i remember when the devs made vibora bay as a paid expansion to make alittle cash for the company . but some of us here protested madly about it. so they made it into a patch update just. but in the current state of the game i whould gladly trow some money at cryptic for a well done expansion. but it has to be a good and…
i havent tried steel crusade yet as i dunno. im gonna try this asap. btw. you guys looking for writers by any chance? :p who will try to keep the game in teen rating. and i think you meant canadascott btw ^^
i dont think i meant the hue or gamma. doesnt have to rain and be all gotham all the time. just that needs more darkness thats all. -thanks for reading
i got this guy for christmas. he keeps singing a strange tune and i cant feed him after midnight for some reason. no seriously i have a nice cat named dexter. yea named after the tv series. no photos as hes very camera shy and i dont have one.
i can deal with that sure. if the mobs we are fighting where more gray side then light side. ii love the costume creator but it seems that my imagination is halted by the setting of the game.
i guess im the only one that wants more evil and darkness. sorry to hear that. you all make sence some deeper then others, but i remain in my quest for a dark champions online. doesnt have to be black red with pointy things tho. as finn allmost said , i whould be more scared of a rainbow clown then a guy dressed in black…
nah man. its just observations from ren center and such in all these years. dont care about 5 ppl with silverage heroes. im talking about all newcomers with red and black characters. i mean i got alot of toons myself and a couple of silver age ones. but im dark in heart so personally i wish this to happen
you have no idea of the costs are for marketing do you? :p does it give profit above what they spent on marketing. and what should they PR? like hey we got this game here but we dont care about it lel.
just no. luke cage as captain america? and whats with the 80´s vibe i get, and the stereotypical picturing. ju no marvel. sometimes its ok to keep a winning horse.
personlly i think its cool. i seen something simular a loong time ago at concept art.org. before they changed the bloody website to something horrible... anyways. that concept was a blind batman with 2 drones acting as eyes. and he had those wings i think. very cool stuff. whouldnt want to see it in a game or movie tho.…
i whould upgrade the textures as wow has done and squezed out to most of the engine. more costumes and powers. and i whould add a expanion with players as evil doers. thats about it :p