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stability fixes

theassistmantheassistman Member Posts: 58 Arc User
So much for this update fixing the framerate drop and stability with the servers huh?? played well of dragons will guild froze for over 2 minutes to the point we all had to quit and reload game. then went to epic pirates lair with the guild. every single one of us froze and got dashboard FOUR TIMES during the dungeon!!! come on man do you guys just say your gonna do stuff to appease us and not fix things??? PLUS the vote for loot thing is SO BROKEN right now its crazy!!! FIX THIS GAME. im sure others have experienced these issues already correct??

PLUS didnt the patch say no kicking for the 1st 3 minutes of dungeon?? well that doesnt work either cause kicks are still happening right when you enter with a fresh 5.
Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube.
Post edited by zebular on


  • cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    Strange, the performance since the update has improved considerably for me. Virtually no lag, no freezes at all and not one crash. Yet.
  • cybergutscyberguts Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    I've had the odd "machine gun" moments but no actual crashes like pre-patch. Also, when I drop my TT I have no lag.
    Have you tried doing a 30s power button press power cycle?
    Erdan Darksbane - Lvl 60 Soulbinder Fury SW
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    Wil - Lvl 25 TR (PvP)
  • cactusjacktercactusjackter Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    Should probably give more information about your Pirates run as well.

    What classes did you run with? Did you do that thing where you run past everyone at the last part, so there's far, far more enemies on screen than there's ever meant to be?
  • dreampagehundreampagehun Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    I still have freezes when the game stalls and all I can hear is a loud "brrrrrrrr" sound but then the game continues. Frame rate hasn't changed for me, it's basically the same. The loot system is broken for me too, highly frustrating to vote for loot then not getting the control back.
    Guardian Fighter | Total Item Level: 2600+
  • theassistmantheassistman Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    Should probably give more information about your Pirates run as well.

    What classes did you run with? Did you do that thing where you run past everyone at the last part, so there's far, far more enemies on screen than there's ever meant to be?

    1cw 1dc 1tr 1hr 1sw, we did not over pull enemies at all. seems pirates lair is always messed up and still is.
    Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube.
  • theassistmantheassistman Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    cyberguts wrote: »
    I've had the odd "machine gun" moments but no actual crashes like pre-patch. Also, when I drop my TT I have no lag.
    Have you tried doing a 30s power button press power cycle?

    yup some areas do run smoother yes. but have been getting freezes all night still in every campaign area still and so have all my friends. in the regular t2 dungeons with the exception of pirates lair all runs smooth but they always have.

    Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube.
  • theassistmantheassistman Member Posts: 58 Arc User
    ALSO, why have you guys still not fixed ELOL??? you said on your twitch stream that you were gonna fix the loot issue with the bosses dropping lvl60 blue items and that you were unaware of it a month ago?? looks like not much has been fixed. still bad frame rate, still freezes, still able to get kicked in 1st 3 minutes and all the time in dungeons, and you went ahead and broke the loot voting thing so now you get stuck after every time you vote on anything!
    Check me out on YouTube youtube.com/user/TheRealAssistMan or by googling or searing The Assist Man on YouTube.
  • nervusbreakd0wnnervusbreakd0wn Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    I have been saying this for a while, the update didn't do <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. The framerates are nothing like 2 nights ago and now when I'm in a party and a loot gets picked up, I pass it and stay stuck.

    I know you guys are working hard but don't show a video on YouTube on how great the game runs and then it's nothing like that when the update came.

    Protectors enclave still runs like <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. Well at least I don't see npc hairs popping out anymore.
  • weybornweyborn Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    DOH crashed with 30 secs to turn in volatile potion
    Rifken - CW - GS 14,461
    Riffken - DC - lvl 20
  • eroticdoomeroticdoom Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    Personally for me it's running almost perfectly .. only issues I have found are when entering Well of Dragons you lose all sound for a few seconds and the capes are still floating above players when on mounts at a distance.

    p.s Protectors is a little stutter at times but nowhere near what it used to be,
    " I reject your reality and substitute it with my own "
  • agent00spliffagent00spliff Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    I crashed 3 times in pvp last night, froze up and had to restart twice, then watched 3 people on the other team crash along with one person on their team get DCed every time they used a daily.
    Dolores Haze - CW
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  • xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    There's still oddness (dashboarding, disconnected from server suddenly and must restart game to get back in)) but I've not yet powercycled the XB One. Perhaps those who are running smoothly are on a better server, have a better link, got lucky, aren't getting PUG with people who are on a bad server/connection... Or probably more likely, those without issues have fully restarted (not quick started) the console since the update.
  • soonergmsoonergm Member Posts: 503 Arc User
    Overall game play for me seems to have improved. However well of dragons is pretty rough. During dragon fights the lag is strong... one encounter last night the dragon wasn't even visible and therefore you could not hit it with ranged attacks but you could with melee. On the plus side it didn't seem like anyone took damage from the dragon either lol
    My Toons

    SoonerGM - HR Trapper
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  • williamreedywilliamreedy Member Posts: 56 Arc User
    Beware casting Hallowed Ground in dungeons during boss fights. It seems to be causing 100% catastrophic freezes for all party members to the point you have to dashboard and restart the game.
  • ronroeronroe Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    Game works fine for me. Improved a lot imo. Although i didn't think it was bad before update, the game is dam FREE! Stick with it and it will only improve as it already has, it's not like it's costing you anything. And if you are putting money into it, that's your donation to them. No part of this game forcing anyone to spend any real money.
  • plannb23plannb23 Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    It was worse tonight than normal for me. When I rolled for loot I would get stuck in the roll. I would have to hit the select button, then B to get out. Tons of rubber banding as well.
  • dreampagehundreampagehun Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    I experience the biggest positive difference at Heroic Encounters. When fighting dragons the opening animation always plays as it should and the framerate never slows down to unplayable states. Even with a lot of people it stays perfectly playable which is good. Also in dungeons I found that the framerates can remain smooth much longer than before.

    However, it has to be said that Protector's Enclave still runs extremely bad, it stutters all the time no matter how many characters are on screen, and after loading a region the sound effects need quite a few seconds to load which results in a strange experience.

    Also, the game can totally freeze in Well of Dragons. Yesterday there was an instance where my game totally froze, I had to quit and when I logged in again the game said I was dead. I'm sure Well of Dragons can be further improved because right now it seems to be a bit unstable.
    Guardian Fighter | Total Item Level: 2600+
  • xxxsfalxxxxxxsfalxxx Member Posts: 133 Arc User
    Maybe it was my KV, maybe some other encounter or effect by me or somebody else (lots of folks were disconnected at various times, with very odd scoring resulting), but the locks (have to quit game and restart it) were quite often in the two PvP matches I played. So there are still a few kinks.
  • azcrackazcrack Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    Just used hallowed ground 3 times in a row and everytime the game froze for everyone in the dungeon. And we all had to close the game.. Black dragon in well of dragons wanders off and u cant kill it. Pvp froze on my brother 3 times today and he had to close the game.
  • nervusbreakd0wnnervusbreakd0wn Member Posts: 43 Arc User
    let me get this out.
    i am very happy you guys have put this on xbox, i know you guys are working hard trust i do appreciate all the effort.

    2 things that i like to get fixed because you just about killed every other issues.

    1. stuck on lottery items, this is pretty bad for most people.
    2. Protector enclave frame rate.

    get those 2 and im set.
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