Hey everyone,
Happy that the dev's finally made a PvP change that happens to be a step in the right direction.. But as always, there's still a bit of tweaks that need to be made to perfect the new game system and solve some annoying and frustrating (excuse my redundancy ) RNG factors that affect our game
- Respawn Timer - right now, the respawn timer is currently a dynamic clock that ranges between 1 and 20, this is frustrating because that means a kill has a chance to be useless inside the new system. My suggestion is that 1 kill should equate to a point capture, so I believe the respawn timer should be a 20 second respawn every time. The reason behind this suggestion is that currently, when a team owns 2 caps, the only way for the other team to win, is for the 2 cap team to make a mistake.. which in all fairness is not fair. Kills need to mean more for a rotation.
- (Mild Suggestion) Node Progression - Say a player caps 75% of a node and then the other team sends another player to stand on top of it, this node should not drain, although it should still bleed points. With the current system, having the node drain progression ultimately puts way to many cards into the defenders hand. If you allow the progression to stay until you force the offender to stand off it will force a lot more team play to try to cap or defend that node because almost capped nodes will now be something of worth and alleviate the ultimate defender advantage.
- Node Capture Rate - At the moment, the terrain between the nodes is far to small to make a "sneaky rotation" worth while, to accommodate for this (and to force both teams to be on guard at all times) the nodes should cap faster then what is current (around 15 seconds with 1 person).
- Match Times - At the moment, mathematically speaking and going under the impression that nodes were capped within 30 seconds of gate drop. the longest possible match time is around 17:30 minutes. I fear this may be way to short, and another 1000 points needs to be added on top to make longest possible match time 35:00 Minutes. This way 1 or 2 errors in the match will not be unrecoverable from and inevitably end in defeat.
Now with all the above suggestions comes discretion, if one, or all are implemented, they need to be adjusted properly to allow its desired affect to happen, please post all thoughts on my suggestions whether you agree or otherwise. If you have any suggestions of your own I'd appreciate the creation of your own thread unless they directly relate to the above suggestions, thank you!~
Respawn Timer - This should be 100% fixed IMO. Somewhere between the 10-20 second mark. 20 seconds may be too much, 10 is too low.... Maybe 12-15 seconds could be good. Honestly the ideal would probably be the time it takes to cap a node.
Node Progression - agreee 100000%. This is the biggest thing that needs to happen. keep the progress unless you are outnumbered. So if you are 1v1 and pushing him off you will slowly cap. If you are 2v1 and they own it, you will then start to lose progression.
Node Capture Rate - I think as it stands this is ok for now IF they made the other adjustments as well (keep progress and respawn fixed timer). If not, then yes, a much shorter cap system to allow for more dynamic play.
Match Times - the ONLY way I would agree to adding another 1000 points is if the rewards for a 3 cap were increased significantly. I personally like the quick games. 1 cap could offer 1 PPS as it does now. 2 could offer 2 PPS but have 3 cap = like 5/6 PPS since its impossible or nearly impossible to get with the new cap system. and if a team pulls it off they should be rewarded. Also it makes PUG stomp games go quicker.
Node Progression: I don't feel you should lose progress in turning a node just because an equal amount of enemy players step on the node. When enemy players out number the capturing players then the enemy team should slowly drain the progress of the attackers.
Node Capture Rate and Match Times: I don't like that one mistake can cost the entire match now due to the speed of the points. The average match should be 20-30 minutes. Possible solution? Make combat more dynamic and give overall points for kills, death penalty should be increased respawn times and should not reflect on ranking systems. That being said, give bonus points for fewer deaths. Slow down how fast the nodes collect points.
I like the idea of giving points for kills.
Destiny VERY successfully added this feature and in fact multiplies the kill points by the number of nodes. So its a multi-pronged approach.
You can contest and go for node holding or maybe settle on 1 node but just rack up kills. Both would be viable.
Node holding should almost be the "passive" way of earning points and kills awarded should be something LIKE 50 points * # of nodes owned.
Then bump the number of points to win up to 3k or 4k. Games would be very exciting then, it would also alleviate some games where players go like 30-0. Since a 30-0 game would be (most likely) with 2 nodes thus 30 kills = 3000 points with 2 nodes capped.... But that alone plus having 2 nodes would be 1000/2 = 500 seconds. So you would have to get 30 kills in ~ 9 minutes. Just saying it would put more focus on kills which would be nice too.
I'm not so sure about the rest, I haven't played that much yet so I haven't formed an opinion. But for the matches I did play it feels like PvP is for the tanky players now. I'm not really sure how to play my CW. That might be more of a class balance issue. I mean NERF/FIX palladin already... What do I do against classes that cant be killed? I cant even repel a pally. So there is no way I can get him off the node.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
You're just clwons who want easy wins, but this system wont surivive long enough, because with next NCL it would be farm fest. Craptic is slow but they learned to not give too many free rewards that easily, so they will either change it or make the rewards more grindy / rng based which will punish casuals.
and when you realize that you and that like you already banish majority of players out of pvp and there are no more strong premades to face you? Miracles not gonna happening
Guess its our own fault that we played since beta, did a lot of pve earnd millions of AD and can gear up.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
haha. of course not. but systematicaly run premades in the environment where you get mainly helpless pugs its your fault. you drove players out of pvp. You see the difference when ncl drop? Pugs get pvp guild premade only very rarely. Lets make ncl for everyone and stop premading, when you know that pvp playerbase is so patheticaly low...
I dont play this game that much any longer, but when i do play it im sure as hell want to play with my buddies. Not some random pugs. Its the systems fault that their aint a singel que and a premade que, not the players.
Well its a few reasons people do this. Here are a few factors.
1) Players just wanna play with their friends. I am in one of the best pvp guilds in the game. We get online, do stronghold stuff but we want to que up together not just individually.... So we do.
2) often I que up solo (if noone is really online to pvp with). What do I end up getting matched against? a 2-3 man "premade" on the other team. Well chances are we will lose. So what do I do then? I go get 2 or 3 of my own guildies to play with so it doesnt happen again....
3) I see MANY "middle-grade" pvp guilds do PMs all the time. So if you solo Q or duo Q, youll bump into them and stand no chance. So what do other guilds do? PM up! Que up! Smash!
Honestly the best solution to the que problem right now would be for seperate ques. Either a Solo-Q ONLY and then a PM que only.
This would remove duo q/trio Q teams tho which may not be ideal. Maybe limiting the "solo-Q" to two players is good enough. Atleast you can play with a friend. Want 3 or more? Gotta get a full team and Que as a premade....
That would fix the problems.
1. i have nothing against playing with friends, but you barely PLAYING with friends, you SPAWNCAMPING with friends. why? because elo cant bring proper enemies, because pvp guild players farming
2. if you really play against semipremades when you pug, its another example that problem is too small pvp population
3. if you duo que and get against middle guild i dont believe its that bad, there are many good players who solo que too you are teamed
4. so what would pvp guilds and their representatives do to promote this sugeestion to devs and fight for it (obviously devs dont care about pugs suggestions)
Hopefully it gets somewhere~