Currrently im reading about alot of builds and hearing from high damage dealers that they use this and that and neither the guides or the explanations are the same and promise me the "high" dps i should deal.
I mean for example i see a control wizard with 2.8k item level raiding the dungeon and ending up with 40M + above a GWF
Afterwards i decide to run a dungeon with the same GWF and dealing about the same damage as the GWF while i have 4.1k item level.
I have tried out different builds on this forum but im really looking for some real information how to max out dps on my cw , spend millions in respeccing my character and still have not found out what i am doing wrong.
Currently im a Renegade Spellstorm Mage running on:
- Rank 12 brutals and savage's, Trancendent vorpal and soulforged.
- Lostmouth set
- Legendary and mythic gear artifacts / equipment
- Class Feauture: Chilling precense, Storm spell
- Encounters: CoI on Tab, icey terain, sudden storm or disintegrate and steal time.
- At Wills: Chilling cloud and ray of frost.
- Daily: Ice knife and opressive force.
20k Power
18k Crit
7.5k ArmP
- Ioun Stone of radiance (legendary, equipped with rank 12 runestones and enchants)
- Erinyes of belial (10% crit severity)
- Cambion Magus (10% crit severity-
- Fire Archon (+ 7% DMG on mobs under 50% health)
- Air Archon (+ 5% DMG on mobs not at full health.)
I have no clue whats wrong so please help.
Leader of Pure Evil, Sword Guild in the Primacy Alliance.
Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato
Post edited by syxoooo on
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
Chilling presence doubles its damage on frozen targets.
But you don`t freeze at all, loosing A LOT of DPS and control. Advice: Freeze enemies and get additional +48% damage and insane control. You can do it in 2 ways (and only in 2 ways): Icy Terrain or Ray of Frost.
Also, augment pet for maxed character sound lame, doesn`t it?
Non-augment companion gives you avg 112.5% ratings, so only 2.5% less than augments (ioun, cat, chicken, goat), but you gain the whole active bonuses (thanks to bonding runestones rank 10+). Advice: Switch skillless ioun with some dps providing active companion.
I mean for example i see a control wizard with 2.8k item level raiding the dungeon and ending up with 40M + above a GWF
Afterwards i decide to run a dungeon with the same GWF and dealing about the same damage as the GWF while i have 4.1k item level.
You are a renegade. The other CW was probably not a renegade.
Renegade's buff everyone in the party, including that other CW and the GWF.
The trick to being number one on paingiver is to focus on minimizing everyone else's dps.
Run ahead of the party. Kill the mobs before anyone else can touch them.
Don't revive. Use enchantments which increase your damage and only your damage.
Never use plague fire or terror or any other enchantment which can benefit other players.
Never choose any feats which can buff other players.
Be as selfish as possible. This is the path to become number one on paingiver.
On the other hand, if you want to be a "team player", just keep doing what you are already doing.
If you want to maximize party dps, then stay as renegade.
If you want to maximize your own dps, and reduce party dps, then respec to Thaum CW.
You are a renegade. The other CW was probably not a renegade.
Renegade's buff everyone in the party, including that other CW and the GWF.
The trick to being number one on paingiver is to focus on minimizing everyone else's dps.
Run ahead of the party. Kill the mobs before anyone else can touch them.
Don't revive. Use enchantments which increase your damage and only your damage.
Never use plague fire or terror or any other enchantment which can benefit other players.
Never choose any feats which can buff other players.
Be as selfish as possible. This is the path to become number one on paingiver.
On the other hand, if you want to be a "team player", just keep doing what you are already doing.
If you want to maximize party dps, then stay as renegade.
If you want to maximize your own dps, and reduce party dps, then respec to Thaum CW.
This is a quote I really want to add to my guide.
It's why some people have switched to my Renegade guide and then complained about getting beaten in the Paingiver race. It's not because you're doing "bad" or less DPS, it's because you're bringing SUBSTANTIAL buffs to EVERYONE.
And my second question to @syxoooo is, how are you measuring DPS (Damage Per Second). The Paingiver number isn't DPS, it's total damage done. Like @sangrine wrote above, there's so many factors that influence the Paingiver (and almost all of them require people to play "poorly" to achieve it) that it's almost meaningless.
But that being said, if you just can't live with yourself without winning Paingiver, then switch to a Thaumaturge build instead of a Renegade build. You'll do about the same DPS as you were before (maybe slightly more), but everyone around you will be doing less, so you'll look better by comparison. Sure, the dungeon runs are going to take longer, and it'll be harder if you don't have top geared players, but who cares. As long as your name is on the top of the Paingiver list, you're set, right?
I do a lot less on paingiver, but you can see the diference when i arrive to the fight and how the damage done as whole increases.
same here the group burns mobs down a lot faster when i get to the party usually. I'm not bis by any stretch.. i hold my own except for the odd GWF. the group bonus in renegade is awesome.
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
And this isn't just about CWs. Any time you're running with a group that aims to maximize group DPS, you see substantially better results, then a group of people who max personal DPS.
Stacking buffs/debuffs is critical to being successful in this game.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
beatannierMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 692Arc User
Cooperation, cooperation and then comes Prestidigitation vs Learned Spellcaster topic.
I have now jumped back to Thauma, currently not having any issues with less dps for the whole team, as the people i run with are very wel geared also, thanks ,
All i needed to know was how to max my dps and if that aint renegade to buff the whole team.. so be it.
I'll be one of many others who only think about themself
Again thanks for the replies.
Leader of Pure Evil, Sword Guild in the Primacy Alliance.
Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
I understand where the op is coming from. I hear a lot of "low damage comments" from others. Sometimes you have to explain to them the reason they are doing so good is because of the buffs you provide. If they still don't get it, you can ask how hard it was to whack away at that frozen target.
Also, I see a lot of CWs laying on the ground as soon as they are hit. A dead CW is no good to the party. Don't forget to put some of that gear score to survivability.
Paingiver, Item level, gear score....All those vanity terms need to go.
But you don`t freeze at all, loosing A LOT of DPS and control.
Advice: Freeze enemies and get additional +48% damage and insane control. You can do it in 2 ways (and only in 2 ways): Icy Terrain or Ray of Frost.
Also, augment pet for maxed character sound lame, doesn`t it?
Non-augment companion gives you avg 112.5% ratings, so only 2.5% less than augments (ioun, cat, chicken, goat), but you gain the whole active bonuses (thanks to bonding runestones rank 10+).
Advice: Switch skillless ioun with some dps providing active companion.
Rest looks good.
You are a renegade. The other CW was probably not a renegade.
Renegade's buff everyone in the party, including that other CW and the GWF.
The trick to being number one on paingiver is to focus on minimizing everyone else's dps.
Run ahead of the party. Kill the mobs before anyone else can touch them.
Don't revive. Use enchantments which increase your damage and only your damage.
Never use plague fire or terror or any other enchantment which can benefit other players.
Never choose any feats which can buff other players.
Be as selfish as possible. This is the path to become number one on paingiver.
On the other hand, if you want to be a "team player", just keep doing what you are already doing.
If you want to maximize party dps, then stay as renegade.
If you want to maximize your own dps, and reduce party dps, then respec to Thaum CW.
This is a quote I really want to add to my guide.
It's why some people have switched to my Renegade guide and then complained about getting beaten in the Paingiver race. It's not because you're doing "bad" or less DPS, it's because you're bringing SUBSTANTIAL buffs to EVERYONE.
And my second question to @syxoooo is, how are you measuring DPS (Damage Per Second). The Paingiver number isn't DPS, it's total damage done. Like @sangrine wrote above, there's so many factors that influence the Paingiver (and almost all of them require people to play "poorly" to achieve it) that it's almost meaningless.
But that being said, if you just can't live with yourself without winning Paingiver, then switch to a Thaumaturge build instead of a Renegade build. You'll do about the same DPS as you were before (maybe slightly more), but everyone around you will be doing less, so you'll look better by comparison. Sure, the dungeon runs are going to take longer, and it'll be harder if you don't have top geared players, but who cares. As long as your name is on the top of the Paingiver list, you're set, right?
same here the group burns mobs down a lot faster when i get to the party usually. I'm not bis by any stretch.. i hold my own except for the odd GWF. the group bonus in renegade is awesome.
Stacking buffs/debuffs is critical to being successful in this game.
All i needed to know was how to max my dps and if that aint renegade to buff the whole team.. so be it.
I'll be one of many others who only think about themself
Again thanks for the replies.
Only the dead have seen the end of war. - Plato
Also, I see a lot of CWs laying on the ground as soon as they are hit. A dead CW is no good to the party. Don't forget to put some of that gear score to survivability.
Paingiver, Item level, gear score....All those vanity terms need to go.