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Knight's Valor : When to use it and synergies.

zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
Hi all fellows guardians.

Right now I'm in big trouble regarding Knight's valor and its usability.

Regarding what it does it seems a fair good encounter to help the group survive in numerous battles. But sometimes I feel like it's not that good for some reasons and you can often get booted for not using it.

So if any non guardian fighter read this feel free to answer and discuss about it and how it affects your gameplay when the tank uses it.

From my experience there are somes scenarios that repeat and each time ends the same way : VTK.

From a guardian fighter point of view, Knight's Valor is kind of a sacrifice, we are devoted to the group, preventing them from dying. For this reason we almost need to have or shield up ALL TIME but we can have as much stamina as we want, this shield will go down not only because of Knight's valor redirected damage but because we also need to take aggro (boss, adds) and they empty our stamina too. So we have Soldier of Steel that can help a bit there but not always. So we have to drop the shield gain stamina again and then pop the shield again. This is not easy, as most people think. We have to watch over everybody in the group and sometimes we only rely on a good Cleric as when the shield drops we take our damage and YOURS too ! Sometimes it ends up with a dead tank, and a wipe if the cleric is not aware or everybody stays on red circles thinking "I don't care the tank takes my damages".

That's why on PUG most of tanks like me want to see if everybody knows how to avoid damage and react before thinking about putting KV.

And if the tank dies it probably is because :

1 - Nobody cares when KV is up and stands where he should not.
2 - The Cleric is trying to heal everyone while he should focus on the tank (because of 1)
3 - Cleric is dead (not always its fault)

So what we GF have to do is stack more Def, HP, and Deviation, but the other players must be aware that a GF can't take all that damage always and once the shield is down he is vulnerable.

So KV is meant to be a team thing, the tank sacrifies itself not for you to do what you want like if nothing could hurt you, but to help you do your job like always but more easily so that the Cleric can focus most of its attention only on the tank.

If you GF have any advice to share, you are welcome.

If you other classes have something to share too you are welcome too :)


  • atlas77777atlas77777 Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    First off, as a GF you should never stack defense or deflection- it's poor stat allocation. HP in your def slots always. 48-50% damage resistance with 40-50k HP is enough for eLoL.

    Secondly, are you using shield talent? If you are and the mobs aren't dead by the time your guard runs out, then it's a dps problem, not a tank problem.

    Finally, I highly recommend the pseudodragon companion, which will have a chance on attacking to increase guard. Save up some zen and open the next set of lockboxes until you can afford one. Again, don't open these lockboxes-open the mod 5 lockboxes.
    -Rex, the Mad King of [Legendary Outlaws]

    "I saw you out there. I don't know what came over me, but I couldn't let you die. I found something inside of myself, something incredibly heroic. I mean, not to brag, but objectively..." -Peter Quill

    Rex IV Tact GF | tRex SS Rene CW | GT: G3TxxS0M3
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    I always play KV with shield talent, it would be awefull without it !!

    I'm not having trouble with finishing things, I have done eLOL plenty of times, It was just a general feeling about using it or not, and in what circumstances.

    I see a lot of DPS complaining or judging a tank only by the fact that they use KV or not, not even knowing how this works, and as soon as you put it they just don't watch the fight, they just spam their buttons, take a WHOLE LOT OF DAMAGe till my shield get's down and put the blame on me if I die ...

    They see it as a GOD mode for them, but don't understand that without it a tank can last FAR longer and keep aggro of the most deadly attacks from bosses while the other actualy take care of themselves and DPS accordingly.

    TLDR : I feel like groups play better without KV as they focus more on what is happening ! This is only in PUG of course.
  • birdsarcomabirdsarcoma Member Posts: 40
    As a Guardian, I agree. Some people simply think it's up to me to not only take my / their damage, but to do so without fuss. If it's an honest mistake, I'll understand. If you abuse the Valor, then it can end badly for you.

    As a bit of a lesson, I tend to turn off KV in PUGs with THOSE kinds of players. Let them understand that my ability is to assist them, not make up for their lack of skill.
    "If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
  • pvmsundayzpvmsundayz Member Posts: 9 New User
    [quote="birdsarcoma;12582929"]As a Guardian, I agree. Some people simply think it's up to me to not only take my / their damage, but to do so without fuss. If it's an honest mistake, I'll understand. If you abuse the Valor, then it can end badly for you.

    As a bit of a lesson, I tend to turn off KV in PUGs with THOSE kinds of players. Let them understand that my ability is to assist them, not make up for their lack of skill.[/quote]

    Im a GF myself , I agree with everything everyone has to say. The anology you used with the assist is how I play. Knight Valor is not a right. It's a privilege. Once i use my daily, heart of the green dragon, AoE affect agro, enhance mark any bigger ad or boss then pull up my shield. Thats all in about 3 seconds. If anyone wants to roll with me my handle is RykosTheFurious. My GT is RykosTheMighty. Good day all.
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    Glad to hear that you feel the same guys, was wondering if I was just too pesimistic or unlucky, but hey ... I'm not alone !
  • zizoomzizoom Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    atlas77777 wrote: »
    First off, as a GF you should never stack defense or deflection- it's poor stat allocation. HP in your def slots always. 48-50% damage resistance with 40-50k HP is enough for eLoL.

    Secondly, are you using shield talent? If you are and the mobs aren't dead by the time your guard runs out, then it's a dps problem, not a tank problem.

    Finally, I highly recommend the pseudodragon companion, which will have a chance on attacking to increase guard. Save up some zen and open the next set of lockboxes until you can afford one. Again, don't open these lockboxes-open the mod 5 lockboxes.

    Thanks for companion tips, I'll try to do that but, I'm sooo used to my ioun stone that I never felt that any companion could be worth loosing a ton of stats points (I am full draconic set so I need def and deviation to compensate ! :neutral: )
  • pvmsundayzpvmsundayz Member Posts: 9 New User
    Well what i did on my GD was stacked a decent amount of Def because of my 4 set armor bonus of the Grand Regent (20% of def converted into power). I use a Isos Stone (lvl 30) it has the 2 ring and neck, so I put 2 barbaric rings from shores on it and a shores neck. The Bonus doesn't carry over, I already tried with my Lair of Lost and Shores set.
  • aurochsgfaurochsgf Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    The only time KV really hurt was with 2 pug trs. I have 50k HP, 50% DR, 30% Deflect, with 600-800 life steal, guarded assault, fighters recovery up, while blocking, but still got melted because those 2 tr love to hug the rage drake during its spin move.
  • rockstargfurockstargfu Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    I have no issues i use drac set, for HP and constant up time of dmg immunity and group DR, i use center paragon and yeah so 50 DR, 25 deflect,

    Why are ppl sprung on reflect builds? Shorts team survivibilty in my perspective.

    I focus on AP gain, and all forms of DR
  • fluffy6977fluffy6977 Member Posts: 291 Arc User
    Honestly I refuse to use KV. I maintain aggro with ET, use into the fray to buff, and use Knights Challenge on bosses. Same effect (party takes 50% less dmg if they stand in stupid) better result (i only die if i stand in stupid and take 200% dmg, no one to blame but me.
  • dukesirashidukesirashi Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    I don't use it either as I always play with pugs. Either people complain that it is lagging their game or they think it makes them invincible and gets me killed.
  • djionicsxb1djionicsxb1 Member Posts: 75 Arc User
    edited July 2015
    I dont use KV at all now, same excuse that it lags this and that and in Tiamat its not a good idea for my "Hybrid" build. I do use into the frey instead to help that way. My style is a lot different from many tanks I have seen. I am conq build but I have also unlocked all tier 3 powers which makes my have diversity. ATM my build at 17.4k gs means I have a very high action point gain build while my regen is only 400 (which im now working on to add that bit more tanky side to me). But having silly action point gains means I can either drop fighter recovery or villans menace depending on the fight and my hp state. (I also have a purple blood crystal for those hairy moments that my dailies not up).

    PVE solo ill use lunging strike, frontline surge and enhanced threat due to need the max dps out of my moves.
    PVE with a mate or two I will either keep the above or switch in into the frey for enhanced threat as I will then use threatening rush as its a mini lunge/threat marker. Dungeons all depend on the group of pugs or a few mates and or a cleric. At the end of the day I know we choose the class as a tank but I am not going to sit there and pop healing pots like there candy, because the group is that bad and they dont know how to survive without a cleric (even though it sometimes feel like there is a fine line between what you class as acceptable).

    Dungeon boss (where there are mainly single boss to kill as add are easy enough) I will switch about if I feel the group can do without as much AoE from me (IE threat collecting the adds) I might switch in knee breaker so I can firstly debuff the boss with marks and plague fire (mines greater) then use into the frey and then use knee breaker and then if need get back to the adds etc etc.

    PVP is completely different matter as I almost always pug it so its about me having some fun but also killing other players and holding nodes on my own or with other players. Then I switch a lot about. But thats another story...
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