So now with NCL out, certain guilds have been exploiting the board by using partial premades, usually just 2 or 3 players to avoid going against another premade. Puffing up their stats by unbalancing vs pugs. Can't call out specific guilds on these forums, but for the sake of discussion, we'll call the guild the fictitious name Paybreak American Express for lack of a better name.
Usually a BiS DC and OP, both unkillable OP classes of course. OP spams daily where party takes 0 damage. When that isn't up, stand on DC 000000000 skill circle. Pugs have 0000000000 chance and probably don't even have a healer class of their own. Of course that's the whole point.
This is why any kind of group shouldn't be matched with pure pugs. Also why they need to make a pvp scenario that isn't domination. Death match, capture flag, whatever. Domination just leads to troll OP healers sitting on node. Make something where pugs can use actual, you know? skill to their advantage please. At the very least make GG an NCL map, at least there with 10 players and more space there is a chance pugs can win. 5 on 5 is totally broken when people pull this HAMSTER.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
- It has something to do with class balance. You said it has 'nothing to do', and then added "which is its own issue", you do realize matchmaking matches different classes? If all classes are balanced then an equally geared GWF+SW vs GF+DC or TR+DC or OP+TR, that would mean it would be an even match? the fact is, GF+DC or TR+DC combo will win 95%+ of the time, if you do not believe, we can find 2 players both around 4k GS and bet a few GMOPs on it. You speak as if class is balanced, which is NOT so essentially it IS a problem with class balance, period. (again, feel free to PM me for bets
- "Fat whales are fed casual players and excrete cash. Perfect place for you and the likes, enjoy " What do you mean 'you and the likes', what likes? care to explain? Because judging from how wrong you were from the first two points, your 3rd point is likely worthless too... yes, you and the likes..
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
I have queued up with a healadin guildie, with my TR, and we held 2 for entire matches. I have been oddly teamed with other "really good" pally healers... and when we teamed up we dominated where ever we were. At one time with both situations, it was 5v2 and we held our own long enough to cap 1 and 2...
Here's me trolling half of the pug team on my own for 6+ mins until they all get destoyed... (obviously, what can the rest 4~5 pugs do against the 8~9 ppl from my team...
*I trolled about 7~8 ppl for about 10 minutes another day, too bad my video recording program wasn't ready back then... If I manage to get that much attention again I will record it..
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
I thought I would have a go at the top 40. Made it to page 14 and 28th overall. Its been a long, hard and disappointing slide down from there.
I really enjoy all the flaming, toxicity and just downright nastiness of some of the "top" pvp guilds. Man, its a game. Dang. Have some respect for fellow players. You actually hurt the game and make it generally unpleasant. Im convinced this is why pvp suffers so.
Then again, perhaps that's your goal. Defeat your enemies by not having to fight them in the first place.
Sun Tzu would be proud. I guess.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
This pvp system is one of the most asinine systems Ive ever had the displeasure to participate in. If I ran my fantasy football league like this I would be more than likely fielding all 12 teams.
Obviously different people look at 'abuse' or 'insult' differently. Such as the video I posted above, using totally valid builds/encounters, people still accuse me for using 'speed hack', 'exploits' and would flame me or even put me on ignore only because they can't kill me... I probably get a hate tell every 2~3 games because people dont understand the mechanics and would accuse me for using hacks, and you know once they become unreasonable, it becomes very difficult to communicate with them.
What I am saying is, if its a valid insult, valid exploit people are using, report it. Last night I have reported a TR in GG that somehow managed to hide himself into the mechanical wheel thingie in the middle of the node, many people there has reported the same, this would be an "valid" exploit, however accusing me for using speed hack only because I can combine the horn item (temporary +50% speed bonus or something) then sprint and run faster than epic mount to whack ppl down, now that's not a speed hack, thats totally legit, there is a difference between fact and assumption, I encourage all people to report anything that is an obvious exploit.
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Unlike domination, GG is 10 people. Thus, even if the 2~3 man trollmades are superiorly BiS, if the average playing level of the rest 7~8 people aren't up to snuff then things can go bad. Especially if the other team has (while not so BiS) still quite a few good players that are determined to win, and even the pug players on that team have higher average level of players, then it is especially likely that the 2~3 man trollmades will win whereever they go, but all of the rest of the nodes will be losing.
Even in that state, the 2~3 man trollmades have a good chance to win. Each of them are BiS level players and thus, a significant boost to the strength of your forces whereever one of them goes. If they actually split apart, go help the different nodes where the team is contesting, then things could become very even.
But of course, that means their little invincible group isn't invincible anymore. You don't have your own BiS-stocked team members watching your back, or there to bail you out when in trouble... so if they want to win, they have to split up and often fight losing battle, or even to the death to delay enemy advance and stuff.
Do they do that? Nope.
These trollmades are the first to leave the match. Everytime. If their side is winning, they play it through... and then they complain on zonechat how boring it is. When they are losing, is when things can be interesting, where they need to really pull their weight and show to all the PuGs what an organized premade can do... and what do they do?
They just leave.
Every single one of you premades from "certain famous guilds", yeah, that's right. I've been tracking your movements in GG. Every time I see your groups (different variations of who is in it, bust mostly similar), I ask the other pugs in your team if they're still there, when the numbers show "10 vs 7"
The answer I get is; "No, they left" -- every time.
Yeah, you people know who I am talking about.
Such an inspiration and positive effect to NW's PvP community you are. *snicker*
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
I hardly know who is in my team other than the number of classes... (eg 1 DC, 3 CW, 2 TR, 2 OP...etc) but then again... i dont think any serious PvP guild care much about GG... GG is only like a place to test out the new builds or for a more relaxing smash-happy PvP
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Except there are different levels and preferences of PvP players, icy. It may be just rest and relaxation and sheets and giggles for people from famous PvP guilds, but a lot of the players who are just starting out, or want to try PvP for the first time, or just want to enjoy a bit less stressful versions of PvP combat come to GG as well.
Serious PvP guilds are a part of the community. They don't get free-passes to enjoy stuff at the expense of krapping on everyone else. It holds a poor example to other pug players who may be aspiring to become better in PvP and holds an especially terrible example to younger players with ego issues by treating lower rank/skill players like dirt.
If you're a long time PvP player of many games, over certain age, then you know what I am talking about -- its been a long affliction of PvP-centered groups over the years, and their members with ego-issues treating people like dirt with constant griefing, giving the entire PvP players a bad name and just giving out more and more excuses to PvErs that think all PvP players are a bunch of arshhole sociopaths that think the entire PvP scene should revolve around themselves, so they dump matches, they rig matches, they exploit terrain/map bugs, camp spawns for constant grief, tea-bagging people's dead bodies, and any other colorful assortment of disgusting behavior with full intention to humiliate others, which just declare to the world; "I'm a better player than you, so I'm gonna step all over you and do things whatever I want, and none of you can do anything about it."
Every PvP player goes through that phase IMO. I admit I was no different when I was in my twenties, a young man, proud, a lot of e-peen to fling around... until I grew up and realized just how much this can be traumatizing to others, and then seen what my "guild" is doing to others in many of the games I've played, which why since then I've never joined any guild or organization within a game and just spent time alone. For the first time in a long time I've joined a guild, but I still spend most of the time alone, never queue with a premade group, and fight anyone from my own guild when on a battlefield in earnest, as best as I could.
I'm not boasting. This is what I expect from people with a lot of PvP experience, who would see themselves as "veterans", not the "Lord of the Flies" attitude some people are showing.
When you queue in a game, you're committed to that group of people whether you like it or not. I admit I've also left some matches in the recent, mainly in the case where there's absolutely no hope for the team no matter how much I try, or how much I try to suggest better strategies. Just the stupid, dumb 'lemmings' attitude going on which is really frustrating to watch.
But I also fully acknowledge this is not a good behavior, so I won't be dropping any matches ever again. If I waste time with a losing, and hopeless team, then that's still a risk I took when I queued up for Dom/GG, and so I will see through its consequences, even if it means everybody giving up and wasting 10 minutes around the campfire.
Some would ask why I am so serious with this, and its because as a veteran player who wants to see more people playing PvP, I have an obligation to the people who enjoy PvP under whatever terms, so how would I ever be able to convince them to be a better player and try their best in matches, when all of us veterans are so poor examples?
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'