PUG pool dries up? Probably the game will die because they can't do anything bug pug stomp.
What incentive is there for pugs anyway, they wait 15 mins in a queue to get roflstomped and mass ganked by BiS players that have no sense of fair play, they deserve the desert they making PvP into to themselves.
single q - will prevent premades but the unbalanced and gear gap problem will still be an issue
party q two or more ppl can q to this and as result take the risk in matching against premade party.
Yeah starting to get premades in 60-69 too lol...kind of sad watching folks with profane gear/t.fey/t.neg/artifact weapons running around with like 3K IL in this bracket...As if that isn't enough they need to be in a premade to win. And people say my 2k IL TR with mostly rank 8 enchants is twinked lol...
Ah well almost 69, I'm sure I'll feel the pain like everyone else in 70 soon :P
3K IL WK Sabo TR
Trying to suck less @ pvp near you