Ever since they 'fixed' the queue, I have found it just about impossible to find a queue session with any characters other than my Tank and Cleric. On any other character, I have to wait between 30-50 minutes before I find anything, and usually someone changed their mind at the last second or didn't respond, so it sends you back into the search. When I play as a Tank or Cleric, I find match ups in less than 5 minutes. I don't know what they did exactly, but it just seems harder for some characters to search than others.
I find it quicker to que for elol or shores.
1) People prefer to farm WoD encounters now due to personal loot drops from completing. And these can be farmed faster, and yield better return for drops (as you don't have to need/greed roll)
2) Down to all the Boot n Loot antics that happen due to need/greed roll
3) Due to 2), people are running Dungeons and Skirmishes with pre-mades; and requiring to PUG queue
BamBam - Lvl 30 GWF
Trevok - Lvl 30 GF
Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
On a sad note, Still getting kicked for purple goodies unless I join a team of 3 before queing. At least the xbox chat doesn't lag like the game.
Xbox Avatar=FriedArmenian
Level 60 GWF=Buckaroofury
I don't even try to queue for anything else solo, but when I run with guildies, the 3 or 4 of us don't have to wait for more than a few minutes. this is for PK or Spider Queen or CN. Maybe you're running dungeons or skirmishes that just aren't popular enough for large people to queue for it?
I'm queuing for Dread Vault as it is the required dungeon for both Daily Dungeon and Lord Protector's Daily Dungeon.
I know the feeling, back when I was about to defeat Castle Never, some butt War Cleric joined in because we lost a guy and he kept spamming the chat with "Hey guys, I'm a 15k+ GS Cleric" like he was trying to get them to take a hint that I should be kicked because I was only barely 11k. TBH, GS don't mean squat if your specs suck and let me tell you that guy may have had a lot of power (it was like 4,000 or something), but his defense was pretty low (it was literally barely even 700 and his health was around the 31,000 area). I would bet anything he was the first to drop and it probably didn't take much. Getting a high gear score usually asks you to sacrifice what you're trying to build unless you really know what you're doing and looking for. But still, I've seen people under 10k GS kick some serious butt.
On a tangent, if any of you are trying to run T2s I am always willing to throw a group together. Online daily between 6pm and 10pm pacific, send me a message on live@oox SNAP xoo