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Paladin PvP discussion

burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
edited July 2015 in The Citadel
since there arent any PvP guides ill just make a topic for PvP tips and questions

ill start with my observations

While pala dont have hard mechanics, its more tactical than other classes, you dont have standard cookie cutter setups, like many other classes, you have to adjust to game and switch out skills accordingly. You have to know where you have to be and what you have to do since you are slow and you kill slowly. Building a Paladin for PvP its important to reach certain threshold - ability to survive 1v2 vs most ppl, later you will be able to stand more, but its not that often that you have more than 2 ppl on you, that is why for low ilvl ppl i would suggest focusing on tank stats and going Bulwark, when you gear up you can switch to justice to add some kill potential, but being able to contest node against any one player and most 2x is really important.

i use PNegation its great overall and useful for my other characters, i cant afford EB + Negation, and I am not geared enough for Elven Battle(imho its more for close to BiS paladins). For weapon i use Plague Fire since its cheaper, Terror would be better, but its more expensive + a lot of ppl run it anyway, so PF can stack it is and work well in both pvp and pve.
Armor set - i use Medic, though both sets arent great for pala, but Gladiator seems to waste a lot of points on stats i dont want, it really could have used ArP in place of those stats, on Medic at least i get crit that is useful vs ppl who dont have too much tenacity.

some skills i use(i wont post setups since it varies a depending on situations)

Lay on Hands - nice full heal that can support team i usually have it on my bar, sometimes i use it on myself, but mostly on team since a live team member can do more damage than Divine Judgement.

Divine Judgement - im starting to use that less, since i dont have enough gear for that to be devastating, usually i use it against squishy low ilvl players who dont have a lot of cc when im in no danger and need all the damage i can get to clear node asap

Divine protector - good for teamfights, but since im usually alone on a node and i have decent gear i dont use it, it is still great for low ilvl paladins in 1vx fights

Heroism - starting to like this skill a lot, if you have decent or better gear its one of best daily abilities, it also works great vs CWs - class that is most annoying to fight + you get more damage along wit cc resist it allows you to do more damage in most cases than DJ


Relentless avenger - use it most of the time it does decent damage, great job at building AP, and allows you to get back to node fast after CW pushes you out

Templars Wrath - this skill never leaves my bar, it builds our temp hp, and covers whole node making it easier to fight TR, Absolution might be more effective as defensive ability, but overall Templars wins

Binding oath - reduces damage taken and returns some damage - my 3rd default skill since it allow tanking more ppl, but its useful only if there are ppl dealing enough damage to you

Smite - i use it in place of binding when im quite safe and i just want to kill ppl and clear node faster

Cleansing touch - i use it mostly when in survival mode and 1v1 vs geared CW and Heroism isnt enough- helps against cc and with sustain


i generally use 2 setups

Truth + Protection - my default setup, useful in any situation and safer

Courage + Wisdom - vs low ilvl players where im safe, or if im trying to push something tanky off the node and need all the dps i can get, be warned though, Courage is bugged and can kill you in certain conditions, so use with caution

3rd setup is smth i havent tested a lot but i am considering it vs smth like 2x HR when im ccd so often i cant really do anything. its Truth(with daze from offhand) + Vengeance - the combination of these with many small hits and can create performance issues with game and make them uncomfortable, annoyed and its not like you can cast any active skill when you are ccd every 0.126 seconds

Radiance works ok vs annoying permastealth in survival mode(when he just contests instead of attacking), though i rarely get to use it
Paladin Master Race
Post edited by burkaanc on


  • quspivquspiv Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,087 Arc User
    You could've inclue your rank or on which page you're in NCL and maybe even some videos of holding the node vs 2 or more geared players.

  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    im around page 5~10, got to 4th, but then got fkd by a bug 2x(when the queue tries to teleport you while you are changing maps you get disconnected) and thrown back to 10, now i play 3~4 games a day and its not enough to move up, will change rings to piercing and get arp armor reinforcement then maybe it will be easier, but atm i kill too slow to carry some games since my gear isnt that great, no legendary items, everything epic and dont have ilvl 137 armor, getting same gloves 5x in a row(2.7k ilvl)

    also this is not meant as a guide, its just some stuff i picked up while playing, guides take too much effort to do right
    Paladin Master Race
  • shillaenshillaen Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    hi there burk,..
    thanks for sharing this,...im currently lvl 33...but found out bug of courage....
    so is aura of vengeance bugged too? ... :cold_sweat: what do you think ?

  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    ive used it like once, didnt notice any bugs
    Paladin Master Race
  • castethcasteth Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    why going to justice?

    I am bulwark, page 2/3
    I kill as much as any other paladin, i die maybe less than the other.

    i got all artifact max lvl, enchant from 8 to 10 ( excepting transcendant terror enchant )
    I'm not using negation enchant
    I'm not using elven enchant.

    And i disagree, about 1 encounter ; cleansing touch is the only 1 that you must have on pvp

    The other are just from a point of view and about what/who you are fighting ( yes, i switch a lot during a pvp )

    About the aura, i go for truth and courage

    I can switch courage because of the instant kill bug to protection, or sometime for " loneliness" ( not sure about the translation but this is the last aura top down on the tree)

    Le Déchu.
  • shillaenshillaen Member Posts: 57 Arc User
    Aura of Solitude.....nice one ...
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    casteth wrote: »
    why going to justice?

    Le Déchu.

    because i pve on that character also, and in pve dmg bonus from justice is really nice, though it helps in pvp also, makes clearing some ppl easier(when you get thrown in some noob match and you need to clear your node from enemy noobs asap so you win before your noobs manage to lose or go afk) i still can tank almost any(if not any) solo person and most duos(unless they play dev favorite class)
    Paladin Master Race
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    I'm Bulwark spec and working on my gear still, but at 2500 iL I can readily tank equivalent characters to the point of it taking a party to whittle me down with no tenacity (I haven't tested now that I've got Burning boots).

    Auras: Wisdom + Vengeance
    Courage depends on your ability to attack, Vengeance does damage even while you are stun locked, and when your team is around and the other team drops AoEs a lot of damage pours out of Vengeance. (Also funny watching the HP of a TR go down while they stun lock and flurry you...)

    Wisdom means your and your parties cd's are lower potentially a couple of seconds lower. In PvP if you are not Justice that's a huge deal. If you can cycle up your powers faster than the other team it helps take control of the event.

    RA: gap closer with our longest reach that also scatters the enemy pack.
    Templar's: temp HP and large AoE with enough of a stun that it messes up attack cycles and gives your team a moment more control.
    Smite: because it hits hard for the initial strike and the ongoing dots are a bonus.

    Cleansing as casteth mentions is also quite useful if you can hit your team mates, especially if there is no healer in your party. Replaces Smite in my set up.

    DP: because its even better on your own. You take 20% of incoming damage and no squishy team mate is passing you 10's of thousands of points of damage. If I can get this up I can hold out against 2-3 BiS characters for its duration as well.
    DJ: because sometimes that annoying person gets below half their health and a DJ will still kill them. Most squishy classes have 80-100k HP, I can crit for 60-70k with DJ still and I'm not running Vorpal.

    If you have no healer on your team Lay on Hands is still great.

    I don't like Heroism. 20s of CC immune is great, but without a maxed DC Sigil it's not going to proc enough for our tiny damage to matter, though as you hit BiS I think this will be the go to Daily over DP for PvP.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • fatgunsfatguns Member Posts: 410 Arc User
    I Loughed so hard from the "Paladin needs more skill" type of sentence xD Realy?!
  • castethcasteth Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    Edit :

    Yesterday i tried justice path :

    Now my aura are vengeance and protection or courage ( depends what i am fighting )

    About the other skill :

    actually i'm testing something :

    - absolution
    - Templar wrath
    - cleansing touch

    About dailies

    - Divine protector ( always and forever )
    - lay of hand ( or sometime DJ )

    It seems to work very well on pvp, if it's pve i will go for smite instead of templar wrath
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    Note expect Lay on Hands to be less effective in PvP soon, as currently healing depression does not apply to it, but will be applied soon.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    Note expect Lay on Hands to be less effective in PvP soon, as currently healing depression does not apply to it, but will be applied soon.

    i hope so, its broken, wrote a bug topic about that, probably the issue was caused because it didnt heal a certain amount, but to full, and the skill "forgot" to charge more ap for it since, although you heal for 25% hp, it should charge as if healing for 50%
    Paladin Master Race
  • edgethemcedgethemc Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 24 Arc User
    Devotion path, Justice build with a couple feats from Healer tree and you're golden vs 5 dudes with more than half decent gear and the right rotation. I have like 2 boons (from Tyranny) and 3 Blue PvP pieces and one Burning elemental medic piece (got from NCL) and I do just fine against 3, sometimes 4 people with good gear/boons... if its mediocre built chars, I can take all 5 of them.

    Seriously, with the right rotation and a decent knowledge of all the classes, you can win a match easy, if everyone just runs around capping while you take the heat. lol

    While divine judgement+Justice capstone was broken, it was too easy, now, people just needs to shift the tactic, and focus on surviving and movement!!! (dont be a dummy just standing on the node)

    I'd say the pally is still too far from being a viable class to play PvP toe-to-toe (with a well built/gearerd char) vs a well built char, they still need to fix a lot of stuff and nerf some things, otherwise they'll just keep doing the same thing: Bullwarks standing on a node doing nothing and hardly pressing any keys (yay, fun).
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