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alliera7311alliera7311 Member Posts: 296 Arc User
Last two days iv noticed seismic shot not hitting targets like it use to. Anyone else having this problem? It is not working 100% of the time it either works, works some of the time and a lot less damage or not at all. I encourage you all to test it on the dummies and observe.
Guild: TLO GH 20


  • guarana76guarana76 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    I got the same problem. It seems that is missing the targets or making way less damage. I thought that it was just lagging or bad targeting but I´ll drive some tests as recommended.
  • alliera7311alliera7311 Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    Cool hopefully others will catch on as well and we can get to the bottom of this.
    Guild: TLO GH 20
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    I thought it was lag but I definitely noticed. Does not push back and group enemies or deal damage.

    I have also been having problems with hindering strike. It makes a noise like it has not cooled down yet (attack unavailable) even though it is. Then it gets used even though no animation on screen or damage. This one is also not all the time but it really messes up my timing.
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • alliera7311alliera7311 Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    Yeah that is a known bug once you get your rotation down its like the back of your hand you will just feel and it will flow more. The game cant keep up with how fast the rotation is. Just take a step back use the time to dodge, reposition for combat advantage, or use a at will. Seismic shot however is not hitting as it should for damage. At a 18 gs and 9K power i cant even one shot a normal pack of spell plague monsters.
    Guild: TLO GH 20
  • tellistorterratellistorterra Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    that... IS a problem,,,
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    On hindering strike (not shot) it's not about the known timing bug. I noticed it better yesterday while farming for refining stones. I generally open up melee with fox shift and then hindering strike. So I shift in and hindering strike shows ready and I use it but it makes a sound like it's not ready. Then the animation at the bottom shows I used it and the cool down timer starts over. During this time my toon never does the movement and no damage occurs.

    During the known bug we move so fast that the available icons at the bottom can't keep up and you can still use the encounter. For the hindering shot bug the 3rd charge is not available and also shows unavailable. I'm not talking about either of these bugs. This is the first problem I've noticed with hindering strike.

    So from what I can see we have 2 new bugs for HR powers. Seismic Shot and Hindering Shot both not doing any damage. Both issues are intermittent.
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • guarana76guarana76 Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    soonergm wrote: »
    I thought it was lag but I definitely noticed. Does not push back and group enemies or deal damage.

    Same here! I see the animation of shot, but it does not push back the enemy or make any damage (also don´t get any damage message either). It´s been happening quite often. Hope they solve it with the ticket.
  • mercbenz360mercbenz360 Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    This is really bad now. It seems like the cone is now a line. This is possibly the new FX although most games don't use the FX for the collision... We have no viable alt, so I REALLY hope they fix this asap.
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User
    I've been using it in Tiamat to clear the Clerics at times, and wondered why it didn't work as intended, guess it's bugged then :(
  • alliera7311alliera7311 Member Posts: 296 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    There is indeed a point you reach in the HR ranger rotation where hindering shot is not up when it should be because its not refreshing itself like it should. You should be able to you constricting arrow and then fox cunning. Do not try to switch half way through its animation thinking it will speed things up. If you do if wont count towards your cds with melee and you'll be left waiting. For real though SS is not working like it should some places works fine and others not at all or very little.
    Guild: TLO GH 20
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    I want to throw up every time SS only deals like 2k damage on a dragon :s
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
    Haven - Righteous Cleric
    Ethereal Justice - OP Paladin
  • dirtyi30dirtyi30 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    So, like every other current bug in the game, I'm guessing this won't be fixed either? Instead PW are just gonna pile on more DLC without fixing current issues? Sounds a lot like Battlefield 4 and look what happened to it's reputation. PW, fix your game, stop stinking, get some decent support chat operators and maybe we could all take you seriously as a game developer.
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