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get the same ui on all toons?

givearandomnamegivearandomname Member Posts: 292 Arc User
ok for some reason my older toons have one ui layout as in the hot keys for items mount etc are different then my new ones

example my 60 gwf his artifact is on 7 mount on 6 and the other 3 slots are 3 4 5
my paladin I just made artifact is on 3 items on 4 5 and 6 and mount on 7

this gets confusing when switching toons as the keys are backwards is there anyway to make them all the same?
Namin Soulburner
NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.


  • rickcase276rickcase276 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,404 Arc User
    Go to options, and on the bottom of one of the screens it says save UI. Click that on the one you want to keep, and then go to the others and click the Load UI button on them. It is the interface window, I think.
  • givearandomnamegivearandomname Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    tried that doesn't do anything even tried reseting ui to default again nothing :(
    Namin Soulburner
    NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
  • givearandomnamegivearandomname Member Posts: 292 Arc User
    nm it worked just had to log out after and it worked
    Namin Soulburner
    NW-DHNVMMGVJ Dragons horde part one.
  • myles08807myles08807 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 410 Arc User
    I've been pondering this problem for nearly two years, but I never remembered to bring it up here. Thanks! My open-beta-era DC will be far less ponderous to run now that I'm not triggering his artifact every time I want him to ride somewhere!
  • zeroxiczeroxic Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    on the char u have everything set up do this:

    /bind_save_file someonesbind.txt
    /ui_save_file someonesui.txt

    on the other toons:

    /bind_load_file someonesbind.txt
    /ui_load_file someonesui.txt

    the.txt isnt rly needed but makes it easier for ppl with only standard notepad.exe to edit them
    they r stored in folder ..\Neverwinter\Live
  • kur667kur667 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 30 Arc User
    will that work aswell for the chat windows & colors or is there a different bind for that?
  • zeroxiczeroxic Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    iirc the chatsettings are stored in in the ui file yes
  • kur667kur667 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 30 Arc User
    confirmed, the /ui_bind and /ui_load works for copying over chat window settings (colors tabs etc.)
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