Neverwinter: Strongholds launches August 11! Strongholds introduces the largest playable map released for Neverwinter, which sees adventurers banding together to take back a stronghold from the wild.
Read the official announcement blog:

Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
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"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Thxs for this, I was wondering why it was on preview and not live. The amount of work still outstanding is obviously the answer.
"The initial launch will focus on player-versus-environment gameplay in order to allow guilds the opportunity to build their strongholds before taking the fight to other players when large scale player-versus-player content launches in September."
What about the guilds/players with no interest in taking the fight to other players ? No mention here of the large scale PVP being optional in any way
"Perhaps your guild wants to focus on strengthening its members with boons and gear? Or preparing for the eventual launch of PvP?"
Again, this reads more like "prior to the 'compulsory' participation in PVP."
Strum, I would appreciate some immediate clarification on this aspect of the release.
There's no need. You can invoke anywhere inside the Keep.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Or is the date planned for only a release of content, and no further regard (Until later) to other things such as class balancing? among others.
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Call me Andy (or Strum, or Spider-Man)!
Follow Neverwinter on Twitter: NeverwinterGame
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Follow me on Twitter: StrumSlinger
Super excited...
when will all the reported but not fixed bugs be fixed ?
and from that question the next follows :
how can we be sure that the old bugs do not interfere with the new mod (cause at the very moment my game has crashed for the second time after playin for 5 min) ?
there is seriously some amount of stuff that does not allow me to have real fun in playing since mod 5 and I really would have appreciated that errors are fixed before new stuff is created instead of adding new possible wormholes to the already existing one
and just in case this post doesn't suit the strange rules of your forum... think about the truth in it and ask the defs to fix the errors with priority... cause then this game can be truely awesome amongst a lot of good ones
Thank you. That's the first time I think anyone (official) has actually answered whether or not the PvP aspect is optional in any of the threads on the topic.
I think it is mainly that many players do not want the DEVS to FORGET what they said and promised. It's funny how many official promises are "forgotten" over time; especially when it comes to these devs.
But, thanks to the devs for this official announcement of the release. Much anticipated and appreciated.
Top point to mention: Please make sure that NONE of the content is "gated" behind anything, and that ALL of the content is available to guilds of all sizes, makes, and most importantly Item Level(s). The reason that I mention this is that it sounds suspiciously like some of the best gear content in the release (namely: Dragonflight gear as it was mentioned) may be gated behind the Raid level Heroic Encounter of the same name. If this is the case, then could it be possible that guilds that can not have 20-30 members on at the same time (i.e. the amount that it takes to participate in the only other "raid" in the game) will not have access to this top end gear at all? If this is the case, this would be very disappointing to say the least, and not a great way to start the rollout of this content that is going to be taking place over the remainder of the year. To clarify, for those who tend not to fully read or comprehend my posts (you know who you are), I am not stating that this is the way that this situation is. I am asking a question in attempt to make sure that it isn't the way that it becomes. All of the content in this release should be available, in one way or another through the "Guild Mark" system. Even if the "Guild Mark" way (for smaller guilds) is much slower and much more time consuming than the "drop method" for larger guilds who can run the "Dragonflight" as often as they like, it is very important that both ways are available to appeal to a maximum number of play styles. The reason for this is to have a module that appeals to the maximum number of players (and play styles) possible and gets them back in game and (most importantly to the devs) spending money; all of which, I think, is something we all want.
Again, thanks to the devs for the announcement. Best of luck on all of the remaining work to be done to get this module (bug-free) out the door.
My next area of concern is that it looks like solo/casual players will have to join guilds if they want to reduce the grind to level up and obtain better gear. Elsewhere on the forums, Strum gave this response to a question:
"1: They nerfed the XP gain from 60-70 it took me 8 hours to level from 62 to 63 that is not new player friendly and I know why they did it .............. MONEY they want you to buy the XP item from the zen market."
Strums response:
"1. At first, leveling was too fast, which is why the development team increased the XP gain. True, they might have increased the grind by more than what players are used to, but in my personal opinion, eight hours isn't really that much for an MMO. That being said, Strongholds will make it easier to level in that range."
The implication being that more experience for leveling up will be available....if you join a guild and work on a stronghold.