We want to hear what you have to say about your class!
If chosen as a class feedback reporter (we used to call them "advocates", but this title more effectively communicates their function), you'll be responsible for compiling the feedback of your fellow players about your class. Each week, you'll submit feedback in the form of a bullet-point list to me via forum PM. I'll then take that list (and the lists from the other classes) and forward them to our devs.
How do you become a class feedback reporter?
You can start by stating your interest in this thread.
After that, send me a PM answering these questions:
-Why do you want to be a class feedback reporter?
-Why do you like this class?
-How long have you been playing Neverwinter?
-Do you play any other MMOs? (Don't worry, we won't get jealous) If so, what class do you play?
-Do you play D&D? If so, what class(es) do you like to play?
-In what direction do you want to see this class go?
Once I've selected a candidate, this candidate will remain "in-office" until the next module's launch. For example, the candidate I choose now will remain until Module 6's launch (whenever that may be).
Please remember: Private Message Akromatik with your Answers to his Questions, as well as any Concerns or Questions one may have.
This thread is not for general discussions, it is not for bashing, and it is not for PvP Smack Talk. This is a Nominations thread, not a Voting Thread or Soap Box.
Furthermore, if one cannot follow our Rules of Conduct, they most certainly won't be a class feedback reporter. Think before you post folks and remember our first Rule: Show Respect At All Times!
About the Role of a class feedback reporter:
Class feedback reporters won't be chosen to represent their opinions. But instead are to act as intermediaries for the Community as a whole on specific topics and areas, whether or not they agree with such or not. They will have checks and balances to make sure that they are being unbiased in their relay of the Community's Ideas, Opinions, and Suggestions.
Furthermore, class feedback reporters won't be able to "make things happen." Instead, such is more akin to what we Moderators already do, which is relay all the hot topics and serious bugs so that the Developers know to look more deeply into such issues being reported in Bug Reports and on the Forum. The Developers don't just take our word for it, they see our word as a sign that they need to look deeper into the matter.
Alas, Moderators do not have the time to properly dedicate to such as we have other duties. This has been made aware by the sheer number of things we report each week (and sometimes daily) and then find out that we have forgotten something or overlooked something else entirely. This is where the class feedback reporters come in, to help and ease such things.
Here is some clarification on what a class feedback reporter does:
-These individuals will be selected based on their past actions and participation in the class feedback threads from previous modules. They will be selected by GentlemanCrush and myself.
-The class feedback reporter will hold office for 1 module. Once their time is up, we will move on to the next eligible candidate.
-These class feedback reporters will not be assisting in the design or decisions regarding the class direction. These players will function to collate and collect feedback into more readable lists to improve dev response time and better allow the feelings of the community to become apparent.
-A big part of this is separating the feedback from the "discussions" that tend to pop up in these threads. These class feedback reporters will include any and all feedback in their reports. They will not be the ones deciding what is "good" feedback and what isn't. If we find that an advocate has been purposely omitting feedback in their reports, they will be relieved of their post immediately.
Serious inquiries and nominations only, please. This is also not the place to discuss (or troll about) the effectiveness of the Class Feedback Gatherer position. As per Akromatik's post, the role of feedback gatherers is NOT to guarantee that anything suggested will be implemented, but to assist the Community Team in gathering and organizing feedback to present to the devs.
Do not respond or reply to this notice, but PM a moderator or submit a support ticket if you have any questions. Thanks!!
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
edited February 2015
Trickster Rogues are in a good place right now in PVE - they're doing what they're supposed to do, that's dps. I understand they're unbalanced in PVP, but if they get nerfed indiscriminately, for both PVP and PVE, were going back to where we were before M5 - a dps class without dps. Whatever changes in PVP must not affect PVE.
We're still outclassed by CWs when it comes to dps in PVE, but that's ok, I'm happy my class is doing well. I'm not goona cry for a CW nerf, what I'm trying to say is that we're not op in PVE, we're just viable now, for a change.
I can't be a class feedback reporter, I don't have the time for it. I just hope whomever will represent rogues will be able to keep us from getting nerfed in PVE.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
Do we even have a class feedback person at the moment? Executioner TR is getting their capstone SoD changed in a huge way and there's no-one to advocate for TR's.
Why would anyone want to be the class advocate (whatever you want to call it) in the first place? No-one wants to be the "advocate" for TR because no-one wants to be the target for all the other classes to flame. This is because Cryptic uses language like "piercing" to describe a skill that does the exact same damage as other classes skills. Just using the word creates a huge controversy that TR's dont want to have to defend or be the target of ridicule for.
Oppressive Darkness (a new class feature in Mod 6) got a huge nerf this week DESPITE what actual TR's posted in the feedback thread because the roar from the GWF crowd was far louder. SoD got a ninja-nerf several weeks ago that TR players have marked as bugged week after week yet now here we are just over a week from live and SoD doesnt even fire for encounters like Deftstrike, and marks only one target for encounters such as Blitz and Dazing strike. This is the EXEC tree CAPSTONE.
We obviously need someone to stand up for us, as the design team is not listening to us in the feedback thread.
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
this is why i dont like tr class advocate, he was very active on the forum until 2 mods ago.
then he disappeared and you see it only once every time there is this class advocate election thing.
Path of the Blade - make it Trigger with Weapon Enchantmenst and Set of Lostmauth.
edit : Path of the blade make it trigger with Feat 'One with the shadow'
My TR have around 1650 item level. Killing npc in dailies (IWD / WoD) takes way too long. Without stealth i can't even attack most npc because my character will explode right after smoke bomb ends. Life steal is useless. Deflect very unreliable (i've around 30% chance with some boons and class passives)
Most abilities is way too weak dmg wise. Outside of Smoke bomb and Impossible to catch i cant find any encounter which would let me kill those npc before they 3 shot me.
That's for MI.
The WK is even worse dps wise, but it have a bit better survivality, i'll die from 4 or 5 shots instead of 3.
I'd like to see unreliable deflect go away and get something more reliable instead. Im fine if it will not work in pvp, just want my pve daily content to be less frustrating.
PvP issues:
There's too many knock backs which really hurt melee specs. CD of LB is way too long for ability that can be dodged. Im sometimes getting 1-2 shoted by some tanks, despite having full pvp set and 70k+ HP.
Ranged specs are way too tanky and if people think that 80-90' range on ability is not a big deal then make all TR similar range, maybe then they will understand how much impact it have.
PvP builds lack viable alternatives. Most encounters deal laughable dmg and there's no point using them unless it helps you refile staelth or grant some form of cc immunity / break free. There's around 6-9 encounters + passives in total which i consider situational. Rest is just useless.
I find current TR more of a scout which can steal some kills rather than an assassin. Gear still makes too much difference in pvp and is the main reason of balance issues.
My TR have around 1650 item level. Killing npc in dailies (IWD / WoD) takes way too long. Without stealth i can't even attack most npc because my character will explode right after smoke bomb ends. Life steal is useless. Deflect very unreliable (i've around 30% chance with some boons and class passives)
Most abilities is way too weak dmg wise. Outside of Smoke bomb and Impossible to catch i cant find any encounter which would let me kill those npc before they 3 shot me.
That's for MI.
The WK is even worse dps wise, but it have a bit better survivality, i'll die from 4 or 5 shots instead of 3.
I'd like to see unreliable deflect go away and get something more reliable instead. Im fine if it will not work in pvp, just want my pve daily content to be less frustrating.
PvP issues:
There's too many knock backs which really hurt melee specs. CD of LB is way too long for ability that can be dodged. Im sometimes getting 1-2 shoted by some tanks, despite having full pvp set and 70k+ HP.
Ranged specs are way too tanky and if people think that 80-90' range on ability is not a big deal then make all TR similar range, maybe then they will understand how much impact it have.
PvP builds lack viable alternatives. Most encounters deal laughable dmg and there's no point using them unless it helps you refile staelth or grant some form of cc immunity / break free. There's around 6-9 encounters + passives in total which i consider situational. Rest is just useless.
I find current TR more of a scout which can steal some kills rather than an assassin. Gear still makes too much difference in pvp and is the main reason of balance issues.
I'm continuing this piece because it portrays a perspective that most ppl dont share about TR. We, TR's, still do above average damage and are still very survivable.
My TR does indeed generally get 3 shot by mobs in IWD. It takes a bit more for mobs in WoD. However, 95% of the time, they are dead before they could possibly 3 shot me. Stealth, Smokebomb, gloam. The elite mobs are usually all that's left, quick Shadow Strike, back to stealth more gloams till elite is dead. Fairly straightforward. I'm at 12k Power, my gloams hit for about 20k. There are MUCH better rogues than me.
The only issue I have with Mod 6 are the same issues as when it was first live. The -1 second nerf to Stealth (which still makes my blood boil that it was unannounced) was undeserved and hurt TR's immensely. The fix to Knifes Edge was very much deserved. The fix to Plague Fire was very much deserved. The nerf to stealth and SoD were not. Removing set bonus and some specific sets (profound) was a low blow because people were in the middle of building the sets and suddenly they dont exist.
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
I think we need a reporter who has the necessary hindsight, no biases , who will understand the community's feedback on this class so disparaged . I play TRs since open beta, and this class never evolved in a way that satisfies everyone.
I hope our future advocate will defend a right vision of the TR, understand the hatred of some and the hopes of others, but above all, improve communication between players and devs : ninja nerfs are not a good thing. In my job we learn that communication is the best way forward. We need communication, we need explanations in order to understand the vision of the TR devs that have to confront that of the Community buildings and bring out a direction for the future.
I love this class, i love this game, but I'm tired of playing a yoyo sometimes overpowered , sometimes unplayable in fontion the module.
I'm continuing this piece because it portrays a perspective that most ppl dont share about TR. We, TR's, still do above average damage and are still very survivable.
My TR does indeed generally get 3 shot by mobs in IWD. It takes a bit more for mobs in WoD. However, 95% of the time, they are dead before they could possibly 3 shot me. Stealth, Smokebomb, gloam. The elite mobs are usually all that's left, quick Shadow Strike, back to stealth more gloams till elite is dead. Fairly straightforward. I'm at 12k Power, my gloams hit for about 20k. There are MUCH better rogues than me.
The only issue I have with Mod 6 are the same issues as when it was first live. The -1 second nerf to Stealth (which still makes my blood boil that it was unannounced) was undeserved and hurt TR's immensely. The fix to Knifes Edge was very much deserved. The fix to Plague Fire was very much deserved. The nerf to stealth and SoD were not. Removing set bonus and some specific sets (profound) was a low blow because people were in the middle of building the sets and suddenly they dont exist.
Im sorry if i didnt made my point clear enough. I was talking about new characters not already geared. Despite having nearly 1700 Itemlevel my TR have only ~8300 power with several campaign boons. I have no doubt that with enough gear and MI you can manage to kill those mobs fast, but you should remember that only MI have access to GC. WK cannot stay in stealth for so long while dpsing.
Lower geared TR's will also get wrecked, because some mobs will dps you through stealth (Thayan Servitors anyone?) those annoying dudes will throw daggers at you even if you're in stealth all the time. The Red Wizzards will surround themself with big RED AoE that will prevent you from doing melee attacks to them. There are also some golems (mostly in Dread Ring) that will throw aoes right and left.
Please, meet my Paladin. She's not even 70 yet and with barely 1k item level. No enchants at all (as you can see in the video below) with some greens and blues from story quests and 3man dungeons. She has only lvl20 white companion following her, yet she can solo WoD and IWD with no problems. She doesnt even need to use daily powers or healing potions. Heck, she can even solo some HE in IWD.
Let me know how are new TR players suppose to do in these areas with similar gear and lvl. I have 3 characters 60+ atm and TR is the worst when it comes to soloing with the gear available from story quests and dungeons. Perhaps im wrong, maybe you can make a video where you will show me that TR can do as much as my Paladin.
Im sorry if i didnt made my point clear enough. I was talking about new characters not already geared. Despite having nearly 1700 Itemlevel my TR have only ~8300 power with several campaign boons. I have no doubt that with enough gear and MI you can manage to kill those mobs fast, but you should remember that only MI have access to GC. WK cannot stay in stealth for so long while dpsing.
Lower geared TR's will also get wrecked, because some mobs will dps you through stealth (Thayan Servitors anyone?) those annoying dudes will throw daggers at you even if you're in stealth all the time. The Red Wizzards will surround themself with big RED AoE that will prevent you from doing melee attacks to them. There are also some golems (mostly in Dread Ring) that will throw aoes right and left.
Please, meet my Paladin. She's not even 70 yet and with barely 1k item level. No enchants at all (as you can see in the video below) with some greens and blues from story quests and 3man dungeons. She has only lvl20 white companion following her, yet she can solo WoD and IWD with no problems. She doesnt even need to use daily powers or healing potions. Heck, she can even solo some HE in IWD.
Let me know how are new TR players suppose to do in these areas with similar gear and lvl. I have 3 characters 60+ atm and TR is the worst when it comes to soloing with the gear available from story quests and dungeons. Perhaps im wrong, maybe you can make a video where you will show me that TR can do as much as my Paladin.
I sympathize with your issues. I hope the dev's actually read this thread and give us back Stealth and SoD that were unfairly taken away.
Comparing Paladin is rather unfair - since Paladin is FOTM and is Cryptic's cash cow at the moment. It will get it's due nerfs next mod to bring it more in line with the other classes (except CW, which we know is always going to be uber).
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
I sympathize with your issues. I hope the dev's actually read this thread and give us back Stealth and SoD that were unfairly taken away.
Comparing Paladin is rather unfair - since Paladin is FOTM and is Cryptic's cash cow at the moment. It will get it's due nerfs next mod to bring it more in line with the other classes (except CW, which we know is always going to be uber).
I would be uber with nerfs anyhow However, it would be nice if SoD was fixed, although after taking a closer look at sab I think due to the capstone I would stick with it this mod anyhow. As for class reporter....that should be O.oUu, he likes to report on players
I was gonna stay out of this but being a returning TR from mod 4 i have got to speak my mind.
First off OMFG why would you ruin such a pure class like Trickster Rogue. Mod 4 we could stay stealthed and finish dailies pretty easy it was rough at times but we had a fighting chance.(Permastealth INT base)
mod 5 - im playing on xbox, great survival and massive aoes to melt stuff fast as a MI execution build.
mod 6 - i have spent more money than i would like to admite trying to find a balance , sure spamming gloming cut keeps me stealthed but most of the heavies in Well of dragons and IWD seem to see me any ways. Try going aoe burns dont last more than a few rounds.
I could rebuild him to full survival just to do dailies but to what end he would be useless in groups with weak dps again like it was in mod 4.
atm im running 2100 ilvl
7k power
2-3 across the board including def and deflect and im still begging people to help me with dailies.
Is that what mods intended for every one to be forced to group content daily missions, because of this i am forced to play a OP.
it seems to be the only class that can dps and maintain hp the whole time.
I beg you as a rogue from many different platforms fix my class so i can go back to loving a game im addicted to again.
I play five of the classes, a HR, TR, GWF, DC and OP. Prior to Mod 6 the TR was my go-to character to get things done, with great DPS and survivability.
Mod 6 was a great, and enjoyable challenge for all of them and I have managed to get each to the point where they can solo the mobs in the different areas, except for the TR. I've been upgrading them petty equally, as such, his stats and equipment seem on par with the others but both DPS and survivability tanked and hasn't recovered.
I'm not sure what more to do with the character. Dailies remain such a frustrating and deadly struggly that I don't play him much anymore. It's a shame because it was such a fun and versatile class to play.
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
You may want to take a look at your build. I had to ditch my Wk Exec build for a Wk Sab build... to enjoy gameplay again. I can now solo Shar, DR, IWD and WoD. My iL is 2.3.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
and about the [Skillful Infiltrator] Class feature i don't know why the movement speed is not working. some say's they nerf it b'coz its way too much then this should take care of how the tr should be usefull at pvp and pve.
akeemocore11Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14Arc User
TR Level 1-10 skill sneak attack it's useless
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
Ummm... you can't use Sneak Attack until you get Stealth. Which is a really 'cart before the horse' situation.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Serious inquiries and nominations only, please. This is also not the place to discuss (or troll about) the effectiveness of the Class Feedback Gatherer position. As per Akromatik's post, the role of feedback gatherers is NOT to guarantee that anything suggested will be implemented, but to assist the Community Team in gathering and organizing feedback to present to the devs.
Do not respond or reply to this notice, but PM a moderator or submit a support ticket if you have any questions. Thanks!!
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
We're still outclassed by CWs when it comes to dps in PVE, but that's ok, I'm happy my class is doing well. I'm not goona cry for a CW nerf, what I'm trying to say is that we're not op in PVE, we're just viable now, for a change.
I can't be a class feedback reporter, I don't have the time for it. I just hope whomever will represent rogues will be able to keep us from getting nerfed in PVE.
Why would anyone want to be the class advocate (whatever you want to call it) in the first place? No-one wants to be the "advocate" for TR because no-one wants to be the target for all the other classes to flame. This is because Cryptic uses language like "piercing" to describe a skill that does the exact same damage as other classes skills. Just using the word creates a huge controversy that TR's dont want to have to defend or be the target of ridicule for.
Oppressive Darkness (a new class feature in Mod 6) got a huge nerf this week DESPITE what actual TR's posted in the feedback thread because the roar from the GWF crowd was far louder. SoD got a ninja-nerf several weeks ago that TR players have marked as bugged week after week yet now here we are just over a week from live and SoD doesnt even fire for encounters like Deftstrike, and marks only one target for encounters such as Blitz and Dazing strike. This is the EXEC tree CAPSTONE.
We obviously need someone to stand up for us, as the design team is not listening to us in the feedback thread.
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
then he disappeared and you see it only once every time there is this class advocate election thing.
Trickster Rogue
edit : Path of the blade make it trigger with Feat 'One with the shadow'
My TR have around 1650 item level. Killing npc in dailies (IWD / WoD) takes way too long. Without stealth i can't even attack most npc because my character will explode right after smoke bomb ends. Life steal is useless. Deflect very unreliable (i've around 30% chance with some boons and class passives)
Most abilities is way too weak dmg wise. Outside of Smoke bomb and Impossible to catch i cant find any encounter which would let me kill those npc before they 3 shot me.
That's for MI.
The WK is even worse dps wise, but it have a bit better survivality, i'll die from 4 or 5 shots instead of 3.
I'd like to see unreliable deflect go away and get something more reliable instead. Im fine if it will not work in pvp, just want my pve daily content to be less frustrating.
PvP issues:
There's too many knock backs which really hurt melee specs. CD of LB is way too long for ability that can be dodged. Im sometimes getting 1-2 shoted by some tanks, despite having full pvp set and 70k+ HP.
Ranged specs are way too tanky and if people think that 80-90' range on ability is not a big deal then make all TR similar range, maybe then they will understand how much impact it have.
PvP builds lack viable alternatives. Most encounters deal laughable dmg and there's no point using them unless it helps you refile staelth or grant some form of cc immunity / break free. There's around 6-9 encounters + passives in total which i consider situational. Rest is just useless.
I find current TR more of a scout which can steal some kills rather than an assassin. Gear still makes too much difference in pvp and is the main reason of balance issues.
I'm continuing this piece because it portrays a perspective that most ppl dont share about TR. We, TR's, still do above average damage and are still very survivable.
My TR does indeed generally get 3 shot by mobs in IWD. It takes a bit more for mobs in WoD. However, 95% of the time, they are dead before they could possibly 3 shot me. Stealth, Smokebomb, gloam. The elite mobs are usually all that's left, quick Shadow Strike, back to stealth more gloams till elite is dead. Fairly straightforward. I'm at 12k Power, my gloams hit for about 20k. There are MUCH better rogues than me.
The only issue I have with Mod 6 are the same issues as when it was first live. The -1 second nerf to Stealth (which still makes my blood boil that it was unannounced) was undeserved and hurt TR's immensely. The fix to Knifes Edge was very much deserved. The fix to Plague Fire was very much deserved. The nerf to stealth and SoD were not. Removing set bonus and some specific sets (profound) was a low blow because people were in the middle of building the sets and suddenly they dont exist.
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
I hope our future advocate will defend a right vision of the TR, understand the hatred of some and the hopes of others, but above all, improve communication between players and devs : ninja nerfs are not a good thing. In my job we learn that communication is the best way forward. We need communication, we need explanations in order to understand the vision of the TR devs that have to confront that of the Community buildings and bring out a direction for the future.
I love this class, i love this game, but I'm tired of playing a yoyo sometimes overpowered , sometimes unplayable in fontion the module.
Sorry for my english.
Im sorry if i didnt made my point clear enough. I was talking about new characters not already geared. Despite having nearly 1700 Itemlevel my TR have only ~8300 power with several campaign boons. I have no doubt that with enough gear and MI you can manage to kill those mobs fast, but you should remember that only MI have access to GC. WK cannot stay in stealth for so long while dpsing.
Lower geared TR's will also get wrecked, because some mobs will dps you through stealth (Thayan Servitors anyone?) those annoying dudes will throw daggers at you even if you're in stealth all the time. The Red Wizzards will surround themself with big RED AoE that will prevent you from doing melee attacks to them. There are also some golems (mostly in Dread Ring) that will throw aoes right and left.
Please, meet my Paladin. She's not even 70 yet and with barely 1k item level. No enchants at all (as you can see in the video below) with some greens and blues from story quests and 3man dungeons. She has only lvl20 white companion following her, yet she can solo WoD and IWD with no problems. She doesnt even need to use daily powers or healing potions. Heck, she can even solo some HE in IWD.
<6k Power Paladin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUAscQzGWLc
Let me know how are new TR players suppose to do in these areas with similar gear and lvl. I have 3 characters 60+ atm and TR is the worst when it comes to soloing with the gear available from story quests and dungeons. Perhaps im wrong, maybe you can make a video where you will show me that TR can do as much as my Paladin.
I sympathize with your issues. I hope the dev's actually read this thread and give us back Stealth and SoD that were unfairly taken away.
Comparing Paladin is rather unfair - since Paladin is FOTM and is Cryptic's cash cow at the moment. It will get it's due nerfs next mod to bring it more in line with the other classes (except CW, which we know is always going to be uber).
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
I would be uber with nerfs anyhow
First off OMFG why would you ruin such a pure class like Trickster Rogue. Mod 4 we could stay stealthed and finish dailies pretty easy it was rough at times but we had a fighting chance.(Permastealth INT base)
mod 5 - im playing on xbox, great survival and massive aoes to melt stuff fast as a MI execution build.
mod 6 - i have spent more money than i would like to admite trying to find a balance , sure spamming gloming cut keeps me stealthed but most of the heavies in Well of dragons and IWD seem to see me any ways. Try going aoe burns dont last more than a few rounds.
I could rebuild him to full survival just to do dailies but to what end he would be useless in groups with weak dps again like it was in mod 4.
atm im running 2100 ilvl
7k power
2-3 across the board including def and deflect and im still begging people to help me with dailies.
Is that what mods intended for every one to be forced to group content daily missions, because of this i am forced to play a OP.
it seems to be the only class that can dps and maintain hp the whole time.
I beg you as a rogue from many different platforms fix my class so i can go back to loving a game im addicted to again.
Mod 6 was a great, and enjoyable challenge for all of them and I have managed to get each to the point where they can solo the mobs in the different areas, except for the TR. I've been upgrading them petty equally, as such, his stats and equipment seem on par with the others but both DPS and survivability tanked and hasn't recovered.
I'm not sure what more to do with the character. Dailies remain such a frustrating and deadly struggly that I don't play him much anymore. It's a shame because it was such a fun and versatile class to play.
You may want to take a look at your build. I had to ditch my Wk Exec build for a Wk Sab build... to enjoy gameplay again. I can now solo Shar, DR, IWD and WoD. My iL is 2.3.