The Knights of Castle Never are a small and dedicated group of traditional Dungeons and Dragons players that wish to create a more fun and cooperative experience on the Xbox One. We welcome all to join and play together as often as work schedules allow. Please message (Ser Teiwaz Djemdjemian@Law Enforcer182) if you are interested. Moving up in rank within the guild is easy as well. All you have to do is contribute.
Guild Name: Knights of Castle Never
Guild Leader: Ser Teiwaz Djemdjemian
Guild Contact: Ser Teiwaz Djemdjemian@Law Enforcer182
Guild Website:
Guild Motto: "Honor forged through glory!"
Guild Currently Recruiting: YES
Current Guild Size: 9 Members
Guild Size Goal: Any
Guild Type: RPGing / Dungeon Crawls
Guild Peak Time Zones: Eastern
Description: The Knights of Castle Never are a small and dedicated group of traditional Dungeons and Dragons players that wish to create a more fun and cooperative experience on the Xbox One.
GT: Bird Sarcoma
Currently running 16k+ GF (def-spec)