Hey All,
I was wondering what some of the better enchantments for a PvE GWF. I am not talking about the Vorpal/Soulforge enchantments, as I know those are the best.
I am curious about the other slots. Would you go for more Crit or Armor Pen for Offensive slots? Would you go for more Def, Health, or a mix with Draconic for defense? I assume you go with the Movement speed for your utility slot, but I want to hear some of your thoughts and reasons.
I am 2 weeks into this game with an 11k GS GWF, but I want to be sure I am not wasting my time, resources, AD, on enchantments that aren't nearly as fitting as some others. Know your role kinda deal, you know what I mean?
I don't expect to be the big DPS guys at all. Leave that for the TRs and CWs (And that one 16k GS hunter that out DPSd everything in my game). I want to go for survivability, but I still like critting as often as possible, so I have gone the route of Crits for my Offensive, Movement Speed for Utility, and a mix of Def/Draconic for Defensive Slots. I know I want to be the guy to mark and pull the aggro. Hold down the fort while the DPS guys take things out. If at the end of the game I have over 200k more damage taken than the next guy, then I did my job. What is the best route as far as enchaments to get there?
There are also hard/soft caps that you need to be aware of that will effect how much you want to put into specific slots. For example, armor penetration has a cap at 24% right now, any more than that is wasted. Then you have to look at what your stat and racial abilities give you because that can already provide some armor pen meaning you may only need to get it to 19-21% to still hit the cap.
Same with Critical Chance, I believe the soft cap (not including buffs) is around 40-41% before there is a huge drop off in returns.
Life steal is at 10%.
We are in "Mod 5" and from what I can tell the only stat without a cap of some sort is Power, so you want work towards those caps above and then start setting the rest up for Power when able on offensive stats.
As a GWF for defense if you have enough life steal I recommend the defense stat as if your boons are set right you get 25% of your defense rating as additional power.
Feel free to add me anytime, more than willing to chat about it or show you how I am set up with my GWF. Gamertag is Indiscriminant.