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Neverwinter newbie with questions to veterans (regular players)

baconislovebaconislove Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited June 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
1) First off with the control wizard paragon thing, is the spellstorm still viable? If so what should i put on the skill slot.
P.S. i already chose spellstorm so can yall just help me with the skill slots
2) Are races for classes really significant? how much does it affect the character e.g. halfing gwf, half orc dc
3) Are paladins really op if so why wont anyonedo something about it. (bc from my own experience it took 3 of us to take one down in pvp)
4) <Let's not discuss pay to win>
5) What do you guys prefer for fast leveling? questing or dailies (skirmish, pvp, dungeons)
P.S. Im just a casual player (12 hrs max. a day, fyi thats when im totally free, and im a student with a thesis to finish so there are days, weeks where i dont play)

PS i just copy pasted this from my reddit post bc i think people are more active here. thanks in advance!
Post edited by lewstelamon01 on

Best Answers

  • candinho2candinho2 Member Posts: 550 Arc User
    edited June 2015 Answer ✓
    CW SS is realy viable, races used to be a good point on class, but with mod 6, it makes no difference, pvp being pay-to-win is true, also pve if you want to be strong, if you don't want any enchantment on weapon/armor and don't want to pass r7 enchants on gear, then u can say it's a free to play game(but you won't get an invite to t2 dungeons), so if you want all enchants, all maxed, be ready to open your wallet and pay, not much just about 2000 usd will make some enchants, no sure if all.
    lving from 1 to 60 pvp or quest(quest is faster, but pvp is required from 20~22 if want to be fast) after 60 go kill giants, cause quests will not give any good xp, just do the quests on last map to get the elemental weapon, but do it after 70 if you don't want to kick your pc or hit someone or even kill yourself.
  • myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited June 2015 Answer ✓
    beatannier wrote: »
    1. Both paragons are viable and since SS nerf, both paragons makes almost same DPS now. MoF is slightly better for PvP, SS is slightly better for PvE. MoF is slightly better for all party, SS is slightly better for soloing.

    2. Races plays very minor role (upto 5% DPS increase).

    3. Good OP is an immortal OP. This is OP as OP asked. OP should be nerfed so we can kill him and I hope it will before module 7.

    4. <See OP.>

    5. Just quests upto lvl 60 (use +XP Azure enchantments in Utility slots), then go Giants on Spinward Rise until lvl 70 ot just make all Spinward Rise quests (3x 16).

    I would agree that all of the information above is pretty good overall. However, if you want the "free" main-hand artifact weapon, you have to complete all of the main quests (each of four elemental seeds obtained AFTER the Minsc quests).
    Post edited by lewstelamon01 on
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."


  • beatannierbeatannier Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    1. Both paragons are viable and since SS nerf, both paragons makes almost same DPS now.
    MoF is slightly better for PvP, SS is slightly better for PvE. MoF is slightly better for all party, SS is slightly better for soloing.

    2. Races plays very minor role (upto 5% DPS increase).
    3. Good OP is an immortal OP. This is OP as OP asked. OP should be nerfed so we can kill him and I hope it will before module 7.

    4. <See the OP.>
    5. Just quests upto lvl 60 (use +XP Azure enchantments in Utility slots), then go Giants on Spinward Rise until lvl 70 ot just make all Spinward Rise quests (3x 16).
    Post edited by lewstelamon01 on
  • sixpax2sixpax2 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    Love the PvP mindset to nerf everything until only your class choice is viable. Here's a better idea, remove PvP altogether.
    "While it is possible to tank as a Justice or Light paladin, it is substantially harder, especially on longer fights where Holy Barrier and your other defensive feats get chances to kick in and contribute quite a bit of defensive power." - System Designer Gentlemancrush
  • suicidalgodotsuicidalgodot Member Posts: 2,465 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    2) Are races for classes really significant? how much does it affect the character e.g. halfing gwf, half orc dc

    In PvP more so - e.g. the elves' CC resistance traits do help there. Also the stat bonuses do often matter.

    3) Are paladins really op if so why wont anyonedo something about it. (bc from my own experience it took 3 of us to take one down in pvp)

    They work as intended, but I suppose with the next Module they'll be toned down a bit. Other classes met that fate, e.g the HR.

    <See OP. Please refrain from discussion of "pay to win" topics.>
    5) What do you guys prefer for fast leveling? questing or dailies (skirmish, pvp, dungeons)

    Story quests IMHO even up to Lvl 67, the XP aren't half bad, and I found that way faster, as you can just breeze through the content. If you're geared enough for Sharandar and Dread Ring, this gives good XP, too. When you hit 67 go directly to SpinRise and do all 51 (intro, 3x16 + 2 transition quests) Vigilance quest there and the "Seed of Air" finale to get your Elemental Fire Main Hand.

    Don't spend cash for XP boosters, these have neglegible effect, especially when you consider the rather indecent price...

    PvP... ...well. Depends on how many twinks you meet in those mathches in lower levels. There are "smart" players who put on top notch gear with high Rank enchantments etc. to just shred hapless casuals, and get a headstart on their Leaderboard rankings when hitting 70, so everybody can see what 1337 PwNrZ they are... :^/
    Post edited by lewstelamon01 on
  • gigarayzorgigarayzor Member Posts: 44 Arc User
    Well first off, as I'm sure you've noticed the subreddit isn't the most active and the mods here censor just about anything that makes the company or game look bad, so if you want honest discussion join a good guild or find a knowledgeable friend in-game to ask. This game unfortunately lacks a strong network of peripheral community websites outside of the main client.

    Spellstorm is still a strong ability/path. Whether it's the utmost best or not is less certain, but it's certainly viable. You will still outdamage most equally geared DPS's of other classes.

    Race isn't a huge factor, generally for a wizard it means a few percentage points difference in damage, maybe up to 5% tops. So it's not insignificant, but gear and proper build matter much more. You'll be able to do all content fine with the worst race picks. For a spellstorm wizard, I would say optimal races are probably Human, Dragonborn, and Tiefling.

    Paladins are certainly incredibly strong at low levels, though they are somewhat more balanced at level 70. I can't say if they're perfectly balanced, but at least not as noticeably strong. I'm guessing there will be balance changes coming, but the devs seem to still be focused on damage control from Module 6, so until they get the most severe bugs and issues addressed I doubt they'll do any major changes.

    Do Rhix's daily quests for AD, and the Tyranny of Dragons campaign to progress that while you're leveling. The reason is the rewards are useful at level 70, while almost everything from normal questing will be replaced in a few levels (With the exception of 2 bags and I think an asset pack if I remember). After those dailies are done, quests are a good source of experience and level-appropriate equipment.

    Oh, and I'm guessing this is relevant from your deleted question, but everything in the zen store can be purchased by exchanging Astral Diamonds for Zen. The only thing currently exclusive for paying players is the first time buyer's pack, which is handy but certainly not that crucial. Your AD income will seem pretty tiny at first, but once you get your first character up to 70 and start getting more alts online to invoke/farm leadership, it will grow and grow until you can even reach those several thousand zen packs. For first purchases, I highly suggest character slots and a purple tier zen store mount.
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