That Resistance guard drone bug definitely is there. Ran Resistance prison (at Normal difficulty) few days ago and found myself facing almost dozen Destroids in few seconds.
/Not Signed. It is utterly pointless to put in penalties for alert leavers as long as people can leech away at alerts without any penalty. Punishing alert leavers without a system to find and punish leechers would basically mean that people would get punished for refusing to cater to leechers.
Had the same bug few hours ago, crashed several times during Cazulon fight, sometimes right after starting battle, sometimes a bit afterwards. Finally managed to beat Cazulon without crashing after lowering my graphics settings to near-minimum, however not sure if the crash bug is with graphics or with one of Cazulon's…
Feh. Fought Mr. Wormy at Rad Rumble earlier and despite having multiple lvl 30+ DPS characters (well, all sidekicked to level 30, of course) in team AND blocking his life drain, he was still healing himself like anything. Could be an issue with the "Burst Boost" though, haven't fought that worm at regular alerts.
Quitter penalty for Alerts without a mention of penalty for leechers is such a ridiculously bad idea that it is practically funny. Not denying the fact that such quitters are annoying, however punishing quitters without punishing leechers would mean that players would be punished for refusing to "serve" leechers.
Agreed. Some kind of level limit (11 at minimum, although 15 wouldn't be a bad idea either) would mean that people joining Alerts have enough powers and superstats, and besides there would also be the welcome effect of not repeatedly seeing all those basic questions that would have been answered by people spending a minute…