DC Chuck Norris Streaming daily 11am to 3pm pacific and from midnight to 5am. Come subscribe and enjoy the show!
Will be doing 20,000 astral diamond raffles and a big once a week 100,000 diamond raffles! subscribe to join in! we will be talking nothing but neverwinter! spider temple speed runs if the group is on, and lostmauth pug runs till the crew is back on!
gamer tag : tater tot 91685
twitch id; claytiger
hope to chat with everyone soon!
You know what is funny, as soon as you say I am "pro" (insert class here) they assume you are saying you are a "professional" at the class instead of supporting it. You will immediately get messages saying how you are not "pro" and if you are post your build and how you are more "pro" than someone else. This is just funny. I know what you mean you are "pro" CW because you support the class and like it. I just wanted to stick my 2 cents worth in before people decide to pepper you with "if you are so pro post post your build" etc, etc, etc.
GT: b0red gamer