Many people find elements in Mod6 difficult, or un-soloable. One thing that might help is increasing the Healing (and Rejuvenation Potions) available at level 65. Since the beginning, The Potion of Major Healing healed for 8,500 hp. At level 60, that healing amounted to 1/4-1/3 of most characters HP (25k-34k). The new top end healing potions now heal for only 10,000 hp. If the HP curve had stayed the same as the earlier Mods, ie, if level 61+ eq didn't give so much HP, this healing potion would have been more than sufficient. However, average players now have 70-80k (and many have MUCH more). This more than halves the effectiveness of the healing potion in comparison. While I understand that the developers were wanting to make this more team based, it has effectively removed many from being able to solo the solo content. So, I beg for the consideration of raising the amount of HP the Potion of Superior Healing gives (as well as the Rejuvenation Potion). If it were to give 16-20k hp instead of 10k, I think most will find this will go a long way to bridging the gaps.
Am not saying rejuvenation potions could not stack with health pots, am saying 10-15k insta heal is sufficient.
edit: i too die sometimes or proc SF, that does not change my stance
edit2: if the pots will take a "gulp time" same as mobs (thus not being instagib), they can heal 100% for what i care...not that my opinion matters
How would GWF feel if there's Unstoppable Potions?
How would CW feel if there's Shield Potions?
How would DC feel if there's stronger heal potions?
In general, I will feel ... HAMSTER, I run out of inventory space.
...well, bags are a one time sale, wheresa Health Stones eventually are depleted and you'll have to buy a new one.
So, as Cryp-typically the Sales and Accounting department win, the health potions are a drop in the ocean...
My comment referred to the imaginary invisibility, unstoppable, shield potions. That is what I would feel if these potions are added to the game.
Every time a mob takes a potion healing them for 50% HP I'm like "maaaaaaaaaan!!! Who's your vendooooor!?!?!"
Ok, can you explain to me how lifesteal hasnt been totally destroyed come mod 6? Because as a SW who has pretty much top end everything except enchantments, I still cant do jack HAMSTER. So....yeah.
PS and for the record I said the C word there, not the S word.
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Spoken like someone whith a chip on their shoulder. Thanks for the input.
Life steal is not totally destroyed. It properly is totally destroyed for the class that cannot do high damage per hit. My GWF depends on Lifesteal to live at the moment.