So I beat Tiamat for the first time in a week last night. My loot consisted of... a bag of dragon coins and 1 resonance stone. Also 1 Linu's Favor thankfully. I was pretty upset to put it mildly. If my win/loss ratio was better I wouldn't mind as much because I could rack up the favors faster.
I don't get many wins so my actual question is.. is this a common drop?
My Toons
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
My win/loss ratio has dropped a lot in Tiamat lately for some reason too.....
Any purple gear in the chest is not worth wasting a key over. Keep in mind, it's free to look in the chest - it only uses up a key if you take the loot out. 5 keys costs 300 ZEN, which is about 80k AD. That works out to 16k AD per key. The purple gear only sells for about 7k on the AH (even less after the AH cut), or salvages for 8k (which begs the question - why the hell are people selling the stuff on the AH when they can just salvage it?). So yeah, unless you see an orb or a bag in that chest, don't take the loot.
various off hands, belts from the chest, books and draconic amor, but NO ORBS at all.
at least i got a few dragon eggs to exchange for other goods.
When is this ever ok?
Because when you play A LOT, you will be backed up hundreds of thousands of rough diamonds. So 7,000ad now is better than 10,000ad a month from now.
i got one, looking to get one more for my alt.
Heck I should run t2 dungeons with you, because surely a Greater Mark will drop every run.
As the other poster said.. you bring nothing valuable to any of these forums.. you spew false information because you are making it up. You did not craft 12 gemmed rings in a row, your worst Tiamat loot was not ' t2 purple + a dragon egg'
I do hate you.. go away....
Well... what upset me was that my first win in a week gave me the same drop as a loss plus a favor (I may have gotten a shard too, not sure). That wasn't my first run in 7 days but my first win in 7 days. My win percentage is like 10% right now. If I had 10 wins with this same drop I'd be ecstatic at this point because I'd have 10 more favors which is nice. My bad luck is I keep getting the groups of quitters and whiners.
For perspective... I have not beat Tiamat enough to know that this is the most common drop. That's why I started this thread. Not simply to complain.
^This!! This sums it up nicely. At least drop a better refinement stone.
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
Ah, if you're not daily earning/making/getting 24KAD rough and converting 24KAD rough each day each toon, it makes little sense to put an item you don't need on the AH if it salvages for more than you can expect to get out of it after the fee. Unless you just wanna help a lower level get that 8K item for 3K or whatever.
However if you've been saving up your salvage, or make way more than 24K per toon and have built up a great deal of rough astrals that you don't foresee bleeding down in the next week or month or two, and you want actual spendable AD now, you put it up for less than salvage so somebody will actually buy it (short of pricing it up high and having somebody decide they want that item for 20K when everyone else has it for 5K). Like maybe an alt has room to spare 'cuz you didn't play them and have nothing to salvage and no rough built up. And you see that you can make 2 or 3 K each buying and salvaging and converting. Although many seem to put up things with not enough of a discount to make it worthwhile, 24K of rough at 300 per isn't much of an incentive.
I dont mind Tiamat but it is very disheartening if you don't get the 3rd dragon down to mid health or lower in the first run as loads seem to give in! I've been doing Spider temple quite alot to build up my my salvageable items incase we have a double AD sometime soon.
14k+ HR Trapper with lesser vorpal. Maxed RI, 3k crit over 5k power. Plus potions.
I usually go for green or red orb and defend the middle cleric.
My strategy during clerics is to stand right in the middle of the spawn point and use my melee encounters to root the adds immediately. I actually used to stand behind the spawn point(closer to dragons) and use ranged encounters to root but the melee is faster. I usually root most of them on the spot but sometimes a female one launches itself to the cleric anyway and gets rooted over there.
During heads.. DPS DPS DPS and pop the orb at same color dragon head as necessary. Sometimes this is to create a path for people to run to head... sometimes it's at the head. I pop a lantern of revelation when I see most people have made it to a head. If only half are there I feels it's a waste.
Wash, rinse, repeat. Honestly for my role I'm not sure what more I can do except keep improving my gear to increase damage.
Also I have tried going in before 1 min, at 1 min, and with less than 1 minute to go and it doesn't seem to change much. Almost everyone waits until the last minute now anyway. Also if you wait too long you end up with a group too small.
Edit: I meant gems not orbs
SoonerGM - HR Trapper
Haven - Righteous Cleric
Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
I only take the items in the chest if it is the classes best set piece.