Last night I did the last 2 runs on Tiamat before the tier 4 bonuses expired. First one started off great. Get to the red head on the first round.. looking good but not sure we can get it down to 25% before time expires. But we made it just in time. If we get to this point I generally breathe a sigh of relief because I know we have the DPS necessary. Also there probably won't be any quitters because we hit the necessary mark (which is BS anyway, you can still beat Tiamat if you don't get red to 25%... shame on you quitters).
Round 2 went great as well... had spare time waiting at clerics. Round 3.. we get to green head and everything fell apart. I had a green gem and used it but died anyway. I didn't see anyone else use one either and so I can only imagine the same thing happened to them as well because we were flawless in round 1.
This is when the name calling began "green are idiots" "morons" "look at anyone with green this is why we failed". But you know... I have a few things to say about this, and I hope some of the people that were in this run with me get to see this.
If you see green death cloud all over the place and you don't see anyone popping the green gems, then don't run in to it. For all you know the guys with green gems are behind you. It's way better to wait a second than have 10 people die and have to come back from the spawn point.
Secondly, I don't see many people using other color gems at any of the other heads.. that's in general. This one was worse. There were 1 or 2 using the wrong color but for the most part nobody used gems... so stop pointing fingers about gems. Take some self responsibility and get a gem and use the freaking thing.
Finally, everyone needs to stop assuming the worst about everyone else. I swear this is the worst gaming community ever as far as attitude goes. In this case I think something went wrong. Either a bug, lag, or some other issue because obviously everyone did it perfect the first time. But round 3 people are noobs and morons? How'd we get past round 1? Lol
This wasn't nearly as dramatic as the other one. Basically we did great on clerics and we get to black head for first round... we couldn't even get it to 25%. Worst DPS I've seen yet. People blamed it on incorrect gem use.. is there any truth to this? I've seen it spammed that if you use the wrong gem it buffs the head. However, yesterday I did a run and lots of people used the wrong color gems on every head and DPS was no issue at all. Probably one of the best I've been a part of.
Well that's it. I know it's kind of a rant thread but I am interested to see if anyone else has had similar experiences. Especially with using your gem and not getting protected. Well even the DPS... that's was sooooo bad lol.
My Toons
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
You can get away with no gems on black, red and white but green and blue can easily one shot players if they're not careful.
GT: b0red gamer
The notion that still soooo many players still don't pick one up blows my mind.
The worst is that I am quite certain there are some trolls doing this on purpose to sabotage Tiamat runs.
I think the worst part about it is they layed there, dead in front of green, spamming help. The only ones alive were me and a tank. Respawn, get on your mount and get over here.
But you're 100% correct, a bunch of people complaining but only two with green gems. Don't worry about it, it's just public chat. Hopefully they learn, green is important.
There's no real reason to use them by the clerics, just dodge the attack circle and keep fighting. It's really not that difficult is it.
I was under the impression that we are to use the gems on/for the cleric to protect them. I think I read that somewhere on here or in the game. I wonder if that was false.
I too have noticed frequently, the wrong gem being used. Especially people using the gem that is needed next for the previous one. Using green on black thus none or not enough for green. I mean I get in the habit of timing my use of it.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
You can be an asset at 10k. Biggest thing for CW is mob control on cleric waves and DOT effects. Just make sure your armor pen is at 24%. You would be absolutely amazed at how many 18k GS folks run around without enough Resistance Ignored.
Having said that, getting nice gear other ways is also helpful
I recommend trying it out. I was doing the royal guard/grand warden set. I'm thinking of going full Templar set and I just need the boots to finish it off. The biggest issue is that there is no arpen in the Draconic Templar set. But you get more power, I think more crit, more HP, plus overload slots and AP gain. So... imo yes, if you can find a way to keep your RI up, the Draconic Templar 2 piece (with armor) or even full set is better than the T2 sets and split sets.
The only benefit of the T2 sets for HR is to help you reach the soft caps for crit and arpen. If you can get the stats you need without them then they don't really have anything to offer.
I stashed my old set in the bank in case I change my mind later.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
Thanks for the reply
BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
I am HR Pathfinder and had the same split T2 set-up and went full Templar 2-3 weeks ago and find it to be much better a HAMSTER load of power 6K+ CS 4k+ ( I know way to much )recovery 2+ and really much harder to kill now
Yes you will be a little short in ArmP but a little tweek with enchantments and you are over 24% REMEMBER YOU DO NOT NEED 2400 (In my case 1600 since my strength is 18 which was real easy to hit with full Templar )
I never saw the boots drop so I had to buy them.
Templar has served me well until the Level 61 ( 4-5 weeks )
GT: b0red gamer
Thrall (GWF)
WickedElm (OP)
So apparently others thought AS was a problem too because they nerfed it for that very reason.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin